內容簡介: |
第1章 综合 Common
第2章 工程勘测 Engineering investigation
2.1区域地质与地震 Regional geology and seismicity
2.2工程地质条件 Engineering geological conditions
2.3岩土力学 Rock and soil mechanics
2.4主要工程地质问题 Main engineering geological considerations
2.5天然建筑材料与岩土试验 Natural construction materials and geotechnical test 23
2.6工程地质勘察 Engineering geological investigation
2.7测量 Engineering survey
2.8主要报告及图表名称Titles of reports,figures and tables
第3章 工程规划 Planning
3.1水文泥沙 Hydrology and sediment
3.2水能及水资源利用 Water power and water resources utilization
3.3经济评价 Economic evaluation
3.4主要报告及图表名称 Titles of reports,figures and tables
第4章 环保与移民 Environmental protection and resettlement
4.1环境保护 Environmental protection
4.2水土保持 Water and soil conservation
4.3移民安置 Resettlement
4.4主要报告及图表名称 Titles of reports,figures and tables
第5章 水工建筑物 Hydraulic structures
5.1通用 General
5.2挡水建筑物 Water retaining structure
5.3泄水建筑物 Water release structuresoutlet structures
5.4输水建筑物 Conveyance structures
5.5发电厂房 Powerhouse
5.6基础及边坡处理Treatment of foundation and slope
5.7观测监测 ObservationMonitoring
5.8其他 Miscellaneous
5.9常用计算准则与方法 Common calculation criteria and methods
5.10主要报告及图表名称 Titles of reports,figures and tables
第6章 水力机械 Hydro-machinery
6.1水轮机及附属设备 Turbine and auxiliary equipment
6.2辅机系统 Auxiliary machinery
6.3安装和调试 Installation and trial running
6.4主要图表名称 Titles of figures and tables
第7章 金属结构及安装 Hydraulic steel structures and installation
7.1 闸门 Gate
7.2启闭机 Hoist
7.3升船机 Shiplift
7.4主要图表名称 Titles of figures and tables
第8章 电工 Electricity
8.1通用 General
8.2电力系统及电气接线 Electric power system and connection
8.3发电机与发电电动机 Generator and generator—motor
8.4电气设备 Electric equipment
8.5过电压保护、防雷、接地与电气安全 Overvoltage protection,lightning protection,
earthing and electric safety
8.6电力电子含SFC与励磁设备 Electronics,including SFC and excitation equipment
8.7监控系统 Supervision and control system
8.8继电保护系统 Relay protection system
8.9控制电源 Control power sources
8.10 通信、工业电视与门禁系统 Communication,industrial TV and access control svstem
8.11电气设备布置 Electric equipment layout
8.12主要图表名称 Titles of figures and tables
第9章 土建工程施工 Construction of civil works
9.1施工布置与交通运输 Construction layout,access and transportation
9.2建筑材料 Construction materials
9.3施工导流 Diversion during construction
9.4主体工程施工 Construction of main structures
9.5施工工厂设施及施工机械 Construction plants and machinery
9.6施工进度 Construction schedule
9.7主要报告及图表名称 Titles of reports,figures and tables
第10章 工业与民用建筑 Industrial and civil architecture
10.1建筑与结构 Architectonics and structure
10.2供暖、通风与空调 Heating,ventilation and air conditioningHVAC
10.3给排水 Water and wastewater system
10.4消防 Fire protection
10.5主要图表名称 Titles of figures and tables
第11章 工程投资 Project investment
11.1基础价格 Base price
11.2建筑及安装工程单价 Price of civil works and installation works
11.3设备费 Equipment cost
11.4投资估算 Investment estimatloll
11.5 主要图表名称 Titles 0f figtlres and tables
第12章 项目管理Project management
12.1 招投标 Tender and bid
12.2 合同管理 Contract management
12.3 现场管理 Management of construction
12.4档案管理 Archives management