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Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
CHAPTER 1 Embedded Computing
1.1. The landscape of high-performance embedded computing
1.2. Cyber-physical systems and embedded computing
1.2.1. Vehicle control and operation
1.2.2. Medical devices and systems
1.2.3. Electric power
1.2.4. Radio and networking
1.2.5. Multimedia
1.3. Design methodologies
1.3.1. Why use design methodologies?
1.3.2. Design goals
1.3.3. Basic design methodologies
1.3.4. Embedded system design flows
1.3.5. Standards-based design methodologies
1.3.6. Design verification and validation
1.3.7. A methodology of methodologies
1.3.8. Joint algorithm and architecture development
1.4. Models of computation
1.4.1. Why study models of computation?
1.4.2. The Turing machine
1.4.3. Stream-oriented models
1.4.4. Representations of state and control
1.4.5. Parallelism and communication
1.4.6. Sources and uses of parallelism
1.5. Reliability. safety. and security
1.5.1. Why reliable embedded systems?
1.5.2. Fundamentals of reliable system design
1.5.3. Novel attacks and countermeasures
1.6. Consumer electronics architectures
1.6.1. Bluetooth
1.6.2. WiFi
1.6.3. Networked consumer devices
1.6.4. High-level services
1.7. Summary and a look ahead
What we learned
Further reading
Lab exercises
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Comping processors
2.2.1. Evaluating processors
2.2.2. ATaxonomy of processors
2.2.3. Embedded vs. general-purpose processors
2.3. RISC processors and digital signal processors
2.3.1. RISC processors
2.3.2. Digital signal processors
2.4. Parallel execution mechanisms
2.4.1. Very long instruction word processors
2.4.2. Superscalar processors
2.4.3. SIMD and vector processors
2.4.4. Thread-level parallelism
2.4.5. GPUs
2.4.6. Processor resource utilization
2.5. Variable-performance CPU architectures
2.5.1. Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling
2.5.2. Reliability and error-aware computing
2.6. Processor memory hierarchy
2.6.1. Memory component models
2.6.2. Register files
2.6.3. Caches
2.6.4. Scratch pad memory
2.7. Encoding and security
2.7.1. Code compression
2.7.2. Code and data compression
2.7.3. Low-power bus encoding
2.7.4. Security
2.8. CPU simulation
2.8.1. Trace-based analysis
2.8.2. Direct execution
2.8.3. Microarchitecture-modeling simulators
2.8.4. Power and thermal simulation and modeling
2.9. Automated CPU design
2.9.1. Configurable processors
2.9.2. Instruction set synthesis
2.10. Summary
What we learned
Further reading
Lab exercises
CHAPTER 3 Programs
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Code generation and back-end compilation
3.2.1. Models for instructions
3.2.2. Register allocation
3.2.3. Instruction selection and scheduling
3.2.4. Code placement
3.2.5. Programming environments
3.3. Memory-oriented optimizations
3.3.1. Loop transformations
3.3.2. Global optimizations
3.3.3. Buffer. data transfer. and storage management
3.3.4. Cache- and scratch pad-oriented optimizations
3.3.5. Main memory-oriented optimizations
3.4. Program performance analysis
3.4.1. Performance models
3.4.2. Path analysis
3.4.3. Path timing
3.5. Models of computation and programming
3.5.1. Interrupt-oriented languages
3.5.2. Data flow languages
3.5.3. Control-oriented languages
3.5.4. Java
3.5.5. Heterogeneous models of computation
3.6. Summary
What we have learned
Further reading
Lab exercises
CHAPTER 4 Processes and Operating Systems
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Real-time process scheduling
4.2.1. Preliminaries
4.2.2. Real-time scheduling algorithms
4.2.3. Multi-criticality scheduling
4.2.4. Scheduling for dynamic voltage and frequenc5 scaling
4.2.5. Performance estimation
4.3. Languages and scheduling
4.4. Operating system design
4.4.1. Memory management in embedded operating systems
4.4.2. Structure of a real-time operating system
4.4.3. Operating system overhead
4.4.4. Support for scheduling
4.4.5. Interprocess communication mechanisms
4.4.6. Power management
4.4.7. File systems in embedded devices
4.5. Verification
4.6. Summary
What we have learned
Further reading
Lab exercises
CHAPTER 5 Multiprocessor Architectures
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Why embedded multiprocessors?
5.2.1. Requirements on embedded systems
5.2.2. Performance and energy
5.2.3. Specialization and multiprocessors
5.2.4. Flexibility and efficiency
5.3. Multiprocessor design techniques
5.3.1. Multiprocessor design methodologies
5.3.2. Multiprocessor modeling and simulation
5.4. Multiprocessor architectures
5.5. Processing elements
5.6. Interconnection networks
5.6.1. Models
5.6.2. Network topologies
5.6.3. Routing and flow control
5.6.4. Networks-on-chips
5.7. Memory systems
5.7.1. Traditional parallel memory systems
5.7.2. Models for memory
5.7.3. Heterogeneous memory systems
5.7.4. Consistent parallel memory systems
5.8. Physically distributed systems and networks
5.8.1. CAN bus
5.8.2. Time-triggered architecture
5.8.3. FlexRay
5.8.4. Aircraft networks
5.9. Multiprocessor design methodologies and algorithms
5.10. Summary
What we have learned
Further reading
Lab exercises
CHAPTER 6 Multiprocessor Software
6.1. Introduction
6.2. What is different about embedded multiprocessor software?
6.3. Real-time multiprocessor operating systems
6.3.1. Role of the operating system
6.3.2. Multiprocessor scheduling
6.3.3. Scheduling with dynamic tasks
6.4. Services and middleware for embedded multiprocessors
6.4.1. Standards-based services
6.4.2. System-on-chip services
6.4.3. Quality of service
6.5. Design verification
6.6. Summary
What we have learned
Further reading
Lab exercises
CHAPTER 7 System-Level Design and HardwareSoftware
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Performance estimation
7.2.1. High-level synthesis
7.2.2. Accelerator estimation
7.3. Hardwaresoftware co-synthesis algorithms
7.3.1. Program representations
7.3.2. Platform representations
7.3.3. Template-driven synthesis algorithms
7.3.4. Co-synthesis of general multiprocessors
7.3.5. Multi-objective optimization
7.3.6. Control and IO synthesis
7.3.7. Memory systems
7.3.8. Co-synthesis for reconfigurable systems
7.4. Electronic system-level design
7.5. Thermal-aware design
7.8. Reliability
7.7. System-level simulation
7.8. Summary
What we have learned
Further reading
Lab exercises
CHAPTER 8 Cyber-Physical Systems
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Control theory and systems
8.3. Controlcomputing co-design
8.4. Networked control systems
8.5. Design methodologies
8.5.1. Model-based design
8.5.2. Formal methods
8.8. Security
8.7. Summary
What we have learned
Further reading
Lab exercises