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書城自編碼: 2593739
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語綜合教程
作者: 文旭总主编 李京廉 张剑主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787300212890
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-07-10
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 216页/310 千字
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 274



** 我創建的書架 **

文旭,西南大学外院博士生导师,国家社会科学基金学科规划评审组专家,西部地区外语教育研究会会长,国际学术期刊Cognitive Linguistic Studies(《认知语言学研究》,John Benjamins Publishing Company出版)主编
Table of Contents
Unit 1 Politics
Text A Lexington: The Democrats’ Daughters
Text B A Feminist Party? Perfect. As Long as It Didn’t Last Too Long
Text C Divide and Conquer: Are the Left and the Right in America About to Go to War with Each Other?
Unit 2 Economy
Text A Solving America’s Inequality Puzzle
Text B Grandeur and Decline
Text C 5 Reasons Why Scottish Independence Would Be an Economic Disaster News Headline
Unit 3 Education
Text A Hong Kong in Hot Pursuit of Ivy League Education
Text B Is College Worth It?
Text C Why Do Americans Stink at Math?
Understanding News Report: The Lead
Unit 4 Art
Text A Why eBay Is an Art Forger’s Paradise
Text B Is Digital Art the Real Thing?
Text C Second Coming
Unit 5 Sports
Text A Jeremy Lin Takes Sane Approach to His Opportunity with the Lakers
Text B Home Run Derby: Some Sluggers Would Just as Soon Sit Than Swing
Text C With World Cup, Brazil Shows Its Successes and Shortcomings
Unit 6 Society
Text A The Rise of Fake Pot
Text B The Ins and the Outs
Text C Pregnancy Discrimination—Special Delivery
The Structure of Hard News and Soft News
Unit 7 Technology
Text A Has 3D Printing in the Home Been Over-hyped?
Text B Will Graphene Truly Become the Next Miracle Material?
Text C Ebola: How does It Compare?
Understanding the Structure of News Stories
Unit 8 Religion
Text A The Surprising Appeal of ISIS
Text B Three Assumptions About the Middle East That Are Just Plain Wrong
Text C The Secret History of the Middle East
Newspapers in the United States
Unit 9 Environment
Text A Hybrid, Electric or Gas: What’s a Car Buyer Interested in theEnvironment to Do?
Text B When an Electric Car Dies, What Will Happen to the Battery?
Text C Obama, Chinese President Agree to Landmark Climate Deal
News Commentary Op-ed
Unit 10 Travel
Text A Brief Encounters: Why I Love House-swapping
Text B Lonely Planet Reveals the Future of Travel
Text C The Great Wallets of China: Think YOU Like a Splurge at the Shops? You’ve Nothing on the Chinese Bling Addicts Spending £500m Here in One Mindboggling Week of Excess Newspapers in the U.K.
Unit 11 People
Text A Alice Munro Wins Nobel Prize for Literature
Text B Profile: Alice Munro
Text C The Secretive Billionaire Who Built Silicon Valley
Unit 12 History
Text A D-Day: Why America Remembers
Text B Honoring a Hero: A Lost Purple Heart from World War Ⅱ Finds Its Way Home to Salem Man
Text C 10 Shocking Ways the Second World War Could Have Ended Differently
1. Lexington: is the second-largest city in Kentucky and the 61st largest in the U.S., known as the “Horse Capital of the World.” Lexington was founded in June, 1775, in what was then Fincastle County, Virginia, 17 years before Kentucky became a state. 莱克星顿,美国肯塔基州的第二大城市,建于1775 年6 月。
2. Democrats and Republicans: The Democratic Party, one of the two major political parties in the U.S., traces its history back to the Democratic Republican Party 1792 of Thomas Jefferson who favored popular control of the government. Following the inauguration of Andrew Jackson in 1828, the party’s base was broadened, with representation from the new West as well as the East. Jackson was praised as a man of the people, and his administration marked the beginning of the period of dominance for the Democrats that only ended with the election in 1860 of Abraham Lincoln, the first successful candidate of the new Republican Party. The slavery controversy and the Civil War split the party into northern and southern selection. The Republican Party is the other major political party of the U.S. It was founded in 1854 by dissidents of the Whig, Democratic and Free Soil Parties to unify the growing antislavery forces.The Republic Party remained dominant in U.S. politics, winning 14 out of 18 presidential elections between 1860 and 1932. 民主党和共和党民主党是由第七任美国总统安德鲁· 杰克逊创建,但它的起源最早可以追溯至托马斯· 杰斐逊于1792 年创立的民主– 共和党。民主党以新政结合的政策主导了美国政府的政策一直到20 世纪60 年代的民权运动。共和党创立于1854 年,是由一群前辉格党党员、北方民主党人以及奴隶解放运动者所组成的联盟,他们反对奴隶制度的扩张,并主张应该将美国现代化,其创立的动机是为了对抗当时的奴隶主势力——亦即当时那些试图控制联邦政府并扩张奴隶制度的南方富有阶级。



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