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『簡體書』Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History(Ancient Chinese Wisdom)中国历

書城自編碼: 2595059
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: 张慈贇 著 施瑞康 插图
國際書號(ISBN): 9787532768905
出版社: 上海译文出版社
出版日期: 2015-08-01

頁數/字數: 339页
書度/開本: 32开

售價:NT$ 490



** 我創建的書架 **


To understand a country is to understand its people. In this book, we will take you on a tour through the long history of China to recall the life story of 88 important figures who left their personal marks in philosophy, art and literature, religion, science and technology and political movements.
Born in Shanghai in 1949, ZHANG Ciyun Peter graduated from Jilin Normal University, PRC with a major in English and later from Stanford University in the United States with a Master’s Degree in Journalism. Since 1980, he has worked for several newspapers and magazines in both Beijing and Shanghai. Also, he once served in the General Office of the Ministry of Communications as an interpreter and the Information Office of Shanghai Municipality as its Deputy General Director.
An acclaimed translator, reporter and editor, Mr. Zhang has helped bring into existence four English-language newspapers on the Chinese mainland, namely, China Daily, Beijing Weekend, Shanghai Star and Shanghai Daily. He is now the Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Shanghai Daily and an executive council member of Translation Association of China. He has translated and co-translated more than a dozen books and a large amount of documents, including Strange Stories of Liao Zhai Studio and the English version of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. He has also published many English and Chinese articles and theses in newspapers and magazines both in China and overseas.
司马相如 circa 179 – 118 BC The poet who eloped
司马迁 circa 145 – 90 BC Historiography father
曹植 192 – 232 AD The poetical prodigy
王勃 649 – 676 AD Brief life, lasting fame
陈子昂 661 – 702 AD Tang poetry’s pioneer
李白 701 – 762 AD The ‘God of Poetry’
杜甫 712 – 770 AD Suffering poetry saint
苏轼 1037 – 1011 A rare, versatile scholar
李清照 1084 – 1151 Ci’s finest female poet
陆游 1125 – 1210 The patriot of poetry
辛弃疾 1140 – 1207 Lyric poet and patriot
关汉卿 1225 – 1302 China’s own Shakespeare
施耐庵 1296 – 1370 Author steeped in mystery
吴承恩 circa 1501 – 1582 Man behind Monkey King
曹雪芹 circa 1715 – 1763 or 1764 The author of a great classic
玄奘 circa 602 – 664 AD A great Buddhist monk
惠能 638 – 713 AD Rustic patriarch
鲁班 circa 507 – 444 BC Legendary master carpenter
孙武 circa 535 – 480 BC Winning ways of ancient strategist
扁鹊 circa 407 – 310 BC The first physician in China
蔡伦 circa 61 – 121 AD Paper trail leads to eunuch Cai
张衡 78 – 139 AD Inventor of the seismometer
张仲景 circa 150 – 219 AD Plague prompts doctor’s work
华佗 circa 145 – 208 AD A pioneering Chinese surgeon
祖冲之 429 – 500 AD An early Chinese star of astronomy
贾思勰 end of 5th century – mid-6th century Scribe of guide to farming
郦道元 circa 470 – 527 AD Water writer plumbs new depths
孙思邈 circa 581 – 682 AD The ‘King of Medicine’
毕昇 970 – 1051 Inventor of the world’s first movable type technology
沈括 1031 – 1095 China’s great scientific mind
黄道婆 circa 1245 – 1330 Granny’s great innovations
李时珍 1518 – 1593 Saint of medicine and scribe of herbs
徐光启 1562 – 1633 City’s son introduces European science
詹天佑 1861 – 1919 Father of China’s railways
王羲之 303 – 361 ADSage of Chinese calligraphy
顾恺之 348 – 409 ADOriginator of Chinese painting
吴道子 680 – 759 ADPainter’s death a tall tale
郑燮 1693 – 1765An eccentric painter who’s ‘occasionally muddle-headed’
管仲 circa 720 – 645 BCLeading reformer
项羽 232 – 202 BC A prideful, tragic hero
王昭君 circa 52 – 20 BCA beautiful lady helps keep peace
商鞅 390 – 338 BC A great statesman and political reformer
陈胜 ? – 208 BC Leader of first peasant rebellion
诸葛亮 181 – 234 ADA godlike prophet
关羽 160 – 219 AD Lord Guan revered for his bravery
魏征 580 – 643 AD Candid official earns great respect
鉴真 687 – 763 AD Monk spreads the word in Japan
包拯 999 – 1062 Iconic official who’s incorruptible
王安石 1021 – 1068 Statesman with a gift for writing
岳飞 1103 – 1142 A peerless general and national hero
文天祥 1236 – 1283 Hero stays loyal to the bitter end
郑和 1371 – 1433 Did the admiral discover the New World?
海瑞 1514 – 1587 Moral official dares to criticize emperor
戚继光 1528 – 1588‘Tiger General’ stops Japanese pirates
