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Module 1 Business Environment
Unit 1 Fair Trade
Unit 2 Competition
Unit 3 Globalization
Module 2 Business Development
Unit 4 Innovation
Unit 5 Mergers and Acquisitions
Unit 6 Risk Management
Module 3 Business Culture
Unit 7 Entrepreneurship
Unit 8 Workplace Diversity
Unit 9 Corporate Responsibility
Only the best quality cott~e goes to Cecocafen. The emphasis on quality starts atthe point of selection of the seeds. Coffee from Cecocafen goes into cooperative coffeebrands. The Cecocafen cooperative distributes and markets coffee for its 1,200 members,who decide at general assembly meetings how to use the fair trade premium theyreceive. Of the money that growers receive for their coffee in the fair trade certificationsystem, a fraction is the amount of the premium that is used for business or communitydevelopment programs. The fair trade premium has also been invested in processingfacilities and a quality control laboratory. This has helped Cecocafen to develop andmarket its own roast and ground and organic coffee brands, adding value to the coffee inits country of origin.
Blanca would like to sell more of her coffee through the fair trade system. Shebelieves that fair trade isn''t only about buying and sellin~it also benefits the communityas a whole. Asked what her message is to people who buy coffee, Blanca says, “Buy ourcoffee because it is the best quality, not because we are poor farmers.”