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書城自編碼: 2558398
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語行业英语
作者: 丁旻,李阳,范宁,武雪 著
國際書號(ISBN): 978712200268A
出版社: 化学工业出版社
出版日期: 2015-04-01

頁數/字數: 750页
書度/開本: 16开

售價:NT$ 817



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《 穿透估值:读懂估值中的共识与博弈 》

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《 人设、流量与成交 》

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《 复利:全球顶尖投资者的31节认知与决策思维课 》

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《 窄门:纪德三部曲(插图珍藏版) 》

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《 工业机器人集成应用 》

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《 像大人一样生存,像孩子一样生活(小时候觉得开心就好,现在也是) 》

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NT$ 370
《 VOA十年精华选集 慢速初级(附赠800分钟超长VOA原声光盘)精彩呈现十年世界大事记全球热门事件之全景写照,随心所欲畅听鲜活世界最精彩的听力素材、最实用的听力点拨技巧、最标准的听力音频! 》

NT$ 370
《 VOA十年精华选集 常速中级(精彩呈现十年世界大事记全球热门事件之全景写照,随心所欲畅听鲜活世界最精彩的听力素材、最实用的听力点拨技巧、最标准的听力音频!)(附赠600分钟超长VOA原声光盘) 》
《每天听点原声VOA精华:2分钟慢速新闻英语听力、单词轻松听》旨在为英语学习者提供权威的学习资料,选取了VOA(Voice of America,美国之音电台)2012年度最新新闻,题材广泛,涉及政治、经济、科技、社会生活、体育娱乐等多个领域,每篇新闻均包含“新闻背景”“原音重现”“参考译文”“帮助”“考级宝典”5大板块,帮助读者全方位参透新闻英语精华,学习“正宗”英语,听力、单词、口语、语法多重突破。
《每天听点原声BBC精华:1分钟地道新闻英语听力、单词轻松听》旨在为英语学习者提供权威的学习资料,选取了BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation,英国广播公司)2012年度最新新闻,题材广泛,涉及政治、经济、科技、社会生活、体育娱乐等多个领域,每篇新闻均包含“新闻背景”“原音重现”“参考译文”“帮助”“考级宝典”5大板块,帮助读者全方位参透新闻英语精华,学习“正宗”英语,听力、单词、口语、语法多重突破。
《每天听点原声CNN精华:入门级学生新闻英语听力、单词轻松听》旨在为英语学习者提供权威的学习资料,选取了CNN(Cable News Network,美国有线电视新闻网)2012年度最新新闻,题材广泛,涉及政治、经济、科技、社会生活、体育娱乐等多个领域,每篇新闻均包含“新闻背景”“原音重现”“参考译文”“帮助”“考级宝典”5大板块,帮助读者全方位参透新闻英语精华,学习“正宗”英语,听力、单词、口语、语法多重突破。
Unit 1 社会生活
McDonald’s Vegetarian Restaurant in India印度的麦当劳全素食餐厅
Denmark’s Measures to Boost the National Birthrate丹麦的“鼓励生育”政策
Winter Time and Summer Time in Russia俄罗斯的夏令时和冬令时
Ghosts for Sale出卖魂魄
Cinema Ninjas电影院里的黑衣忍者
Feral Cats Rampant in the Middle East中东野猫肆虐
Family Stuff展览家庭
The Value for Sorry道歉的价值
Up in Smoke戒烟行动
Very Superstitious非常迷信
Virtual Lives虚拟人生
Unit 2 环球视野
The Great Queue of China中国长“队”
Berlin Nightclubs柏林的夜总会
Pianos on the Scrapheap萧条的钢琴市场
Baby Panda Dies熊猫宝宝不幸夭折
Too Posh To Work上层社会不工作
British—version Lolita英国上演现实版洛丽塔
Overseas Adoption of African Children海外领养非洲儿童
Nicolas Sarkozy’s Knowledge of Flowers萨科奇的花卉知识
Fireworks for a Diamond Queen女王钻石庆典的烟花秀
Mushrooms Help Fighting Hunger in Ruanda蘑菇拯救卢旺达
Unit 3 全球经济
Unemployment Fallen in America美国失业率下降
The Cost of Ageing Populations 人口老龄化的代价
Broadband for Africa非洲的新宽带
Two Risks to the Global Economy全球经济的两大危机
Deteriorations: Hoisting A Red Flag颓市恶化,危机预警
China’s Economic Prospects中国经济的前景
Chaos in South Africa Mining Industry南非矿业骚乱
