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『簡體書』写出心灵深处的故事:非虚构创作指南 英汉双语版

書城自編碼: 2607162
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: 李华 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302397700
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-07-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 390/400000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 315



** 我創建的書架 **

《写出心灵深处的故事》是为你量身定制的非虚 构创作指南,激发你的写作灵感,帮助你写出心灵深 处的真实故事。作为国内第一位获得创意写作终端学 位并回国任教的高校老师,李华通过自己与学生多年 的创作实践,展现出一个真实的非虚构作品的创作过 程。内容涵盖:自由写作,回应写作,影评写作,回 忆录写作,报道写作,想象力写作。英汉双语版更让 你充分感受到双语写作的魅力!
Part I Let''s Go!
Writing is an action.
Chapter 1 Let''s Begin the Journey
Chapter 2 Free Writing
Chapter 3 Response Writing
Chapter 4 Film Review
Part II Writing from Our Hearts
Writing is an art.
Chapter 5 Memoir First Draft
Chapter 6 Memoir Final Draft
Chapter 7 Report
Chapter 8 Imaginative Writing
Part III Coming Home
Writing brings us home.
Chapter 9 Re-creating Our Stories in Chinese
Chapter 10 Public Reading
Chapter 11 The Story Goes on

第一部分 学会心手相连的自由写作
第一章 让我们开始旅行
第二章 自由写作
第三章 回应写作
第四章 影评
第二部分 写出心灵深处的故事
第五章 回忆录一稿
第六章 回忆录终稿
第七章 采访与报道
第八章 想象力写作
第三部分 分享我们的故事和生命
第九章 作品朗读会
第十章 故事在继续
What could I do? I could only pat her and sigh in my heart. I could not releasethe chains. I didn''t know how, and I didn''t even dare to try.
Was she disappointed? But at least she knew that I cared about herand loved her. I went back to my room and continued to do my homework.Then, all of a sudden, the whining stopped; outside the window, into thewhite snow playground, I saw Bing Bing racing into the white world, withher tail as straight as an arrow pointing at the sky, and I heard her mostjoyful barking declaring her victory to the world: She broke off the chainsherself ! She set herself free!
I clapped for Bing Bing in my heart: wow, Bing Bing, you are a realhero.
But the verdict came. Morn could not stand the trouble broughtby Bing Bing any more; the only way to keep her in our family was tosend her to live with my Dad, who was teaching at a high school in thecountryside. My elder sister and I had to agree. On the day of departure, Iwent to the bus station to see Bing Bing off. She sat quietly on my sister''slap, her black diamond eyes looked around curiously, but she didn''t barkor run away. She trusted us. She and I said good—bye peacefully.
The spring semester started for me and Bing Bing in differentschools. In Ms. Han''s class, I had to learn how to dissect a short essayinto several parts, how to summarize each part and finally, conclude thethesis. I tried my best to learn this boring and inhumane method, but oneday, I just turned in my Chinese assignment with extremely messy andillegible handwriting, which made Ms. Han furious. She had the wholeclass look at my assignment and concluded that I was incorrigible.



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