徐霞客 1586 – 1641 Intrepid explorer keeps a meticulous diary
郑成功 1624 – 1662 A national hero who recaptures Taiwan
李自成 1606 – 1645 Shortsighted military genius
林则徐 1785 – 1850 Patriotic official fights the opium trade
龚自珍 1792 – 1841 A reform-minded official and poet
李鸿章 1823 – 1901 Powerful official invites controversy
严复 1854 – 1921 Educator pushes for modernization
康有为 1858 – 1927 Reformer tries to change China
蔡元培 1868 – 1940 Educator supports civil rights movement
陶行知 1891 – 1946 A great educator and reformer
黄帝 The Yellow Emperor reign 2697 – 2597 BC Father of this great civilization
大禹 circa ? – 2062 BC Taming the long and wild rivers of China
秦始皇 259 – 210 BC The ‘First Emperor’ of China
刘邦 256 – 195 BC Founder of the powerful Han Dynasty
汉武帝 Emperor Wu of Han 156 – 87 BC Insatiable ambition for territorial expansion
曹操 155 – 220 AD Speak of his name and he arrives
李世民 599 – 649 AD Creator of a dynastic golden age
武则天 624 – 705 AD The only empress regnant in China’s history
成吉思汗 Genghis Khan 1162 – 1227 Founder of the world’s largest empire
朱元璋 1328 – 1398 From a beggar to an emperor
康熙 Emperor Kangxi 1654 – 1722 Longest reign brings prosperity
慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Cixi 1835 – 1908 Mysterious ‘Queen without a Crown’
苏轼 1037 – 1011 A rare, versatile scholar
Su Shi, also known by his pseudonym Dongpo, was a rare, versatile scholar of the Northern Song Dynasty 960-1127. Today, his poems, paintings, calligraphy and essays are still widely admired by millions of his fans all over the world.
Su Shi was born in Meishan in today’s Sichuan Province in southwest China. Both his father Su Xun and his younger brother Su Zhe were famous writers. At the age of five, Su Shi began to learn reading and writing from his mother, who was a welleducated woman. Thanks to his diligence and exceptional talent, the boy became well versed in the Chinese classics when he was only seven.
Su Shi passed the imperial civil service examinations to obtain the prestigious title of jinshi or “presented scholar” when he was 19. As a result, he later served in many government offices.
However, this highly talented scholar seemed to be always at odds with a political faction headed by the then prime minister, Wang Anshi. Su frequently wrote poems and essays criticizing Wang’s reforms, particularly the government monopoly on the salt industry.
Therefore, Su was banished several times and lived in political exile for many years in various places around the country.
Su played a crucial role in the history of Chinese poetry. He founded a school of expressive poetry and he often combined vivid descriptions of natural phenomena with deep emotions and political ideas.
More than 2,300 of his poems and 800 letters have survived. Among them, “Battle of Red Cliff,” “Jiang Chengzi,” “The Immortal by the River” and a number of others are deemed the most notable.
The first two lines of the “Battle of Red Cliff” are so popularthat nearly every school student can recite them:
“The Great River flows to the east,
Washing away all great men known in history with its rolling waves.”
His career as a public servant and his life in exile took Su to many parts of the country, and he left behind a rich trove of cultural heritage. Even today, many places have built pavilions, bridges, statues and memorial halls to exhibit Su’s poems,
paintings, calligraphy and lyrics.
Among them, Hangzhou, the capital of today’s Zhejiang Province in east China, boasts a causeway across the famous West Lake, which is named after the scholar. During his four years in the city, Su was responsible for constructing the pedestrian causeway across the lake. Su also wrote many beautiful poems to praise the ethereal scenes of the city and its lake. In one poem he wrote:
“People tend to liken the West Lake to the Lady of the West, Plainly dressed or gorgeously adorned, She always looks best.”
He took his pen name from a rural place called Dongpo Eastern Slope, where Su lived during his first exile. Later the name was given to a famous dish, Dongpo Pork. According to legend, Su created the dish of stewed pork totally by accident. He actually overcooked the stew as he concentrated on a chess game and forgot what he was preparing.
Su died at 64 in Changzhou in eastern China after a long period of political exile.



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