Greece Facing Dilemma希腊进退两难
IMF “Blind to Crisis”国际货币基金组织未能预示经济危机
Cloudy European Economies阴云笼罩欧洲经济
Unit 4 热点聚焦
Apple without Steve Jobs乔帮主退隐江湖,苹果公司何去何从
Children in the New Media Age新媒体时代的儿童
Japanese Debris from the Tsunami All at Sea含辐射的日本海啸垃圾漂洋过海
China’s Economic Target中国经济的雄心
Facebook Versus Google脸书和谷歌公关冲突
Go and Find a Job快去找份工作
A Transformation of the World Energy Market世界能源市场大变革
The Demographic Transition世界人口过渡期
Unemployment While Openings Spread诸多职位空缺与失业率上升的矛盾
First Anniversary for Chile’s Survivors in the Mine Disaster智利矿工获救 1 周年
China’s Migrant Labor中国的劳动力迁移
Unit 5 政坛风云
Travelling with Hilary与希拉里同行
Internet Privacy网络隐私权
Palestinian Groups Meet巴勒斯坦各政党会面
Violence in Rakhine State of Burma缅甸若开邦发生骚乱
Disputes in Syria Deteriorates叙危机持续升级
Doubt on Campaign Coffers of Politicians美国大选资金来源遭疑
Unit 6 国际局势
A Free Syrian Army叙利亚自由军
Cholera in Haiti海地发生霍乱
No Future for Libya利比亚的未来堪忧
World Hunger Overestimated联合国高估世界饥饿人口数字
American Amateur Films Resulted in Attacks美国业余影片引来祸端
China Offered $20 Billion in Loans to Africa中国向非洲国家提供 200 亿美元贷款
Peaceful Mopti平静的莫普提
Unit 7 人文科教
BBC’s Programs Face CutsBBC 节目面临削减
BBC Is Going to Change Its StrategyBBC 将要改变战略
BBC May Won’t Target to Please EveryoneBBC 或许不再专注服务大众
Be Brainy, Be Bilingual想要聪明就学习两种语言
New Words in Dictionary字典里的新单词
Protecting Shipwrecks保护沉船遗址
Silent Hunters沉默的捕猎者
An Ice Treat for Animals给动物降温
Lost City失落的古城
Unit 8 英伦风情
Are British Stiff Upper Lip英国人真的很严肃吗
The Big Ben都市掠影——大本钟
Wallis Simpson Trapped by Royal Relationship温莎公爵夫人被王室婚姻所困
Countryside Rambling漫步英国乡间
Learn Irish English学习爱尔兰英语
Knitting a Revival织毛活儿再度兴起
Raining Cats and Dogs英国的瓢泼大雨
Rejecting Oxford拒绝牛津大学
The Shard Stands Tall over London碎片大厦高耸伦敦
Britain Seems to be Developing Green Fingers越来越多英国人发现园艺乐趣
The Controversial Rastamouse一只引起争议的老鼠
The Living Artwork真人雕艺术
Unit 9 医疗健康
Calorie Counting Menus in Ireland爱尔兰餐厅推出热量菜单
Sight Problems of Asian Students亚洲学生的视力问题
Eat less, Live Longer少吃更长寿
The Myth of the Eight—Hour Sleep8 小时睡眠的科学性
When Life Loses Its Smell当生命失去它的气味
Euthanasia—Who Should Make the Choice安乐死——生存还是毁灭,该是谁的选择
Colorful but Dangerous漂亮但危险
What it Takes To Climb Helps Cure Diseases登山造福重症患
Chocolate Helps Win the Nobel Prize巧克力帮助诺贝尔获奖人得奖
Unit 10 科研尖端
Where There Is Water, There Is Life有水的地方就有生命
Great Contributions of www万维网的伟大贡献
Shrinking Fish in Hot Water水温高鱼变小
Artist Gets “Third Eye”艺术安上了“第三只眼”
South Pole Celebration发现南极百年庆典
Bird or Dinosaur是鸟还是恐龙
Toilets of the Future未来的厕所
Living on Another Planet生活在另一个星球
Women’s Eggs and Men’s Sperm for Sale买卖人体生殖细胞
Lonely Planet“流浪星球”
Unit 11 影视娱乐
Adele Triumphs at the Brits阿黛尔全英音乐奖上满载而归
Shakespeare’s Secrets Living Place莎士比亚故居的秘密
