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書城自編碼: 2575315
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英语考试
作者: 刘洪波
國際書號(ISBN): 9787300212487
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-06-01
版次: 2
頁數/字數: 399页/663千字
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1198



** 我創建的書架 **


《雅思阅读真经5》是中国雅思考试官方英国文化处(British Council)认证第一名师经典作品。而本书被迫进行改版,也足以证明本书对考点的精准把握。《雅思阅读真经5》自出版之日起,一直到今天,都是整个培训领域真题命中率最高的一本阅读书,代表了整个雅思培训行业对于真经教学研究的最高水平,代表了测试和训练的完美契合方式。从2004年到现在,不论怎样去还原真题,真经,永远代表最贴近出题原理,而且无可替代的一个品牌。这本书提供给你的不仅仅是真题还原,而是完整的训练方式。通过选择有针对性的训练材料进行分项测试,让考生的阅读能力有实质性飞跃。是的,这就是强悍的真经,可以跟任何一种教学理论相结合的真经,让所有雅思考生感到信赖和骄傲的真经。



CHAPTER 1 Summary单词填写题

Reading Passage 1 The Refrigerator


Reading Passage 2 Alfred Nobel


Reading Passage 3 Lost Giant: Mammoth


Reading Passage 4 Tasmanian Tigers


Reading Passage 5 The Lost Continent


Reading Passage 6 Clarence Saunders


Reading Passage 7 Fraud in Science


Reading Passage 8 Graffiti: Street Art or Crime


Reading Passage 9 Ancient Money


Reading Passage 10 Talc Powder


Reading Passage 11 Soviet’s New Working Week


Reading Passage 12 Spectacular Saturn


Reading Passage 13 Thomas Young


CHAPTER 2 TrueFalseNot Given句子理解判断题

Reading Passage 14 Yawn


Reading Passage 15 A Brief History of Chocolate


Reading Passage 16 Morse Code


Reading Passage 17 Torch Relay


Reading Passage 18 The Voynich Manuscript


Reading Passage 19 Bondi Beach


Reading Passage 20 The Dutch Tulip Mania


Reading Passage 21 The Benefits of Bamboo


Reading Passage 22 Chinese Yellow Citrus Ant for Biological Control


Reading Passage 23 Animal Self-medication


Reading Passage 24 Rapid, Urban and Flexible


Reading Passage 25 Self-esteem Myth 151


Reading Passage 26 William Gilbert and Magnetism


CHAPTER 3 Paragraph Heading段落中心思想题

Reading Passage 27 Pearls


Reading Passage 28 Temperaments and Communication Styles


Reading Passage 29 E-book


Reading Passage 30 Self-marketing


Reading Passage 31 Maps and Atlas


Reading Passage 32 Dyes and Pigments


Reading Passage 33 TV Addiction


Reading Passage 34 Medieval Toys and Childhood


CHAPTER 4 Matching信息匹配题

Reading Passage 35 Orientation of Birds


Reading Passage 36 Liar Detector


Reading Passage 37 Left-handed 226

Reading Passage

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1–13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

Improving Reading Speed

It is safe to say that almost anyone can double his speed of reading while maintaining equal or even higher comprehension. In other words, anyone can improve the speed with which he gets what he wants from his reading.

The average college student reads between 250 and 350 words per minute on fiction and non-technical materials. A “good” reading speed is around 500 to 700 words per minute, but some people can read 1,000 words per minute or even faster on these materials. What makes the difference? There are three main factors involved in improving reading speed: 1 the desire to improve, 2 the willingness to try new techniques and 3 the motivation to practice.

Learning to read rapidly and well presupposes that you have the necessary vocabulary and comprehension skills. When you have advanced on the reading comprehension materials to a level at which you can understand college-level materials, you will be ready to begin speed reading practice in earnest.

Understanding the role of speed in the reading process is essential. Research has shown a close relation between speed and understanding. For example, in checking progress charts of thousands of individuals taking reading training, it has been found in most cases that an increase in rate has been paralleled by an increase in comprehension, and that where rate has gone down, comprehension has also decreased. Most adults are able to increase their rate of reading considerably and rather quickly without lowering comprehension.

Some of the facts which reduce reading rate:

a limited perceptual span i.e., word-by-word reading;

b slow perceptual reaction time, i.e., slowness of recognition and response to the material;

c vocalisation, including the need to vocalise in order to achieve comprehension;

d faulty eye movements, including inaccuracy in placement of the page, in return sweep, in rhythm and regularity of movement, etc.;

e regression, both habitual and as associated with habits of concentration

f lack of practice in reading, due simply to the fact that the person has read very little and has limited reading interests so that very little reading is practiced in the daily or weekly schedule.

Since these conditions act also to reduce comprehension, increasing the reading rate through eliminating them is likely to result in increased comprehension as well. This is an entirely different matter from simply speeding up the rate of reading without reference to the conditions responsible for the slow rate. In fact, simply speeding the rate, especially through forced acceleration, may actually result, and often does, in making the real reading problem more severe. In addition, forced acceleration may even destroy confidence in ability to read. The obvious solution, then is to increase rate as a part of a total improvement of the whole reading process.

A well planned program prepares for maximum increase in rate by establishing the necessary conditions. Three basic conditions include:

a Eliminate the habit of pronouncing words as you read. If you sound out words in your throat or whisper them, you can read slightly only as fast as you can read aloud. You should be able to read most materials at least two or three times faster silently than orally.

b Avoid regressing rereading. The average student reading at 250 words per minute regresses or rereads about 20 times per page. Rereading words and phrases is a habit which will slow your reading speed down to a snail’s pace. Furthermore, the slowest reader usually regresses most frequently. Because he reads slowly, his mind has time to wander and his rereading reflects both his inability to concentrate and his lack of confidence in his comprehension skills.

c Develop a wider eye-span. This will help you read more than one word at a glance. Since written material is less meaningful if read word by word, this will help you learn to read by phrases or thought units.

Poor results are inevitable if the reader attempts to use the same rate indiscriminately for all types of material and for all reading purposes. He must learn to adjust his rate to his purpose in reading and to the difficulty of the material he is reading. This ranges from a maximum rate on easy, familiar, interesting material or in reading to gather information on a particular point, to minimal rate on material which is unfamiliar in content and language structure or which must be thoroughly digested. The effective reader adjusts his rate; the ineffective reader uses the same rate for all types of material.

Rate adjustment may be overall adjustment to the article as a whole, or internal adjustment within the article. Overall adjustment establishes the basic rate at which the total article is read; internal adjustment involves the necessary variations in rate for each varied part of the material. As an analogy, you plan to take a 100-mile mountain trip. Since this will be a relatively hard drive with hills, curves, and a mountain pass, you decide to take three hours for the total trip, averaging about 35 miles an hour. This is your overall rate adjustment. However, in actual driving you may slow down to no more than 15 miles per hour on some curves and hills, while speeding up to 50 miles per hour or more on relatively straight and level sections. This is your internal rate adjustment. There is no set rate, therefore, which the good reader follows inflexibly in reading a particular selection, even though he has set himself an overall rate for the total job.

In keeping your reading attack flexible, adjust your rate sensitivity from article to article. It is equally important to adjust your rate within a given article. Practice these techniques until a flexible reading rate becomes second nature to you.

Questions 1–4

Choose the appropriate letters A–D and write them in boxes 1–4 on your answer sheet.



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