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書城自編碼: 2646405
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英语专项训练
作者: 胡鑫镛 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787548609322
出版社: 学林出版社
出版日期: 2015-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 420/380000
書度/開本: 大32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 291



** 我創建的書架 **

Part One. Usage of Semantically-related English
l. About. around, round
2. About, after
3. About, by, near
4. About, of
5. About, on
6. About, over
7. About concerning, regarding, respecting
8. About by, on, with
9. About in
10. Above, over
11. Above, beyond
12. According to, in, by
13. Across, along
14. Across, over
15. Across, through
16. Across, beyond
17. After, behind
18. After, by
19. After, for
20. After, past
21. After, in
22. After, since
23. Against, from
24. Against, onupon, to
25. Against, versus
26. Against, with
27. Along, alongside (of), down, up
28. Alongside, beside, besides
29. AmidAmidst, amongamongst
30. Among, in
31. Among, between
32. As, for
33. As for, as to
34. At, by, in, during
35. At, by, for, with
36. At, for
37. At, in
38. At, on
39. At, to
40. Before, ahead of
41. Before, in front of
42. Before, ere, previous to, prior to
43. Before, by, tilluntil
44. Behind, at the back of, in (the) back of .-
45. Below, under, beneath, underneath
46. Beside, by, atby the side of
47. Besides, except, apart from
48. Beyond, below
49. Beyond, except
50. Beyond, past
51. But, except, excepting, barbarring, save, saving, otherelse than
52. By, in, on
53. By, near, on
54. By, through
55. By, via, through
56. By, with
57. By, of
58. Due to, owing to, because of
59. During, for
60. During, in
61. During, under
62. Except, except for, but for, save for
63. Following, after
64. For, against
65. For, in
66. For, over
67. For, to
68. From, by
69. From, for, of, with, in, by, through
70. From, of
71. From, of, out of, in, with
72. From, out of
73. In, into
74. In, on
75. Inside (of), in, within, into
76. Near (to), close to
77. Next to, after, close to, beside
78. Notwithstanding, despite, in spite of, for
79. Of, to
80. Of, out of
81. Off, from
82. On, after
83. On, onto
84. On, to, in
85. On, upon
86. Opposite (to), against, over against
87. Out, out of
88. Out of, of, in
89 Out of, outside, beyond
90 Outside, outsideof
91 Through, throughout, over
92 Till, until, by
93 TillUntil, to, through
94 To, into
95. To, towards, toward
96. To, with
97. Under, in
98. Unto, to
99. Up, down
100. With, in
Part Two: Collocation of Semantically-related English
A ( abhorrenceavenge)
B ( backbusy)
C (cajolecustody)
D ( daydusk)
E (easeexult)
F (facefuture)
G (gainguise)
H (hagglehunt)
I (idea issue)
J (jealousjudge)
K ( keenknow)
L (labourlive)
M ( madmuse)
N (nailnumber)
O ( objectowe)
P ( pagepuzzle)
Q (qualifyquick)
R ( radiorow)
S (sacrificesympathy)
T ( talkturn)
U (uneasyuseful)
V (vexed)
W ( weekendworry)



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