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『簡體書』高速铁路道岔设计理论与实践 Design of High-speed Railway Turnouts: Theory and Applications

書城自編碼: 2640064
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術汽車/交通運輸
作者: 王平 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787564338527
出版社: 西南交通大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-04-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 464/970000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1826



** 我創建的書架 **

Professor of Civil Engineering at Southwest Jiaotong University, China; and Director of Key Laboratory of High-Speed Railway Engineering, Ministry of Education.
Professor Wang is a leading researcher and developer of high-speed turnouts in China. He has been involved in teaching and research work in the area of high-speed railway track structures for nearly 20 years and has successfully solved many of the technical challenges faced in the process of designing, operating, and maintaining high-speed railways in China.The Southwest Jiaotong University Press and Elsevier Series covers the latest advances in railway research and development. Its scope includes track dynamics, safety,construction, power quality, remote control, and integration of power systems.
CHAPTER 1 Types and Structure
1.1 Main Types
1.1.1 Composition
1.1.2 Classification
1.2 Technical Requirements
1.2.1 Excellent Technical Performance
1.2.2 High Cost-Effectiveness
1.2.3 Outstanding Adaptability
1.3 Technical Features
1.3.1 System Integration
1.3.2 Theoretical Basis and Practical Tests
1.3.3 State-of-the-Art Manufacture and Laying Processes
1.3.4 Scientific Maintenance and Management
1.4 Global Overview of High-Speed Turnouts
1.4.1 France
1.4.2 Germany
1.4.3 China
1.4.4 Other Countries
CHAPTER 2 Layout Design
2.1 Design Conditions
2.1.1 Operation
2.1.2 Rolling Stock
2.1.3 Tracks
2.1.4 Laying
2.2 Plane Line Types
2.2.1 Design Requirements
2.2.2 Transition Lead Curves
2.2.3 Switch Rails
2.2.4 Clearances
2.2.5 Geometric Sizes
2.3 Design of Parameters
2.3.1 Method Based on Particle Motion
2.3.2 Method Based on Rigid Body Motion
2.3.3 Design Software
2.4 Assessment Methods Based on Wheel-Rail System Vibration
2.4.1 Theory of Wheel-Rail System Dynamics
2.4.2 Multi-Rigid-Body Dynamics Analysis Software
2.4.3 Application Cases
CHAPTER 3 Structural Selection and Rail Design
3.1 Selection Principles
3.2 Overall Structure Selection
3.2.1 Guiding-Rail Turnouts
3.2.2 Swing Nose Crossing
3.2.3 Flexible Point Rail
3.2.4 Long Wing Rails
3.2.5 Assembled Point Rails
3.2.6 Rolled Special Section Wing Rails
3.2.7 AT Rail Hot-Forged Heel Ends of Switch Rails and Point Rails
3.2.8 Check Rail Made of Grooved Rail
3.3 Design of Rail Members
3.3.1 Selection of AT Rail
3.3.2 Design of Components at the First Traction Point on Swing Nose Rail
3.4 Technical Requirements for Rails
3.4.1 Requirements
3.4.2 Type, Section, and Length of Rails
3.5 Manufacturing of Rails
3.5.1 Refining
3.5.2 Finishing
3.5.3 Conditioning
3.5.4 Centralized Detection
3.5.5 Long Rail Production
CHAPTER 4 Wheel-Rail Relation Design
4.1 Wheel-Rail Contact Geometry Relation
4.1.1 Calculation Methods
4.1.2 Rail Profiles
4.1.3 Wheel-Rail Contact Geometry without Wheelset Lateral Displacement
4.1.4 Wheel-Rail Contact Geometry in the Diverging Line
4.1.5 Wheel-Rail Contact Geometry with Wheelset Lateral Displacement
4.1.6 Longitudinal Change along the Turnout with Wheelset Lateral Displacement
CHAPTER 5 Track Stiffness Design
CHAPTER 6 Structural Design of CWR Turnouts
CHAPTER 7 Design of CWR Turnout on Bridlze
CHAPTER 8 Conversion Design of High-Speed Turnouts
CHAPTER 9 Design of Rail Substructure and Components
CHAPTER 10 Theoretical Validation of Hilzh-Speed Turnout Desiszn
CHAPTER 11 Manufacturing Technologies of High-Speed Turnouts
CHAPTER 12 Laying Technology
CHAPTER 13 Irregularity Control of High-Speed Turnouts in Operation
CHAPTER 14 Maintenance and Management



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