編輯推薦: |
This book briefly introduces basic knowledge about China’s profound culture of Chinese characters with easily understandable words and exquisite pictures. It will take readers on a relaxing and interesting journey in the “kingdom of Chinese characters”.
內容簡介: |
Chinese characters are square-shaped ideograms and the only ancient language alive in the world. The existence of Chinese characters is a miracle in the human civilization history. Today, Chinese characters are still developing. This ancient language used by most people in the world is embracing the future vigorously.
關於作者: |
韩鉴堂 天津市人。天津师范大学对外汉语教师。1985年起从事对外汉语言文化教学和研究工作,1994年受国家教委委派赴蒙古国乌兰巴托国立大学讲学3年。出版著作:《中国文化》(1994)、《走近中国传统艺术》(2001)、《汉字文化图说》(2005)、《中国汉字》(2009)、《图说殷墟甲骨文》(2009)、《汉字文化》(2010)。在书籍报刊上发表插图数百幅;版画作品三次入选天津市美术作品展览;画像砖版画作品在中国美术馆展出。
Han Jiantang, a native of Tianjin and a TCSL Teaching Chinese as Second Language teacher at Tianjin Normal University, began to engage in TCSL education and research in 1985, and was dispatched by the State Education Commission in 1994 to give lectures at Mongolian National University, Ulaanbaatar for three years. Publications: China’s Cultural Heritage 1994, Approaching Traditional Chinese Art 2001, The Culture of Chinese Characters – With Illustrations by Pictures 2005, Inscriptions on Bones and Tortoise Shells from the Yin Ruins – With Illustrations by Pictures 2009 and The Culture of Chinese Characters 2010. Hundreds of his illustrations were published in books, newspapers and periodicals; his prints were displayed at three artwork exhibitions in Tianjin; his brick-relief prints were exhibited at the National Art Museum of China.