內容簡介: |
瓦伦斯编*的《在Arduino帮助下掌握微控制器 第2版影印版英文版》的目的不仅是让你进入 Arduino的世界,而且它也试图让你获得成功,从而 继续获取Arduino学习经验。在本书中理论知识通过 Ardunio编程环境与Arduino单板的实践融为一体。通 过完成这些有趣和好玩的课程,你将能够为任何微控 制器编程,处理和掌握IO、内存、中断、通信串口 、12C、SPI、单总线、系统管理总线、模数转换器 等等。本书将是你的**本有着美好结局的有关微控 制器的书籍。所有本书中出现的例子都可以免费下载 。
1.Quick Start Guide
1.1 Software Installation
1.2 Installing the Hardware
1.2.1 Windows XP or Later
1.2.2 Mac OS X
1.2.3 Linux
1.3 Hello World
2.1 Someone Knocks at the Door
2.2 Where Are We Going?
3.Know Your Opponent
3.1 A Short History of Microcontrollers
3.2 They are Cute, but What''s Inside?
3.2.1 The Processor
3.2.2 The Oscillator
3.2.3 Memory
3.2.4 Interrupts
3.2.5 InputOutput Ports
3.2.6 Analog-to-Digital Converter
3.2.7 Digital-to-Analog Converter
3.2.8 Communication Modules
3.2.9 Time Management
3.2.10 Other Peripherals
3.3 Tools
3.3.1 Programming
3.3.2 Loading the Program into the MCU
3.3.3 Debugging
4.Rapid Prototyping Italian Style
4.1 The Godfather 1, 2 and 3
4.2 Pasta, Cheese and Tomato Sauce
4.3 Base Ingredients
4.4 The Kitchen
4.4.1 File Menu
4.4.2 Edit Menu
4.4.3 Sketch Menu
4.4.4 Tools Menu
4.4.5 Help Menu
4.4.6 Manage the Tabs
4.5 The Service
4.5.1 Table Setting
4.5.2 The Headwaiter
5.My First Offense
5.1 The Wrench
5.2 Get to Know the Hood
5.3 Preparing the Job
5.4 A Sizeable Problem
5.5 The Snitch
5.6 Flashing Lights
5.7 Incarcerated
5.8 Out on Parole
5.9 Reintegration
6.Digital Signals: All or Nothing
6.1 Surprises
6.2 More Surprises
6.3 The Matrix Keyboard
6.4 Charlie to the Rescue
7.Analog Signals: Neither Black Nor White
8.Communication: an Art and a Science
9.The Clock is Ticking
10.Interrupts- Pandora''s Box
11.Circuits and Exercises
Programs Overview
nlustrations Overview
Tables Overview