Sherlock Holmes Returns福尔摩斯再度归来
Spy Undercover—Charm of 007地下间谍——007 的性感魅力
Superman’s Career Crisis超人陷入职业危机
Venezuela’s Beauty school委内瑞拉的选美学校
Mrs. Thatcher’s Later Years铁娘子的晚年生活
“The Avengers”《复仇者联盟》
$ 65 Million for a Prince Charming家有蕾丝女,五亿为招婿
I Am Bruce Lee我是李小龙
Making the Sound in Horror Movie解密恐怖电影声效制作
Unit 12 体育赛事
Roger Federer Got Beaten ATP总决赛费天王折腰
England Footballers Crash Out欧洲杯英格兰被淘汰
Women on the Ball英国女子足球职业联赛
Football Ticket Tension足球购票局势紧张
NBA News ExpressNBA 新闻快报
UEFA Champions League News Express欧洲冠军联赛新闻快报
The Crying Games哭泣运动会
The Alternative Games另类运动竞赛
Spain Reign at Euro 20122012 年欧洲杯西班牙夺冠
Paralympic Facts残奥会常识
Qatar’ s Hot World Cup卡塔尔炎热世界杯
Unit 1 社会万象
Christmas in China and Western Countries中国与西方的圣诞节
Pictures Taken Appealing for the Great Barrier Reef Protection拍摄照片以呼吁人们保护大堡礁
Endeavour Crawling on the Road奋进号现身公路
Students Cutting Pictures in the Museum Causes Controversy学生在博物馆割画惹争议
A Charitable Organization in the U.S. Gets into Scandal美国一慈善组织陷入募捐丑闻
Australian Stunt Man Jumps from the High for the Dream澳大利亚知名特技人为梦想挑战高空一跳
More Working Time, More Smooth Retire Life工作更长时间以谋求安稳的退休生活
Inspiration of a London Building Comes from Life伦敦建筑灵感源于生活
“Memorial Day” Was Held in America美国举行“阵亡将士纪念日”活动
Presidents and Their Pets美国总统们的宠物情缘
Americans Are Facing Serious Obesity美国人将面临严重的肥胖问题
High Price for a Coin Is Just for Memory硬币拍出天价,买主只为回忆
Unit 2 国际动态
A Royal Rule Changed英国王室规则改变
UNSC Accused the Israeli—Palestinian Violence Bloodshed联合国安全理事会指责巴以暴力流血事件
World Leaders Gathered in New York for the UN Conference世界各国领导人聚集纽约参加联合国会议
The 2012 Nobel Peace Prize Goes to the European Union2012年诺贝尔和平奖授予欧盟
The International Community Searching for New Method to End the Conflict in Libya国际社会努力寻找新方法结束利比亚冲突
FBI Investigates on Divulging Confidential Information of National Security美国联邦调查局调查泄露国家安全机密信息
NATO Formulates the Afghan Transitional Policy北大西洋公约组织制定阿富汗过渡方针
President Obama Visited Afghanistan Causes An Uneasy Position Back in America奥巴马阿富汗之行引"自家后院"不太平
The Arab League Tried t Find Out the Method to Deal with Syria Crisis阿拉伯联盟试图找出方法应对叙利亚危机
Islands Dispute between England and Argentina Warms Up Again英国阿根廷群岛争端再次升温
2012 Election Year2012选举年
President Obama Visited Australia奥巴马总统访问澳大利亚
Unit 3 政坛要闻
Obama Seek for New Ideas after His Reappointment奥巴马连任后寻找新思维
America Presidential Debate Is Over, Election Will Start Within Two Weeks美国总统辩论已结束,选举两周内开始
Similarities between President Obama and Governor Romney总统奥巴马和州长罗姆尼相似处
Third Parties in the United States美国的第三党派
Chavez Was Appointed the Next President of Venezuela查韦斯获任委内瑞拉下届总统
