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書城自編碼: 2603301
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術電工技術
作者: 刘永红 等著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030440044
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2015-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 232/300000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 730



** 我創建的書架 **

刘永红等著的《绝缘及弱导电工程陶瓷电火花加 工(英文版)》系统论述绝缘及弱导电工程陶瓷电火花 加工相关技术的著作,该著作综合了作者多年来在该 方面的研究成果,主要介绍了绝缘工程陶瓷的电火花 铣削、电火花磨削、高能量电容放电加工等技术,以 及弱导电工程陶瓷的齿电极电火花铣削、端面电火花 铣削、端面电火花铣磨复合加工等技术,并对各种加 工技术的加工机理和工艺规律进行了系统深入的理论 与试验研究,得到了各加工参数对加工工艺性能的影 响规律关系,建立了加工工艺指标与加工参数之间的 数学模型,揭示了绝缘及弱导电工程陶瓷的材料蚀除 机理。
Chapter 1 Electric Discharge Milling of Insulating Engineering Ceramics
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Principle and characteristics of ED milling
1.2.1 Principle of ED milling
1.2.2 Characteristics of ED milling
1.3 Experiments and discussion
1.3.1 Effects of the pulse duration on the process performance
1.3.2 Effects of the pulse interval on the process performance
1.3.3 Effects of the peak current on the process performance
1.3.4 Effect of tool polarity on the process performance
1.3.5 Effect of peak voltage on the process performance
1.3.6 Effect of rotational speed of the tool electrode on the process performance
1.3.7 Effect of feed speed of the workpiece on the process performance
1.3.8 Effect of emulsion concentration of the machining fluid on the process performance
1.3.9 Effect of NaNO3 concentration of the machining fluid on the process performance
1.3.10 Effect of Polyvinyl alcohol concentration on the process performance
1.3.11 Effect of flow velocity of the machining fluid on the process performance
1.4 Numerical simulation of single pulse discharge machining insulating Al2O3 ceramic
1.4.1 Model details
1.4.2 Finite element formulations
1.4.3 Results and discussion
1.5 Conclusions
Chapter 2 Single Discharge Machining of Insulating Ceramics Efficiently with High Energy Capacitor
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Experiments
2.2.1 Experimental principle
2.2.2 Experimental procedure
2.3 Results and discussion
2.3.1 Effect of tool polarity on the process performance
2.3.2 Effect of peak voltage on the process performance
2.3.3 Effect of capacitance on the process performance
2.3.4 Effect of current-limiting resistance on the process performance
2.3.5 Effect of tool electrode feed on the process performance
2.3.6 Effect of tool electrode section area on the process performance
2.3.7 Effect of assisting electrode thickness on the process performance
2.4 Microstructure character of single discharge crater on insulating ceramic surface
2.5 Conclusions
Chapter 3 Electrical Discharge Mechanical Grinding of Insulating Engineering Ceramics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Principle of EDGSSDE
3.3 Formation and function of oxide layer on grinding wheel
3.4 Formation and function of metamorphosed layer on workpiece surface
3.5 Analysis of residual stresses in EDGSSDE of engineering ceramics
3.5.1 Assumptions
3.5.2 Temperature models
3.5.3 Residual stresses model
3.5.4 Results
3.6 Experiments
3.6.1 Experimental Conditions
3.6.2 Results and analyses
3.7 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Electrical Discharge Milling of Weakly Conductive Engineering Ceramics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental procedures for EDM performance of engineering ceramics with
different electrical resistivities
4.3 Results and discussion of EDM performance of engineering ceramics with
different electrical resistivities
4.3.1 Effect of the electrical resistivity and pulse duration on the process performance
4.3.2 Effect of the electrical resistivity and pulse interval on the process performance
4.3.3 Effect of the electrical resistivity and peak current on the process performance
4.3.4 Mierostructure character of ZnOAl2O3 ceramic surface machined by EDM
4.4 Principle for electric discharge milling of weakly conductive SiC ceramic
4.5 Experiments and discussion for ED milling of weakly conductive SiC ceramic
4.5.1 Effect of tool polarity on the process performance
4.5.2 Effect of pulse duration on the process performance
4.5.3 Effect of pulse interval on the process performance
4.5.4 Effect of peak voltage on the process performance
4.5.5 Effect of peak current on the process performance
4.5.6 Effect of emulsion concentration on the process performance
4.5.7 Effect of milling depth on the process performance
4.5.8 Effect of rotational speed on the process performance
4.5.9 Effect of tooth number on the process performance
4.5.10 Effect of tooth width on the process performance
4.5.11 Microstructure character of SiC surface machined by ED milling
4.6 Conclusions
