內容簡介: |
Unit 1 Resume(英文简历)
Unit 2 Application Letters(求职信)
Unit 3 Personal Statements(个人陈述)
Unit 4 Memorandums(备忘录)
Unit 5 Notes(便条)
Unit 6 Notices(通知)
Unit 7 Itineraries and Agenda(行程表与议程表)
Unit 8 Meeting Minutes(会议纪要)
Unit 9 Business Reports(商务报告)
Unit 10 Certificates(证明)
Unit 11 Establishing Business Relationship(建立业务联系)
Unit 12 Enquiries(询盘)
Unit 13 Complaints Claims(投诉与索赔)
Unit 14 Contracts and Agreements(合同与协议)
The Current head of BM operation in China and Northeast Asia Rodd Wagner, will assume management of the forward—looking Siemens project that deals with all aspects of Smart Grid applications.The project 7 developing new products, solutions and services for intelligent power grids, including, for example, how they will interact in the future with electrically powered vehicles.
I would like to thank Rodd Wagner for his outstanding 8 over the past five years in China.He was very successful in 9 the business in China and more than doubled our revenue here in just five years, making it the second—largest Regional Company outside of Germany, after the United States.
I believe that with his experience in this highly dynamic market, he would successfully develop new business models for BM Smart Grid in one of the most important future markets in the new energy age.
Meanwhile,1 would like you to give your full support and 10 to Gale Muller in his new function.
With kind regards,
Ⅲ.Translate the following into English.
3.剑桥大学教授约翰布朗博士于2014年10月9日下午两点在报告厅(lecture hall)举办现代英语文学讲座。
6.欢迎新任财务总监伍顿先生(Mr.Wooden)的典礼将于5月26日,星期六晚上6点,在加利福尼亚大酒店(California Grand Hotel)4055房间举行。
7.原定于明天参观北京现代汽车公司(Beijing Hyundai Motor Company),现在取消,具体时间另行通知。