17—year—old Representative Was Placed Great Hope in Tampa to Search for Solutions共和党17岁代表被寄予厚望
The Republican Presidential Candidates Are Ready for the General Election共和党各总统候选人跃跃欲试参加大选
Wisconsin Governor Faced Recall Election美国威斯康辛州州长面临罢免选举
Election Candidates Played the Gasoline Depreciation Card美选战候选人大打汽油降价牌
Obama Intends to Repeat History in the Election奥巴马总统拟在选战中重演历史
Primary Election in Florida佛罗里达州州长初选
Election Candidates Try to Win the Last Support, Voters Cast Their Ballots美国大选年候选人赢取最后支持,选民投出期望选票
Unit 4 金融财经
The Rich Class Hopes Obama Extend the Tax Cuts美国富有阶层希望奥巴马延长减税
Stimulus Funds for Laredo Create and Bring Employment Opportunities刺激资金为拉雷多创造并带来就业机会
Four Questions Restrict the Economic Recovery of the United States四个疑点制约美国经济复苏
Economic Austerity and Stimulation经济紧缩与刺激
The U.S. Unemployment Rate Declined Slightly美国失业率略有下降
The Deadline for Americans to Pay the Taxes Is Approaching美国人缴税大限临近
Discontentment on Government Officials’ Fat Salary in a Small Town of California加州小镇政府官员高薪引不满
Japanese Economy Ushered in Historical Low日本经济迎来历史低谷
Coin Manufacturing Value Is Not Proportional to Its Actual Value硬币制造价值已经和实际面值不成正比
Romney Couple Leaves a Huge Amount of Property for Their Posterity罗姆尼夫妇为后代下血本
Facebook Applies For Going Public Facebook申请公开上市
Unit 5 法制时空
Prospect of American Medical Reform Bill Is Not Optimistic美国医疗改革法案前景不乐观
The Electoral College选举团
President Obama Signed the Health Care Reform Bill into Law奥巴马签署医疗改革法案
The Protection of American Intellectual Properties美国知识产权保护
The Scientists Were Sentenced Due to Misdetection on Earthquake科学家误测地震被判刑
Obama’s New Policy Seeks Welfare for Immigrants奥巴马新政为移民谋福利
Sugary Drinks Are Planned To Be Banned in New York纽约计划禁止销售大容量含糖饮料
Liberia and Syria’s Domestic Situation利比里亚与叙利亚国内形势
Kagan Was Nominated American Chief Judge, All Parties Accused Her Lack of Judicial Experiences卡根被提名美大法官,各党派指责其无司法经验
Obama’s Health Insurance Reform Bill Is Unconstitutional奥巴马医疗保险改革法案违宪
Unit 6 军事热点
The Palestinian and Israeli Discuss Long—Term Peace Agreement巴以商讨长期和平协议
Situation in Regions Near the Strait of Hormuz Were Tension with Constant Military Exercises霍尔木兹海峡附近地区局势紧张
Israeli Air Strikes Against Terrorist in Gaza, Including Hamas Leaders以色列空中打击加沙恐怖主义目标
Israel Attacks more than 1300 Places in Gaza以色列针对加沙1300多个地方发动袭击
Malala, 14—year—old Pakistan Girl Was Sent to Britain for Treatment巴基斯坦14岁女孩马莱拉被送往英国医治
Turkey Vowed to Defend its Territory土耳其誓要保卫领土
11th Anniversary of 9·11 Held in the United States美国纪念“9·11事件”11周年
The 68th Anniversary of D—day纪念诺曼底登陆68周年
The World War II British Aircraft Wreckage Was Found in Africa第二次世界大战英军战机残骸在非洲被发现
US Army Handed the Command of Night Raids to Afghanistan美军将夜袭指挥权交给阿富汗
