編輯推薦: |
■ 第一本让你从头笑到尾的英职场语会话书,职场英语达人练成术看这本就够了!
■ 用最简单的英语让你15天称霸整个职场,跟着主人公Anna从入职开始学起,学会恰当表达,培养应对职场状况的信心。
■ 商务邮件、与客户通话、请病假、担任会议主持等各种商务会话全都能一次搞定!
■ 情境标准三版MP3录音+15天完美学习计划,搭配着场景音乐,分角色模范练习,仿佛身处职场,迅速提升你的职场含金量!
內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
艾丽吴,在英语国家求学、工作,她编写了书中的英语表达部分。她关注实际生活中的实用英语和文化,现任商务英语课程讲师,英语会话课程讲师。著有《Real Talking》《Everyday Talking Abroad》《Small Talking with Strangers》。
伊达,做职业插画师10余年。绘制了很多深受读者喜爱的插画形象。并创造了《Real Talking》《Everyday Talking Abroad》《Small Talking with Strangers》等书的主要人物Anna。曾举办过4次个人主题画展,出版过《未删节版伊达游戏》《伊达的唠叨》等图书,现正致力于出版旅行图画书和童话书。
14 Real Talking in the Office
135 A Dictation Book of Real Talking in the Office
Good morning.
Good morning!
I''m Anna Lee, a new interactive designer.
Hi, Anna.
Mr. Crary is at his office.
Come in.
Hi, Anna. Please have a seat.
Hi, how are you?
Welcome aboard.
I''ll show you around the office.
This is your seat.I tried to get what you had requested.
21''monitor, wireless mouse and so on.
Good morning,Mark.
good morning.This is Anna,our newinteractivedesigner.
This is Bob,our front-end developer.
Hi, welcome aboard. This is Emily, our senior planner.
She''s an integral part of our company.
Nice to meet you.
And you too.
This is the Sales Dept.
They''re in a meeting now.
I''ll introduce them later.
Good morning,Carmen.
Good morning. Is she new?
Yeah. Anna is the new designer.
Hi, Anna.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too.
Carmen is our administrator.
Please come and see me after the tour.
I will.
It''s the cafeteria. Those soft drinks and snacks are free.
But you have to pay to use the vending machine!
I see.
Do any of the colleagues bring their lunches?
Carmen will let you know some more information including paper work.
Her seat is over there.
Oh, okay.
I''ll talk to her.