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●美国兰登书屋品牌童书Step into Reading原版引进
●贯穿“Learning to Read, Step by Step”的儿童阅读与学习理念,引领儿童攀登英语阅读与学习的阶梯
Hog and Dog 小猪和小狗
I Like Bugs 我喜欢虫子
I Like Stars 我喜欢星星
The Snow Ball 雪球
Too Many Cats 好多好多猫
Too Many Dogs 好多好多狗
City Cats, Country Cats 城里猫,乡下猫
The Lion and The Mouse 狮子和老鼠
Wheels! 轮子!
Boats! 船!
Corn Aplenty 玉米丰收啦
Sunshine, Moonshine 阳光,月光
Bear Hugs 熊的拥抱
Big Egg 大鸡蛋
Dragon Egg 龙蛋
Panda Kisses 熊猫的吻
Dancing Dinos 跳舞的恐龙
Dancing Dinos at the Beach 跳舞的恐龙在海滩
Dancing Dinos Go to School 跳舞的恐龙上学记
Ducks Go Vroom 小鸭做客
Happy Alphabet! 快乐的字母
Hot Dog 狗狗很热
Jack and Jill and Big Dog Bill 杰克、吉尔和大狗比尔
Mouse Makes Words 小老鼠拼词
Mouse''s Hide-and-Seek Words 小老鼠玩词语捉迷藏
Cat Traps 猫咪的陷阱
The Pup Speaks Up 小狗说话
Sleepy Dog 困倦的小狗
BIG EGG 《大鸡蛋》
Hen has some eggs.
One is big. The rest are small.
“This is not my egg!” says Hen.
“Is it a cat egg?”
“No,” says Cat.
“Is it a dog egg?”
“No,” says Dog.
“Is it a pig egg?”
“No,” says Pig.
“Is it a cow egg?”
“No,” says Cow.
“Is it a goat egg?”
“No,” says Goat.
“Is it a fox egg?”
“YES!” says Fox.
The small eggs crack.
“Peep! Peep!” say the small chicks.
The big egg cracks.
“SQUAWK!” says the big chick.
“Run!” says Hen.
Hen has some chicks.
One is big. The rest are small.
Hen loves them all.