American Companies Have Been Attacked美国公司遭袭击
Unit 7 科技在线
12—year—old Girl Rebuilt A Car12岁小女孩重组汽车
New Environmentally—friendly Bike新型环保自行车
Voyager I Continues its Journey in Space旅行者一号继续太空之旅
SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Launched Successfully SpaceX猎鹰9号火箭发射成功
Egyptian Student Sent Spiders into Space Orbit埃及学生将蜘蛛送入宇宙轨道
New York Starts up a Costly Subway Expansion Project纽约地铁启动造价不菲扩建工程
“Discovery” Has Formally Settled in the Museum “发现号”航天飞机正式落户博物馆
Medical Equipment Cleaning Failure Causes Infections医疗设备清洗失败导致病人感染
The HD TV is Coming Closer to You高清电视走近你
The Archaeological Work without Disturbing the Ground不破坏地面的考古工作
Fast—pace of Life Leads to Heart Disease生活节奏快导致心脏病
The Government Takes Measures to Control Light Pollution政府准备采取措施控制光污染
The Colorado Company Turns Garbage into Treasure Using New Technology新技术将垃圾变废为宝
Slavery Database of Virginia State Helps People to Find Their Ancestors奴隶身份资料库帮助市民找到祖先起源
Unit 8 天灾人祸
More than 10,000 Deaths Per Year in the United States Due to Drunkenness or Alcohol美国每年1万多人因醉酒或因酒精导致死亡
Natural Disaster Attacks Pakistan Again自然灾害再袭巴基斯坦
Devastating Disaster Area after Sandy飓风“桑迪”过后,灾区满目疮痍
Obama Headed to New Jersey after Sandy奥巴马前往灾区新泽西
Indonesia Suffered Severe Earthquake印度尼西亚发生大规模地震
Isaac Landed at Haiti热带风暴“艾萨克”登陆海地
Outbreak of West Nile Virus in the U.S., Texas美国德克萨斯州爆发西尼罗河病毒
Tropical Storm Beryl Formed on the North Carolina Coast热带风暴“百瑞尔”在美国东南海岸形成
President Obama Visited the Gulf of Mexico奥巴马总统抵达墨西哥湾
Storm Isaac Disrupt the Republican Convention, Romney Faced Weather Resistance风暴“艾萨克”扰乱共和党大会
The 1th Anniversary of Earthquake Was Held in Japan日本大地震一周年举行纪念活动
3 People Died in Washington Avalanche华盛顿州雪崩3人死亡
The Government of Ukraine Takes Measures to Cope with the Arctic Weather乌克兰政府采取措施应对极寒天气
Chain Collision Accident in Florida Killed At Least 10 People美国佛罗里达州发生连环撞车事故
Unit 9 体育娱乐
German Soccer Players Join American National Soccer Team美德后裔球员加入美国国家足球队
With too Many Visitors, Michelangelo’s Masterpiece Faces Great Threat参观者过多,米开朗基罗名作恐遭破坏
The Rubik’s Cube魔方
One Second Every Day一秒一天生活微电影
The San Diego Animation Festival圣地亚哥动漫节开幕
American Professional Football Players and the Professional League Confront at Court美国职业橄榄球员与美国职业橄榄球大联盟对簿公堂
The Older Generation Carries the Banner of Revitalization of the Video Game Industry振兴电子游戏行业由老年一代扛起大旗
Impact of Concussion on Young Athletes脑震荡对年轻运动员的影响
Athletes Derrick Brooks Runs A School运动员德瑞克·布鲁克斯办学校
Hollywood Blockbusters好莱坞大片回顾
Messy Mount Fuji富士山变成了垃圾山
The Statue of Liberty Is Open Again自由女神像重新开放
Unit 10 校园教育
“The Time Collaborative” Project May Help Students to Increase Their Test Scores “时间协作”项目或有助提高学生的考试成绩
