內容簡介: |
日本右翼,泛指日本社会中民族主义色彩*加浓 厚、对外关系上持强硬态度的一股政治势力。*近几 年,其势力突然变大,甚至掌握了政权。当代日本右 翼势力共同的*大政治目标,就是尽快甩掉战败国的 帽子,摆脱现行和平宪法的束缚,使日本成为与其经 济大国实力相称的“政治大国”和“军事大国”,“ 恢复大和民族的自尊和自信”,以“普通国家”的身 份*多地参与国际事务,从而跻身联合国安理会常任 理事国,以便称霸亚洲。步平编著的《日本右翼问题 研究英文版》希望通过揭示日本右翼势力的发展演 变及其对日本政治走向的影响,使国际社会看清其真 实面目,提醒国际社会警惕其对地区和国际和平的威 胁。
Ⅰ StarLing from my experience of unexpected encounter with the right-wing
Ⅱ The right-wing groups and right-wing trends of thought in Japan
Ⅲ About the concept "right-wing" in Japan
Ⅳ The relationship of right-wing movements with state power in Japan before the war
Ⅴ The influence of right-wing in Japan before the war
Ⅵ The worldwide problem of right-wing
Part Ⅰ :The Right-Wing in Japan Before World War Ⅱ
Ⅰ.Generation of Right-Wing Ideology and Right-Wing Movement
Ⅰ Statism and nationalism - the origin of right-wing ideology
Ⅱ The right-wing movement in early period
Ⅲ The basic features of kokusuiism-oriented "concept right-wing"
Ⅱ.National Renovation Movement and Evolution of Right-Wing Movements in Early 20th Century
Ⅰ Polarization of right-wing in the national renovation movement
Ⅱ The right-wing ideology of Kita Ikki and Okawa Shumei
Ⅲ Right-wing ideology among ordinary people in early 20t" century
Ⅳ Features of right-wing movements and ideological trend in Japan in the early 20th century
Ⅲ.The Fascist Right-Wing in the Army Bringing Japan onto the Road of War
Ⅰ Background of active right-wing in the army
Ⅱ Activities of young servicemen and right-wing groups
Ⅲ Right-wing servicemen and aggressive war
Ⅳ Features of right-wing from later Taisho period to early Showa period
Ⅴ Right-wing groups in the war system
Part Ⅱ :The Right-Win8 in Japan after World War Ⅱ
Ⅳ.Right-Wing Force When Japan was Occupied
Ⅰ Confrontation and countermeasures of the die-hard right-wing force
Ⅱ Order of dissolving the right-wing groups
Ⅲ The tolerance of and indulgence with the right-wing force in Tokyo Trial
Ⅳ Ishihara Kanji''s "Proposal" to MacArthur
Ⅴ Rise of ultra-nationalist groups
Ⅴ.Treaty of San Francisco and Revival of the Right-Wing
Ⅰ Reverse flow of democratization of Japan
Ⅱ Lenient Treaty of San Francisco for making one-sided peace
Ⅲ Revival of the old right-wing groups and their characteristics
Ⅳ Social activities after the revival of the right-wing forces
Ⅵ.Kishi Nobusuke Cabinet''s Reactionary Politics and Upsurge of Right-Wing Movements
Ⅰ Retroaction of Kishi Nobusuke cabinet and its relation with right-wing forces
Ⅱ Establishment of the new security system and right-wing promotion movements
Ⅲ Aftermath of Miike dispute and security struggle and counterattack of the right-wing forces
Ⅶ.Debut of New Right-Wing Forces and "Nationalist Movement"
Ⅰ New right-wing student groups and their political outlook of ultra nationalism
Ⅱ Mishima Yukio Incident
Ⅲ Development of "Nationalist School Movement" and its Characteristics
Ⅷ."Showa Restoration Movement" of the Right-Wing in the 1970s
Ⅰ Situation of the right-wing groups before the "Crisis in 1970"
Ⅱ "Showa Restoration Movement"
Ⅲ Financial problems of the right-wing groups
Ⅸ.Right-Wing in the Neo-conservative Era
Ⅰ Political right deviation of the Liberal Democratic Party
Ⅱ New trends of the right-wing movements in neo-conservative era
Ⅲ New right wing and extremist terrorist activities
Ⅳ Active right wing at the 50th anniversary of Japan''s surrender
Ⅹ.Formation of the Right-Wing in the Cultural, Educational and Intellectual Circles and Their Activeness
Ⅰ Formation of the right wing in the cultural, educational and intellectual circles and their theoretical ideas
Ⅱ The third attack against textbooks
Ⅲ The senior officials of the government, the Diet and the ruling party,powerful figures and the right-wing groups cooperate to promote the historical revisionist movement
Ⅳ The issue of textbook is not over
Conclusion: About Right-Wing After World War Ⅱ