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書城自編碼: 2551801
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→建筑室内设计/装潢装修
作者: [澳]萨贝塔·娜赫斯兰 编著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787549563586
出版社: 广西师范大学出版社
出版日期: 2015-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 232/
釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 2058



** 我創建的書架 **

轴线交响屋 6 Design Systems Ltd
曲径别墅 12 CplusC Architectural Workshop
古风别墅 18 Pascal Arquitectos
缅栀豪宅 24 Paul Uhlmann Architects
林中屋 28 SGGB Architects
加顿住宅 30 FORM architecture furniture
金史密斯住宅 34 Abramson Teiger Architects
乡村小屋 40 Jamison Architects
巴莫洛别墅 44 Fox Johnston
海风别墅 50 Arkitema Architects
西贡别墅 54 Millimeter Interior Design Limited
7号别墅 62 Denizen Works
猎户山别墅 68 stanic harding architecture
山中楼阁 74 Savioz Fabrizzi Architectes
几何别墅 80 FCstudio
极致空间 86 Adrian Amore Architects
山间海市 92 CCS Architecture
温馨城堡 98 Lake | Flato Architects
墨比斯别墅 104 Tony Owen Partners
奥坦斯别墅 110 Kauffmann Theilig & Partner
光之屋 114 Brininstool + Lynch
木廊度假屋 120 Bates Masi Architects
纯白空间 126 Humberto Conde Arquitectos
珍珠湾豪宅 130 Gavin Maddock Design Studio
水晶屋 136 Guy Hollaway Architects
圣塔?莫妮卡豪宅 144 Griffin Enright Architects
溪水别墅 148 Lake | Flato Architects
古德曼住宅 156 Abramson Teiger Architects
浪花别墅 162 Paul Uhlmann Architects
地中海城堡 166 4a Architekten
屋中屋 1 174 stanic harding architecture
乌尔姆别墅 178 Kauffmann Theilig & Partner
丁尼生别墅 184 CplusC Architectural Workshop
圣路克宅邸 188 Morscher Architekten
湖畔别墅 192 Miró Rivera Architects
高原别墅 200 FCstudio
沙町住宅 206 Millimeter Interior Design Limited
梅尔曼豪宅 212 MOD Construction Dirk Denison Architects
双屋 216 AGi architects
麦克马洪斯角住宅220 stanic harding architecture
原木别墅 224 Brininstool + Lynch
奇思屋 230 Ensamble Studio
Located in a dense forest near the Minte bridge in Puerto Varas, Chile, this 5,000squaremetre site presented SGGB Architects with the best type of soil to set up base in a topographically irregular sector with a low density of vegetation and a high level of natural light.
SGGB Architects sought to develop a house capable of optimising thermal criteria, and visually maximising the strata – both vertical and horizontal – of its surroundings. The design was developed based on a threedimensional matrix of 1.5metrescubed – it was through this that spatial, structural, material and construction criteria were established. The resulting volume, CBI House, is defined mainly by the manipulation and combination of modules in three levels: public spaces at the first level one unit, private areas on the second level two units and a bureauhatch on the third level.
By means of a fiveinchsquared wooden structure founded on concrete handcrafted benches, CBI House absorbs the topographical irregularities caused by the site’s 15percent slope. Morphologically SGGB Architects have sought to replicate strategies used in the 18thcentury towers of Osorno, Chile, by constructing an entirely wooden structure with a compact programmatic distribution, and integrating sloped roofs to drain rainwater.
Despite its dark exterior of blackstained planks, large windows allow for plentiful daylight throughout and, on the north side, a canted wall was angled to allow room for skylights, which illuminate the lower floors. Above, prominent windows frame views of the forest setting.
This sleek beachside house orientates towards the northern boundary to take advantage of the sun and prevailing sea breezes, while a twostorey void – with views to the sky – was incorporated to allow light and air to penetrate the long floor plan. The bedrooms on the first floor look into the living area and pool below, facilitating a sense of openness, and the study, located above a magnificent curved mosaic element, houses the laundry and guest bedroom below.



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