Jobs, Economy and Education Are Big Issues Now工作、经济、教育成难题
An Increase in Students Missing School学校缺课日渐频繁
ROTC Program Is Back in Harvard哈佛恢复后备军官训练队计划
Presidential Candidates Talked About Ways to Make College More Affordable总统竞选人谈论如何减轻学生上学负担
Obama’s Official Note for Leave for Late Student奥巴马总统为迟到学生出具官方假条
Smart Ways to Reduce the Cost of University降低大学成本有妙招
More Healthy Food in American Schools美国学校推行更健康食品
Little Tiny Thing to A Strong Woman从小不点儿到女强人
Black Culture Month into Famous Schools黑人文化月走进历史名校
Unit 1 百姓生活
Thanksgiving, but US Turkey Farmers Aren’t Celebrating感恩节,美国火鸡饲养者们却没有庆祝
Cambodians Get Lessons in Skateboarding, Life柬埔寨年轻人在滑板中学会人生
Corn Maze Craze玉米迷宫热潮
Microsoft Competes Against Apple With New Tablet微软发布两款平板电脑对抗苹果
Saving Money for College积攒大学费用
Touring Colleges, Without Ever Leaving Home足不出户参观美国院校
What is the Relationship Between Age and Happiness年龄和幸福度之间的联系
How much does a college education cost in the United States美国大学教育花费是多少
Unit 2 各国动态
Defense Department Investigates Top American Commander in Afghanistan国防部调查驻阿富汗美军最高指挥官
Burma Places Hopes for Development in Foreign Investment缅甸寄希望发展外国投资
Ethiopia’s Meles Goes on Sick Leave埃塞俄比亚总理梅莱斯因病休假
First Presidential Debate Centers on Economic Concerns首次总统候选人辩论以经济问题为中心
Rio + 20 Brings Attention to Sustainable Development里约+20峰会关注可持续发展
Russian Prime Minister Calls for Ban on Smoking in Public俄罗斯总理呼吁公共场合禁烟
Health Care Law Upheld, but Republicans Plan Fight医保法案受支持,共和党筹划新一轮斗争
US Postal Service Wants Congress to Make Changes to Its Business Model美国邮政寄望国会改变其业务模式
Tobacco Forces Still Strong烟草势力仍然强大
Unit 3 国际关系
Report of Plot to Kill Saudi Raises US—Iran Tensions暗杀报道加剧美伊紧张局势
Will UN Peace Plan Work in Syria联合国和平计划在叙利亚能否生效
Palestinians Apply to UN巴勒斯坦申请入联
A Former American Treasury Secretary Talks About US—China Economic Ties美国前财政部长谈及中美贸易关系
American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Will Meet with Egypt’s New President美国国务卿克林顿将访问埃及
Clashes Intensify on Turkish—Syrian Border土耳其和叙利亚边境冲突加剧
High—Level Delegations Meet for Talks on Mali Crisis高级别代表团会面讨论马里危机
What World Leaders Said at the UN世界各国领导人在联大发言
Unit 4 经济热点
Ethiopia Permits Mobile Banking and Money Services埃塞俄比亚批准移动银行和移动支付
Nobel Prize in Economics Recognizes “Market Designer”2012年诺贝尔经济学奖认可“市场设计”领域
The Business of Learning Mandarin老外学汉语的那些事
Uneven Signs of Growth in the Transport Industry运输行业出现不均衡增长现象
Meeting Highlights Economic “Dynamism”of Southeast Asia世界经济论坛东亚会议强调东南亚经济活力
Pressure in Europe Builds for Banking Reform欧洲银行业改革压力累积
The IMF Details Concerns About Zimbabwe’s Debt国际货币基金组织将讨论津巴布韦债务问题
