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『簡體書』The Social Service Role Strain of Chinese Police

書城自編碼: 2560564
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→法律司法制度
作者: 王小海
國際書號(ISBN): 9787509361429
出版社: 中国法制出版社
出版日期: 2015-02-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 190页
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 813



** 我創建的書架 **

Chapter 1 Introdu
1.1 Background of the
1.2 Research Objec
1.3 Research Ques
Chapter 2 Conception of the Police Social Service
2.1 Definition of the
2.2 Various Role State
2.2.1 Outcomes Stat
2.2.2 Behavioral State
2.2.3 Functional State
2.3 Basic Roles of the Po
2.3.1 Order Mainten
2.3.2 Law enforce
2.3.3 Service Deli
2.4 Chinese Police Sy
2.4.1 Main components of Modem Chinese Po
2.4.2 Police Funct
2.4.3 Police Rank Sy
2.4.4 Police Organizations with Military Tradit
2.4.5 Police Organizations as Bureaucra
2.4.6 The Chinese Paramilitary-Bureaucratic Police Organiza
2.4.7 Mass Line of Policing: Community Policing Philosophies in C
2.4.8 Research Site: Shenzhen Public Security Bu
Chapter 3 Theoretical Frame
3.1 Role Strain Th
3.1.1 Basic Concepts of Role Th
3.1.2 Major Tenets of Role Strain Th
3.1.3 Role Stress-Strain Formula
3.1.4 Goode''s Role Strain Th
3.1.5 Komarovsky''s Role Strain Th
3.1.6 Formulation of Police Social Service Role Stress-St
3.2 Conceptual Model of Police Social Service Role Stress-St
Chapter 4 Methodo
4.1 Research Hypoth
4.2 A Mixed Methods Appr
4.3 First Phase: Questionnaire Su
4.3.1 Gaining Access to the Subj
4.3.2 Pilot S
4.3.3 Sampling Techni
4.3.4 The Rationale for Non-probability Samp
4.3.5 Sample Selec
4.3.6 Instrumenta
4.3.7 Administration of the su
4.3.8 Response
4.3.9 Characteristics of Subj
4.3.10 Ethical Considerat
4.4 Second Phase: In-depth Inter
4.4.1 Sample Selec
4.4.2 Demographics of the Intervie
4.4.3 Instrumenta
4.4.4 Administration of the In-depth Inter
4.4.5 Trustworthi
4.4.6 Ethical Considerat
4.5 Data Anal
4.5.1 Quantitative Data Anal
4.5.2 Qualitative Data Anal
4.5.3 Integrating Anal
Chapter 5 Policing in the Pre-reform Era: Mass Line of Poli
5.1 Understanding Police Social Service Role Strain-Stress in the Context of Chinese Poli
5.2 Policing under the Household Administration Sy
5.2.1 The Household Administration Sy
5.2.2 The Police Sta
5.2.3 The Residence Commi
5.3 Police Social Service Work during the Pre-reform
5.3.1 Community Partici
5.3.2 Serving the People with Close and Harmonious Police-People Relation
5.3.3 The Active Police Social Service
5.3.4 Welfare Allocation and Human Assistance for the Dependent Per
5.3.5 Education, Correction and Mediation within the Commu
5.4 Policing with the Active Mass Participa
5.4.1 Mobilization in the Commu
5.4.2 Significant Role of Mass Participa
5.5 The Effective Informal Social Con
5.5.1 The Communitarian Orienta
5.5.2 Informal Meas
5.5.3 The Mass Line Stra
Chapter 6 Policing in the Reform Era: Strike Hard Campaigns and Emergence of Police Social Service Role Conflict and Incongr
6.1 Growing Crime Prob
6.2 Strike Hard Campa
6.3 Top Priority of Policing: Crime Figh
6.4 The Highlight of the Police as Crime Fight
6.5 Emergence of Police Social Service Role Incong
6.5.1 Not Viewed as "Real" Police Offic
6.5.2 Low Identity within the Police Organizat
6.6 The Significant Relationship between PSSRIC and PS
6.7 Emergence of Police Social Service Role Con
6.7.1 Conflict Role Expectations within the Police Organizat
6.7.2 Conflict Role Expectations between the Police and Citiz
6.8 The Significant Relationship between PSSRC and PS
Chapter 7 Policing in the Reform Era: The Police Professionalization and Emergence of Police Social Service Role Ambiguity, Overload and Inadequ
7.1 A Call for the Professionalizat
7.2 On the Road to the Professionalizat
7.3 A Combination of 110 Emergency Number System and Pat
7.4 The Problematic Pol
7.5 Costs of Police Professionalization: Loss of Mass Participat
7.5.1 The Less Integrated Commun
7.5.2 The Worsened Police-People Relati
7.6 Emergence of Police Social Service Role Ambigu
7.6.1 Unclear Regulations or Polic
7.6.2 Ambiguous Role Expectations from Supervis
7.6.3 Ambiguous Role Expectations from Colleag
7.6.4 Ambiguous Role Expectations from the Citiz
7.7 The Significant Relationship between PSSRA and PS
7.8 Emergence of Police Social Service Role Overl
7.8.1 Heavy Call-l
7.8.2 Time-related Pressu
7.9 The Significant Relationship between PSSRO and PS
7.10 Emergence of Police Social Service Role Inade
7.10.1 Lack of Knowledge and Ski
7.10.2 Lack of Time and Funds for Train
7.10.3 Limited Quality Train
7.11 The Significant Relationship between PSSRIA and PS
Chapter 8 Community Policing in the Reform Era: Police Professional Ethics and Emergence of Social Service Role Under-compensat
8.1 Construction of Professional Ethics for the Pol
8.2 Communist Ideology during the Societal Transit
8.3 Emergence of Police Social Service Role Under-compensat
8.3.1 Lack of Supervision or Punishm
8.3.2 Lack of Recognition or Rew
8.4 The Significant Relationship between the PSSRU and PS
Chapter 9 Pofice Social Service Role Strain-Stress: Findings of Their Relationship and Rise of Formal Social Cont
9.1 Emergence of Police Social Service Role Str
9.1.1 Ins
9.1.2 Irritat
9.1.3 Nervousness or Str
9.1.4 Discomf
9.1.5 Depression or Frustrat
9.1.6 Perplex
9.1.7 Fati
9.2 High Level of Police Social Service Role S
9.3 High Level of Police Social Service Role Str
9.4 The Significant Relationship between PSSRSS and PS
9.5 Formal Social Cont
Chapter 10 Conclus
10.1 Summary of the St
10.2 A Model for Understanding Police Service Social Role Strain in Ch
10.2.1 A Mixture of Formal and Informal Social Cont
10.2.2 The Philosophy of Comprehensive Approach toward Social Service W
10.2.3 Emphasizing Informal Social Co
10.2.4 Invitation for Mass Participat
10.2.5 Establishing Intimate Police-Community Cooperat
10.3 Limitations of the
10.4 Policy Implications and Recommendati
10.4.1 Adopt the Integrated Social Control Model for Inhibiting the Emergence of Police Social Service Role S
APPENDIX A: Questionnaire of Police Social Service Role Strain in the Police Stati
APPENDIX B: Interview Proto
APPENDIX C: Figure: The Structure of Public Security Pol
APPENDIX D: Figure: The Internal Structure of Shenzhen Public Security Bur
APPENDIX E: Figure: The Structure of Shenzhen Public Security Bur
APPENDIX F: Organizational Chart of the Police Stat



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