編輯推薦: |
■ 第一本让你从头笑到尾的单词书。让你不用背单词就能说好英语!
■ 从早到晚,只会说这些英语就够了,只要24小时,和老外交流零负担!
■ 独创漫画学习法,联想、浏览、开口说、复习,四步就能轻松朗朗上口!
■ 情境标准双版MP3录音,搭配着场景音乐,仿佛身临其境,学好英语就这么简单!
內容簡介: |
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10 Can you talk your today using the VOCA?
22 Voca
Wake up
Washing up
Skin care
What to wear
Going to work
At work
At a bar
Shopping for jeans
Shopping for shoes
Having a meal
Coffee time
Shopping at Costco
Watching TV
Cleaning a room
Doing the laundry
A fall
Getting ready for bed
138 Voca in Sentences
254 A Workbook of Real Voca Basic
277 index
Wake up
I hear a noise.
It’s my alarm clock going off.
The alarm clock goes off at 7 o’clock.
I’m still asleep in my cozy bed.
I hide it under my pillow.
I turn the alarm clock off in my sleep.
The alarm clock goes back to sleep.
I go back to my sweet dream.
I wake up.
The sunshine wakes me up.
I wake up my dog.
My dog wakes up.
I overslept again.
I usually oversleep.
I stretch.
I stretch with a yawn.
My dog gets up late again.
He usually gets up late like me.
He stretches.
He stretches with a yawn.
I make my bed.
I put my alarm clock on the dresser.
The dresser is next to my bed.
My dog is under the bed.