Vietnam Opens its Securities Companies to Foreign Investors越南证券公司对外企开放
Unit 5 社会万象
China’s Mo Yan Wins Nobel in Literature中国作家莫言获2012诺贝尔文学奖
Connecting Employers with Jobs Seekers in Today’s Economy新技术连接招聘者和求职者
Growing Girls Who Code“编程女生”组织发展壮大
Roma Culturein New York纽约吉卜赛文化
Some Websites Judge You by the Kind of Computer You Use根据你电脑类型变化的网站
The Global Problem of Preterm Births早产这一全球性问题
The Risks of Language for Health Translators卫生翻译人员的翻译风险
Unit 6 教育改革
Helping Women Continue Their Education After Prison帮助出狱女性继续教育
Number of International Students Attending American Colleges and Universities Continues Rising在美学习国际留学生数量持续增长
IB Program Aims to Form “Students of the World” IB课程旨在塑造“世界学生”
More Universities Offer Free Online Courses更多高校提供免费网络课程
United Nations Report Urges “Putting Education to Work”联合国报告督促通过教育途径促进青年就业
Using Art to Make Summer School More Interesting用艺术让暑期学校更有趣
Best Way to Learn a Language学习语言的最好方法
How an Allowance Helps Children Learn About Money儿童通过处理零花钱学会理财
How a Small Change in Teaching May Create Better Readers小改变提高儿童阅读能力
Unit 7 健康人生
Rethinking “Good” Cholesterol有益胆固醇受到质疑
Diesel Fuel Exhaust Causes Cancer内燃机废气导致癌症
For Smokers, Never Too Late to Quit; Diesel and Cancer戒烟永远不迟
How Much Exercise Do You Really Need你真正需要多少运动
Medical Experts Debate Value of Alcohol Use医学专家就饮酒作用展开讨论
New Medical Tape Reduces Pain for Newborns, Older Adults新型医用胶布减少新生儿及老年患者痛苦
Rethinking PSA重新思考PSA
Scientists Dispute Study of Genetically Modified Corn科学家对转基因玉米导致肿瘤提出异议
Unit 8 环境能源
Could Waste Plastic Reduce Our Need for Oil塑料制油技术能否减少美国的石油需求
UN Says Family Planning Pays Big for Developing Countries联合国表示计划生育对发展中国家具有积极作用
Condition of Oceans Affects Human Health海洋状态影响人类健康
How Overfishing Threatens Asia’s Wild Fish Stocks过度渔猎如何导致亚洲野生鱼类存储量下降
Mobile Phones Could Help Efforts to End Malaria手机可以帮助根除疟疾
South Pacific Islands Now Totally Powered by the Sun托克劳群岛完全由太阳能发电
Turning Industrial Waste—Heat Into Electricity利用工业废热发电
Wreckage from Japanese Tsunami Reaching Western United States日本海啸残骸抵达美国西海岸
Unit 9 粮食农业
China Looks to Ukraine for Food中国转向乌克兰寻求粮食来源
Deadly Maize Disease Threatens Food Supplies in Kenya致命玉米疾病威胁肯尼亚粮食安全
Demand for Wheat Growing in Sub—Saharan Africa撒哈拉以南非洲对小麦需求增长
Feed the Soil, Feed the Crops营养供给土壤也供给作物
Improving “Feed Efficiency” in Cattle提高牲畜的喂养效率
In Eastern DRC, Ex—Fighters Make a New Life With Coffee刚果东部前武装分子从咖啡中获得新生
Vietnam’s Big Year for Coffee, Rice Exports越南大米和咖啡出口的重要一年
Worries About Rising Food Prices May Ease粮食价格上涨的担忧可能缓解
Unit 10 军事安全
Obama’s Plan for Troop Cuts in Afghanistan奥巴马的阿富汗撤军计划
US, Australia Expand Military Cooperation美国澳大利亚扩大军事合作
Afghanistan Tops Agenda at NATO Summit in Chicago北约峰会在芝加哥举行,阿富汗成为最重要议题
