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考博题源和盘托出 学原汁原味英文
词汇难句各个击破 得实实在在高分
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Passage OneEmerging Economies: The Great Deceleration 新兴经济体:大
Passage TwoLaw of the Lend 借贷的法则
Passage ThreeAmericas JOBS Act Still Not Working—A Law Designed to Jumpstart Businesses Cant Get off the Ground 美国《就业法案》无济于事——一项旨在助推企业的法律却空有其名
Passage FourThe Missing $20 Trillion 消失的20万亿美元
Passage FiveIf in Doubt, Innovate 若质疑,则创新
Passage SixAmerica and China:Working Partners 美国与中国:生意伙伴
Passage SevenAmericas Central Bank Has Become Ever More Powerful Over the Past Century “百岁”的美联储
Passage EightEurope on the Rack 饱受折磨的欧洲
Passage NineFor the Oil and Gas Industry, Tax Reductions Were Overdue? 油气工业早应该减税?
Passage TenRestraining Spending: Congress Should Let the President Try 要控制开支,国会应该放手让总统一试
Passage OneNet Benefits 网络净收益
Passage TwoSelfawareness with a Simple Brain 简单大脑的自我意识
Passage ThreeEmotional Needs in Teens May Spur the Growth of New Brain Cells 青少年的情感需要可能会激发新的脑细胞生长
Passage FourDark Matter 寻寻觅觅暗物质
Passage FiveThe Alibaba Phenomenon 阿里巴巴现象
Passage SixGenetically Modified Tree: Into the Wildwood 天然林基因改良
Passage SevenRoboCup 机器人世界杯
Passage EightCivilian Drones on Unclear Course 民用无人机将何去何从?
Passage NinePesky Packing Peanuts Baked and Crushed to Make Battery Electrodes 物尽其用——泡沫填充颗粒作电极
Passage TenHow Does IQ Relate to Personality? 智力与个性有怎样的关联?
Passage OneShocks to the Brain Improve Mathematical Abilities 想要提高数学能力——刺激刺激大脑
Passage TwoLanguageteaching Firms: Linguists Online 在线语言专家
Passage ThreeHigher Education: Not What It Used to Be 高等教育:今时
Passage FourTaking the Long View 高瞻远瞩
Passage FiveEducation and Class:Americas New Aristocracy 教育与阶级:美国的新权贵阶层
Passage SixPoverty,Crime and Education:The Paradox of the Ghetto 贫困、犯罪与教育——贫民窟的悖论
Passage Seven“Grandparenting” in Moderation Might Help Keep the Mind Sharp 适度的隔代教育可能有助于延缓大脑衰老
Passage EightSouth Koreas Education System 韩国的教育体制
Passage NineThe Economics Curriculum Is Evolving,But Too Slowly for Some 经济学课程不断发展,但对某些人来说节奏略慢
Passage TenSchool Reform:How to Tame a Trojan Horse 学校改革——如何
Passage OneThe Lady Who Changed the World 改变世界的女人
Passage TwoDigital Family Trees 数字式家谱
Passage ThreeHow Plausible Are the Proposed Private Mars Missions? 私人火星旅行是否可行?
Passage FourNew Study of Foragers Undermines Claim That War Has Deep Evolutionary Roots 新研究显示战争并不根植于人类的进化过程
Passage FiveSocial Security with Chinese Characteristics 中国特色的社会保障
第三部分 考博英语模拟试题及答案详解
Part ⅣReading Comprehension
本篇阅读文章节选自2012年4月1日的Scientific American(《科学美国人》)上的一篇文章。真题省略了原文的主副标题,对原文的举例和补充阐释部分进行了适当的删改,替换了一部分超纲词汇,删除了一些与文章主题关联不大的细节。
What Science Wants to Know:
An Impenetrable Mountain of Facts Can Obscure the Deeper Questions①
Which of the following would most scholars agree to about Newton and science?
A.Newton was the only person who knew all the science in the 1600s.