Chapter 5 End Electric Discharge Milling of Weakly Conductive Engineering Ceramics
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Principle and characteristics for end ED milling of weakly conductive SiC ceramic
5.2.1 Principle for end ED milling of SiC ceramic
5.2.2 Characteristics for end ED milling of SiC ceramic
5.3 Experiments
5.3.1 Experimental procedures
5.3.2 Experimental design
5.3.3 Analysis and discussion of experimental results
5.4 Results and discussion of the single factor experiment during end ED milling
5.4.1 Effect of tool polarity on the process performance
5.4.2 Effect of pulse duration on the process performance
5.4.3 Effect of pulse interval on the process performance
5.4.4 Effect of peak voltage on the process performance
5.4.5 Effect of peak current on the process performance
5.4.6 Effect of emulsion concentration on the process performance
5.4.7 Effect of emulsion flux on the process performance
5.4.8 Effect of milling depth on the process performance
5.4.9 Effect of electrode number on the process performance
5.4.10 Effect of electrode diameter on the process performance
5.5 Results and discussion of the orthogonal experiment during end ED milling
5.5.1 Analysis of the MRR
5.5.2 Analysis of the EWR
5.5.3 Analysis of the SR
5.5.4 Confirmation experiments
5.6 Analysis of the machined surface by end ED milling
5.6.1 SEM observation of the machined surface
5.6.2 Compositions of the machined surface
5.7 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Electric Discharge Milling and Mechanical Grinding Compound Machining of Weakly Conductive Engineering Ceramics
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Principle for ED milling and mechanical grinding of SiC ceramic
6.3 Experiments
6.3.1 Experimental procedures
6.3.2 Experimental design
6.4 Experimental results and discussion of orthogonal array
6.4.1 Analysis of MRR
6.4.2 Analysis of REWR
6.4.3 Analysis of the SR
6.4.4 Experiment validation
6.5 Surface integrity of SiC ceramic machined by the compound process
6.5.1 Surface topography of the machined workpiece
6.5.2 Compositions of the machined workpiece
6.6 Conclusions
Chapter 7 High Speed End Electrical Discharge Milling and Mechanical Grinding of Weakly Conductive Engineering Ceramics
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Principle and characteristics for end EDmilling and mechanical grinding
of SiC ceramic
7.2.1 Principles
7.2.2 Characteristics of end ED milling and mechanical grinding of SiC ceramic
7.3 Experiments
7.3.1 Experimental procedures
7.3.2 Experimental design
7.3.3 Analysis and discussion of experimental results
7.4 Results and discussion of the single factor experiment
7.4.1 Effect of tool polarity on the process performance
7.4.2 Effect of pulse duration on the process performance
7.4.3 Effect of pulse interval on the process performance
7.4.4 Effect of open-circuit voltage on the process performance
7.4.5 Effect of discharge current on the process performance
7.4.6 Effect of diamond grit size on the process performance
7.4.7 Effect of emulsion concentration on the process performance
7.4.8 Effect of emulsion flux on the process performance
7.4.9 Effect of milling depth on the process performance
7.4.10 Effect of tool stick number on the process performance
7.5 Analysis of Taguchi method
7.5.1 Analysis of Taguchi method for MRR
7.5.2 Analysis of Taguchi method for the TWR
7.5.3 Analysis of Taguchi method for the SR
7.5.4 Confirmation experiments
7.6 Surface integrity of SiC ceramic machined by the compound machining
7.6.1 Surface morphology of the machined surface
7.6.2 Surface roughness
7.6.3 Micro-cracks on the machined surface
7.6.4 Compositions of the machined surface
7.7 Conclusions
Chapter 8 Machining Fluid for Electrical Discharge Machining of Engineering Ceramics
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Experimental procedures
8.3 Effect of the additive on the emulsion property and EDM performance
8.3.1 Effect of the anionic compound emulsifier on the emulsion property
8.3.2 Effect of ACE concentration on EDM performance
8.3.3 Effect of OP-10 concentration on emulsion property
8.3.4 Effect of OP-10 concentration on EDM performance
8.4 Influence of dielectric on the process performance for ED milling of SiC ceramic
8.4.1 Effect of tool polarity on the process performance in different emulsions
8.4.2 Effect of pulse duration on the process performance in different emulsions
8.4.3 Effect of pulse interval on the process performance in different emulsions
8.4.4 Effect of peak voltage on the process performance in different emulsions
8.4.5 Effect of peak current on the process performance in different emulsions
8.4.6 Surface analysis ofworkpiece
8.5 Conclusions



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