As Annan Resigns, UN Condemns Violence in Syria安南辞任叙利亚特使,联合国大会通过决议谴责叙利亚暴力
UN Observers in Syria Visit Massacre Site Near Hama联合国观察员进入哈马市附近屠杀事件现场
Mali Coup Shows Tensions Over Tuareg Fighters Back From Libya马里政变局势紧张
Mali Conflict Keeps Children Out of School马里冲突,使儿童失学
Unit 11 灾害救援
Power Still Out For Many in New York City纽约多处仍处断电状态
Aid Workers Seek to Build “Resilience” in Sahel援助组织试图培养萨赫勒地区人们的“韧劲”
Eastern United States Struggles to Recover from Huge Storm美国东部地区桑迪风暴后艰难恢复
Japan, a Year After the Disaster日本,灾后一年
US Faces Worst Drought in 56 Years美国面临56年以来最为严重的干旱
UN Appeals for Famine Aid for Somalia联合国呼吁救助索马里饥荒难民
A Tragedy in Norway Raises Questions for Europe挪威悲剧引发欧洲诸多问题
Unit 12 科技探索
Are Smartphone Apps Encouraging Young Smokers智能手机应用软件引诱青少年吸烟
Can Social Media Improve Voter Turnout社会媒体可以提高投票率
Cancer Drug Finds HIV Hidden in the Body癌症药物可以发现隐藏在身体中的艾滋病毒
Driving With GPS Can Be Difficult to Navigate GPS导航让行车更加困难
Experts Work to Develop Better Tools to Predict Severe Weather专家开发新型工具预测极端天气
Music Classes in Childhood May Lead to Changes in the Brain儿童时期参加音乐班也许会改变大脑
New Research Hopes to Speed Development of HIV Vaccine新研究有望加速HIV疫苗开发
Tomato’s Genetic Secrets Are Peeled Away番茄的基因秘密已被揭开
Unit 13 体育娱乐
Remembering Singing Superstar Whitney Houston缅怀超级巨星惠特尼·休斯顿
Austrian Skydiver Breaks Sound Barrier奥地利跳伞运动员打破声障
Disabled Cyclists Prepare For Summer Paralympic Games残疾自行车手为夏季残奥会做准备
Mike Tyson Takes on Broadway迈克·泰森将登百老汇演自传
Break—Up Songs: The Sound of a Broken Heart分手情歌:心碎的声音
Columbia Records at 125 125周年的哥伦比亚唱片公司
Rihanna Unapologetic蕾哈娜新专辑《毫无悔意》
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominees“摇滚名人堂”提名
DC Record Fair华盛顿的唱片集会
Unit 14 词汇掌故
Words and Their Stories State Nicknames美国各州昵称
Words and Their Stories: Ace in the Hole底牌
Words and Their Stories: All About Eyes与“眼睛”相关的短语
Words and Their Stories: Down to Earth脚踏实地
Words and Their Stories: Feel The Pinch手头拮据
Words and Their Stories: Hold Your Horses和“马”相关的英语表达
Words and Their Stories: Top Brass老板
Words and Their Stories: Touch All Bases面面俱到
Unit 15 传记故事
Maurice Sendak, His Imagination Redefined Children’s Literature莫里斯·桑达克重新定义儿童文学
Fred Astaire: His acting, singing and dancing changed the American motion picture musical弗雷德·阿斯泰尔:他的戏剧、歌唱和舞蹈改变了美国歌舞剧
Musical Legend Chuck Berry Still Reeling and Rocking on Stage at 86音乐传奇查克·贝里宝刀不老
Stephen Foster: America’s First Popular Songwriter斯蒂芬·福斯特:美国首位流行歌作曲家
Who Made Hollywood Into Hollywood是谁缔造了好莱坞
John Wesley Powell: Famous Explorer of the American West约翰·韦斯利·鲍威尔:著名美国西部探险家
Martha Graham: The Mother of Modern Dance玛莎·葛兰姆:现代舞之母



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