編輯推薦: |
內容簡介: |
1 aan
2 aan
3 aan
4 a(an)one
5 a lot ofa great deal of
6 a lot ofmanymuch
7 aboveover
8 absentawayout
9 acceptexcept
10 according to
11 acoustics
12 action
13 adviceadvise
14 affecteffect
15 afraid ofafraid to
16 after
17 afterwardlater
18 afterin
19 agofor
20 agosince
21 all (接单数或复数动词)
22 allnot all
23 all rightalright
24 allow
25 alphabetletter
26 alsotoo
27 alsotooeither
28 althoughbut
29 altogetherall together
30 a.m.p.m.
31 amongbetween
32 amountnumber
33 amusedamusing
34 andor
35 andplus
36 another
37 anothermore
38 antecedents
39 any
40 anya (an)
41 anyone
42 any other
43 anybody
44 anywayany way
45 apartmentflat
46 apostrophe
47 appreciate
48 approach
49 arithmetic
50 arrangement: make (the) arrangementmake (the) arrangements
51 as a result of
52 as bad as or worse than
53 aslike
54 as iflike
55 as well as
56 askask for
57 aspectpoint of view
58 assureensureinsure
59 atendjoin
60 attentionattentions
61 attitude
62 attributive clausesadjective clausesrelative clauses
63 average
64 avoid
65 awhilea while
Quiz A
66 badbadly
67 baggage
68 ballballsbaseball
69 bathebath
70 bathroomtoiletrestroom
71 becauseso
72 because of
73 beengone
74 beginstart
75 behavior
76 believe
77 belong in
78 belong to
79 besidebesides
80 besidesexcept
81 betterhad better
82 bettermore better
83 between...and...from...to...
84 between you and mebetween you and I
85 biglarge
86 bigold
87 biscuitcookie
88 blood pressure
89 boredboring
90 borrowlend
91 borrowuse
92 both...and...
93 botheitherneither
94 bowling
95 brakebreak
96 breakfast
97 bringtake
98 busy
Quiz B
99 callphonering
100 callednamed
101 can notcannot
102 cantmustnt
103 capitalcapitol
104 capitalization
105 care abouttake care of
106 careful
107 carttrolley
108 case
109 cattle
110 checkcheque
111 checkincheck in
112 childkid
113 cinemamovies
114 cinematheatertheatre
115 clarifycorrect
116 classclassroom
117 climateweather
118 closeclosed
119 close, openturn off, turn on
120 clothclothesclothing
121 collective noun
122 color
123 colorcolour
124 comego
125 come withfollow
126 compare tocompare with
127 conditionconditions
128 conjunctions
129 consider
130 consideration
131 consist
132 continualcontinuousconstant
133 continuecontinue on
134 cookcooker
135 costprice
136 costlyexpensivedear
137 couple
138 cutcut out
139 curetreat
Quiz C
140 damagehurtinjure
141 dangling constructionsmisplaced modifiers
142 dare
143 deaddie
144 deadlydead
145 deal indeal with
146 decision
147 degree
148 despitein spite of
149 desertdessert
150 detail
151 diagnose
152 differ
153 different fromdifferent thandifferent to
154 difficulty
155 difficultyproblem
156 discourage
157 discuss
158 disinteresteduninterested
159 divorce
160 do(auxiliary verb): missing
161 do(auxiliary verb): redundant
162 doubletswordiness
163 doubling the final consonant
164 doubt
165 downtown
166 drinkeattake
167 drunkdrunken
168 due toowing to
169 duringfor
170 duringsince
Quiz D
171 each
172 eachnone
173 each otherone another
174 earth
175 economiceconomical
176 ed forming form
177 efficienteffective
178 effort
179 either
180 either...or...
181 electricelectrical
182 elderolder
183 elevatorlift
184 emigrateimmigrate
185 emphasisemphasize
186 encourage
187 endend up
188 enjoy
189 enjoy doingenjoy to do
190 enough
191 enterenter into
192 enterjoin
193 entitletitle
194 envelopenvelope
195 equipment
196 escape from schoolskip school
197 especiallyspecially
198 eveneven thougheven if
199 even thoughbut
200 every dayeveryday
201 every oneeveryone
202 every thingeverything
203 every timeeverytime
204 evidence
205 except
206 exceptexcept for
207 excitedexciting
Quiz E
208 facein the face of
209 family
210 farm
211 fartherfurther (farthestfurthest)
212 fatalfatally
213 faucettap
214 favorablefavorite
215 fee
216 fellowother
217 fewa few
218 fewlittle (a fewa little)
219 fewerless
220 fillfill in
221 finallyat last
222 fishfishes
223 fitsuitmatch
224 floor
225 foodfoods
226 forbid
227 forget
228 forgetleave
229 forthfourth
230 forwardforeword
231 friendly
232 from...to...
233 fulfillfulfil
234 fun
235 furtherfurthest
Quiz F
236 garbagerubbish
237 gardenyard
238 gaspetrol
239 get
240 get downget offget out
241 gocome
242 go into
243 go jogginggo to jog
244 gonna (= going to)
245 good
246 goodwell
247 graduate
248 gratefulthankful
Quiz G
249 hair
250 hangedhung
251 hardly
252 have
253 havehave got
254 have to
255 health
256 healthfulhealthy
257 heatheating
258 hear
259 hearlisten
260 help
261 hersherhers
262 hightall
263 hirerent
264 hisher
265 historicalhistoric
266 holidayvacation
267 home
268 homework
269 homeworkhousework
270 hope
271 hopewish
272 hospital
273 hot
274 howwhat
275 howeverbut
276 hundred
Quiz H
277 I
278 idealperfect
279 if
280 ifin case
281 illsick
282 importexport
283 important (essentialdesirablenecessaryvital)
284 inon
285 insinceon
286 in schoolat school
287 in spite ofinspite of
288 indirect speechreported speech
289 infinitive
290 infinitive forming form
291 infinitive without "to"
292 inform
293 information
294 injure
295 injurewound
296 inside
297 insist
298 interested
299 interestedinteresting
300 intoin to
301 inversion
302 irregardlessregardless
303 itsits
Quiz I
304 jeweljewelleryjewelry
305 journeytourvoyage