編輯推薦: |
Huang Gesheng''s Road to Art:A Case Study of Lijiang Painting School是一本研究漓江画派画家个案——黄格胜的著作,也是《黄格胜的艺术之路:漓江画派画家个案》一书的英译版,再现了一个铭刻着时代烙印的壮族艺术家的成长之路。该版忠实于原著,分为四个部分进行铺陈和归纳。这本译著不仅是漓江画派文献的重要补充,也是国外读者了解广西,了解国画艺术,了解当代中国艺术家的重要书籍和文献,填补了中外文化交流的相关空白。
內容簡介: |
本书主要介绍了中国美术家协会副主席、广西艺术学院院长、我国当代著名山水画家、漓江画派代表人物之一——黄格胜的人生经历和艺术成就。全书共分为四章,分别为:第一章 黄格胜艺术的存在背景、第二章 黄格胜艺术发展阶段的分期研究、第三章 黄格胜艺术的形式语言风格的形成和特点、第四章 黄格胜艺术的审美价值取向和文化定位,依次介绍了黄格胜的成长经历、艺术作品及特色、艺术表现手法及特点、艺术风格和人格魅力,旨在通过对其全面、系统、深入的个案分析,展现中国当代画家的魅力,介绍漓江画派的艺术特色。
關於作者: |
作者:左剑虹,中国美术家协会会员。现为广西艺术学院漓江画派学院院长、教授、硕士生导师,漓江画派促进会常务理事、副秘书长,《漓江画 派》丛刊副主编,桂林致公画院院长。长期致力于中国画创作理论研究与实践。著有《创意图形》(与罗鸿合著)、《中国当代美术家画库——左剑虹作品集》。
Introduction 1
Chapter One Huang Gesheng’s Background 1
Ⅰ.Struggling Through Early Life 2
1 . His Formative Years 2
2. Interests, Character and Family Influence 21
3. The Moment that Changed His Fate 30
4. A Visit to the United States 39
Ⅱ . Academic Inheritance 52
1 . Learning from a Master 52
2. A Student from the South Helped by One from the North 75
3. God Helps Those Who Help Themselves 78
Ⅲ . Character, Language and Environment 83
1 . Tenacity and Diligence 86
2. Language of Art 88
3. Environment 94
Ⅳ. A Brief Look into Huang GeshengChronology Compared to Contemporary Artistic Events 100
Ⅴ . Contemporary Chinese Cultural Context and HuangGesheng Artistic Position 128
1 . Seventeen ̄Year Period and Cultural Revolution Artistic Contexts 131
2. The Cultural Context of Fine Arts in the Early Period of the “ Open and
3. The Context of Fine Arts Within the 85’ Thoughts Movement 142
4. Cultural and Artistic Context of the 1 990s 144
5. Present Artistic Context and Huang Gesheng’s Contributions 147
Chapter Two Huang Gesheng’s Works at Different Periods 153
1 . The Cultural Revolution Period 1 973-1 979 156
2. Romantic and Magnificent Hundred Miles of the Li River and Others
1 980-1 987 169
3. Maturation of His Style During the 1990s 1987-1997 201
4. Hundred Scenes of the Li River and Huang Gesheng’s Art Experience in
the 21st Century 1 997-2009 212
Chapter Three Definition and Characteristics of Huang Gesheng’s Artistic Style 229
Ⅰ . Creating Artworks While Painting from Nature 233
Ⅱ . Elements of Huang Gesheng’s Style 243
1 . Foundation and Innovation 243
2. Philosophy and Sensibility 248
3. Methods 256
4. Forms 262
5. The Method of Creation 267
Ⅲ . Painting Mode 272
1 . On Stylized Shapes 277
2. The Features of Brush and Ink Work 288
3. The Features of Composition 291
Chapter Four Huang Gesheng’s Aesthetic Value and Cultural Orientation 303
1 . Open-mindedness, Vision, Achievement 304
2. The Phenomenon and Spirit of Huang Gesheng 325
3. Aesthetic and Culture Values of Huang Gesheng’s Artwork 345
4. Contemporary Significance of Huang Gesheng’s Art 359
Epilogue 382
Translator’s Words 384