B.Newtons laws of force and gravity dominated science for 350 years.
C.Since Newtons time, science has developed into a mountain of facts.
D.A high school student probably knows more science than Newton did.
Most scholars agree that Isaac Newton, while formulating the laws of force and gravity and inventing the calculus in the late 1600s, probably knew all the science there was to know at the time.In the ensuing 350 years an estimated 50 million research papers and innumerable books have been published in the natural sciences and mathematics.The modern high school student probably now possesses more scientific knowledge than Newton did, yet science to many people seems to be an impenetrable mountain of facts.
One way scientists have tried to cope with this mountain is by becoming more and more specialized,
with limited success.As a biologist, I wouldnt expect to get past the first two sentences of a physics paper.Even papers in immunology or cell biology mystify me—and so do some papers in my own field, neurobiology.Every day my expertise seems to get narrower.②So scientists have had to fall back on another strategy for coping with the
Which of the following is best supported in this passage?
A.A scientist is a master of knowledge.
B.Knowledge generates better ignorance.
C.Ignorance is a sign of lack of education.
D.Good scientists are thoroughly ignorant.
Why is it a relief that science is about the questions more than the answers?
A.Because people like solving puzzles.
B.Because questions make science accessible.
C.Because there are more questions than answers.
D.Because questions point the way to deep answers.
mountain of information:we(替换为is to)③ largely ignore it.
That shouldnt come as a surprise.Sure, you have to know a lot to be a scientist, but knowing a lot is not what makes a scientist.What makes a scientist is ignorance.This may sound ridiculous, but for scientists the facts are just a starting place.In science, every new discovery raises 10 new questions,as playwright George Bernard Shaw sardonically declared in a dinner toast to Albert Einstein.④
By this calculus, ignorance will always grow faster than knowledge.Scientists and laypeople alike would agree that for all we have come to know, there is far more we dont know.More important, every day there is far more we know we dont know.One crucial outcome of scientific knowledge is to generate new and better ways of being ignorant: not the kind of ignorance that is associated with a lack of curiosity or education but rather a cultivated, highquality ignorance.This gets to the essence of what scientists do: they make distinctions between qualities of ignorance.They do it in grant proposals and over beers at meetings.As James Clerk Maxwell, probably the greatest physicist between Newton and Einstein, said, “Thoroughly conscious ignorance…is a prelude to every real advance in knowledge.”
This perspective on science—that it is about the questions more than the answers—should come as something of a relief.It makes science less threatening and far more friendly and, in fact, fun.Science becomes a series of elegant puzzles and puzzles within puzzles—and who doesnt like puzzles? Questions are also more accessible and often more interesting than answers; answers tend to be the end of the process, whereas questions have you in the thick of things.I cant grasp much of immunology even though I have a fancy Ph.D., but the wonderful thing is that most immunologists cant either—no one knows everything anymore.I can, however, understand the questions that drive immunology.And although I dont
The expression “take a backseat” probably means.
A.take a back place
B.have a different role
C.be of greater priority
D.become less important
What is the authors greatest concern in the passage?
A.The involvemet of the public in science.
B.Scientists enjoyment of ignorance.
C.The accumulation of scientific knowledge.
D.Newtons standing in the history of science.
pretend to understand much about quantum physics, I can appreciate how the questions in that field arise and why they are so fundamental.Emphasizing ignorance is inclusive; it makes everyone feel more equal in the same way the infinity of space pares everyone down to size.⑤
Of late(替换为Lately)⑥ this side of science has taken a backseat in the public mind to what I call the accumulation view of science—that it is a pile of facts way too big for us to ever hope to conquer.But if scientists would talk about the questions rather than boring your eyes out of their sockets with reams of jargon,
and if the media reported not only on new discoveries but the questions they answered and the new puzzles they created, and if educators stopped trafficking in facts that are already available on Wikipedia—then we might find a public once again engaged in this great adventure that has been going on for the past 15 generations.
So if you meet a scientist, dont ask her what she……