編輯推薦: |
In this delightful book, a small boy imagines a world where dinosaurs perform public services. “Bold lines accentuate imaginative, humorous ideas. A natural for student response: students formulate their own outcomes about what would happen if the dinosaurs returned. An overwhelming favorite in the early grades.”--The Reading Teacher
內容簡介: |
出版社:HMH Books for Young Readers; Reissue 1984年4月16日
读者对象:4 - 8 岁
商品尺寸:25.4 x 0.4 x 20.3 cm
商品重量:132 g
關於作者: |
BERNARD MOST has written and illustrated many popular children''s books, including The Cow That Went OINK, If the Dinosaurs Came Back, How Big Were the Dinosaurs?, Whatever Happened to the Dinosaurs?, and Where to Look for a Dinosaur. He lives in New York.