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第三单元 汉译英十大翻译技巧实例鉴赏与真题剖析
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附录 汉英最新版常用备考词组
At dinner with 1 friend the other night, I mentioned that I was giving 2 talk this week debunking 3 idea that we need to grow more food on 4 large scale so we can“feed 5 nine billion”— 6 anticipated global population by 2050.
The difference between you and the hungry is not 7 production levels; it’s money. There are no hungry people with money; there isn’t 8 shortage of food, nor is there 9 distribution problem. There is 10 I-don’t-have-the-land-and-resources-to-produce-my-own-food, nor-can-I-afford-to-buy-food problem.
And poverty and 11 resulting hunger aren’t matters of bad luck; they are often 12 result of people buying 13 property of traditional farmers and displacing them, appropriating their water, energy and mineral resources, and even producing cash crops for export while reducing 14 people growing 15 food to menial and hungry laborers on their own land.
Poverty isn’t the only problem, of course. There is also 16 virtually unregulated food system that is geared toward making money rather than feeding people. Look no further than 17 ethanol mandate or high fructose corn syrup for evidence.
If poverty creates hunger, it teams up with 18 food system to create another form of malnourishment: obesity and what’s called “hidden hunger,” 19 lack of micronutrients. If you define “hunger” as malnutrition, and you accept that overweight and obesity are 20 forms of malnutrition as well, then almost half the world is malnourished.
The solution to malnourishment isn’t to produce more food. The solution is to eliminate poverty.
Look at the most agriculturally productive country in the world: the United States. Is there hunger here? Yes, quite a bit. We have the highest percentage of hungry people of any developed nation, 21 rate closer to that of Indonesia than that of Britain.
Is there 22 lack of food? You laugh at that question. It is, as the former Food and Drug Administration commissioner David Kessler likes to call it, “a food carnival.” It’s just that there’s 23 steep ticket price.
A majority of the world is fed by hundreds of millions of small-scale farmers, some of whom are themselves among the hungry. The rest of the hungry are 24 underpaid or unemployed workers. But boosting 25 yields does nothing for them.
The best method of farming for most people is probably 26 traditional farming boosted by science. The best method of farming for those in 27 highly productive agricultural societies would be 28 farming made more intelligent and less rapacious. That is, 29 kind of farming we can learn from people who still have 30 real relationship with 31 land and are focused on quality rather than yield. The goal should be 32 food that is green, fair, healthy and affordable.
It’s not news that the poor need money and justice. If there’s a bright side here, it’s that it might be easier to make 33 changes required to fix 34 problems created by industrial agriculture than those created by inequality.
There’s plenty of food. Too much of it is going to feed animals, too much of it is being converted to fuel and too much of it is being wasted.
We don’t have to increase yield to address any of those issues; we just have to grow food more smartly than with 35 brute force of industrial methods, and we need to address 36 circumstances of the poor.
鉴赏实例 1
Going forward, we will take into full consideration China’s realities. That will mean striking a balance between market and efficiency, and between development and distribution. China will boost its economy so that there is more to share. China will improve income distribution so that the increased economic benefits are shared as widely as possible.
1. 该段选自中国驻英国大使刘晓明的演讲。从中文来看,整段都由逗号连接,句子看似毫无逻辑链,形散无序,但按照“三步走”的原则技巧认真分析一下,你就会发现,“下一步,我们还要立足中国的基本国情”属于理念、原则或指导方针,“处理好市场与效率、发展与分配的关系”属于要去做什么,“既要抓科学发展,把蛋糕做得更大,也要抓收入分配,把我们的蛋糕分得更好”属于进一步阐述要做的两件事情和想要实现的目标,这样一来,看似无序零散的信息在“三步走”的切分原则下逻辑立显。