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書城自編碼: 2547457
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英语考试
作者: 金利,何静,李岩岩,李山丽
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030435323
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2015-03-31
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 456/400000
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 330



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目 录
前言 i
Unit 1 科技发展 1
Unit 2 地理环境 22
Unit 3 社会发展 32
Unit 4 法律政治 79
Unit 5 经济商业 112
Unit 6 工农业 134
Unit 7 历史宗教 145
Unit 8 文学艺术 172
Unit 9 日常生活 207
Unit 10 观点立场 247
Unit 11 性格特点 309
Unit 12 数学 339
Unit 13 物理 360
Unit 14 生物 379
Unit 15 化学 399
数学常考词汇汇总 410
常用术语汇总 414
认知词汇汇总 437
Unit 1 科技发展
acclimate [4''klaimit] v. 使适应新环境
【例】Don’t worry about me; I’ll be fine once I have acclimated myself to the heat here. 不要为我担心,我习惯了这里的高温之后,身体立即就会好了?
achromatic [W1kr4u''m1tik] a. 非彩色的
actuate [''1ktjueit] vt. 开动,促使
【例】The scientist told us that the timer must have been actuated by radio control. 科学家告诉我们这个定时器的启动肯定受无线电控制?
addle [''1dl] v. 使腐败;使糊涂 a. 腐坏的;糊涂的
【同】dizzy; addled; addlepated; bedeviled; befogged; befuddled; bemused
adjunct [''1d986kt] n. 附件;助手 a. 附属的;辅助的
【搭】adjunct to 的附加物
adulterate [4''d8lt4reit] vt. 掺杂
aerial [''A4ri4l] n. 天线 a. 航空的;生活在空气中的,空气的;高耸的
【例】Several birds perched on the television aerial, singing the songs of Spring. 三五成群的鸟停在电视天线上,唱着春天的歌?
aeronaut [''A4r4n3:t] n. 气球或飞船驾驶员
【例】He dreamed of travelling around the earth as an aeronaut one day. 他梦想着有一天能驾驶气球环游世界?
aeronautics [WA4r4''n3:tiks] n. 航空学;航空术
aerostat [''A4r4ust1t] n. 航空器
alchemy [''1lkimi] n. 炼金术
【派】alchemica. 炼金术的;alchemistn. 炼金术士
ameliorate [4''mi:lj4reit] v. 改善,改进
【同】amend; enhance; enrich; meliorate; refine; upgrade
amorphous [4''m3:f4s] a. 无定形的;非结晶的
analogous [4''n1l4g4s] a. 类似的,相似的;可比拟的
【例】The research result of the scientists was analogous with our general knowledge. 科学家们的研究结果和我们的常识很类似?
analyst [''1n4list] n. 分析家;分解者
anomaly [4''n3m4li] n. 不规则,异常的人或物
antedate [W1nti''deit] n. 比正确日期早的日期 v. 提前日期;先于,早于
【例】The terrible weather antedated our departure from the place. 恶劣的天气在我们离开这个地方前到来了?
appertain [W1p4''tein] v. 属于
【搭】appertain to 属于
apposition [W1p4''zi54n] n. 并置,并列;同位语
appraise [4''preiz] vt. 评价,评定
【例】The new teacher appraised the student’s drawing in class. 新老师在课堂上评价了那个学生的画?
aptitude [''1ptitju:d] n. 能力,才能;天资
【例】Katherine’s aptitude for dealing with children got her the new job in school. 凯瑟琳善于和儿童打交道的本事使她得到了这份学校的工作?
arid [''1rid] a. 无趣的;贫瘠的
【例】The students grew tired of Peter’s arid speech soon. 没多久学生就对彼得枯燥无味的演说就感到厌烦了?
armada [2:''m2:d4] n. 舰队
【例】Spain used to be famous for its strong armada in the first half of the 16th century, but defeated by British navy in 1588. 16世纪上半叶,西班牙曾以强大的海上舰队而著称,但在1588年被英国海军打败?
artifact [''2:tif1kt] n. 人工制品
ascribe [4''skraib] vt. 归因于,归咎于
【例】Katherine ascribed her failure in the final examination to bad luck. 凯瑟琳认为自己期末考试没有及格是运气不好?
【搭】ascribe to 把 归因于
【同】attribute; assign; impute; credit
askew [4''skju:] a. 歪斜的
automaton [3:''t3m4t4n] n. 自动机器;机器人
blockbuster [''bl3kWb8st4] n. 风靡一时之物;破坏力极大的巨型炸弹
buffer [''b8f4] n. 缓冲器
bumper [''b8mp4] n. 缓冲器 a. 特大的,丰盛的
【例】The bumper harvest of coffee last year in South America is the predominant cause of this year’s weak market. 去年南美地区咖啡大丰收是造成今年市场疲软的主要原因?
buoyant [''b3i4nt] a. 有浮力的;轻快的
【例】Ships should be made of buoyant material, or it can’t float on the water. 船应该用有浮力的材料来制造,否则不能漂浮在水面上?
buttress [''b8tris] n. 建筑扶壁;支持物 vt. 支持,以扶壁扶住
【同】support; strengthen
calculable [''k1lkjul4bl] a. 可计算的;能预测的
【例】Their damage resulted from the accident was not calculable to some extent. 他们在这场事故中遭受的损失在某种程度上难以计算?
causal [''k3:z4l] a. 原因的,因果关系的
【例】Scientists have paid attention to the causal relationship between poverty and disease. 科学家们已经注意到贫穷与疾病之间的因果关系?
characteristic [Wk1r4kt4''ristik] a. 特有的,表示特性的;典型的
【例】Katherine is popular among the students because she always teaches with characteristic enthusiasm. 凯瑟琳在学生中很受欢迎,因为她总是带着特有的热情教书?
【派】characteristicallyad. 表示特性地;charactern. 性格,品质;性质,特性;characterizev. 成为 的特征,以 为特征;描绘人或物的特性
【同】individual; peculiar; distinctive
clairvoyance [klA4''v3i4ns] n. 透视,洞察力
classify [''kl1sifai] v. 分类,分等
【例】Books in the National Library are classified according to different subject. 国家图书馆的书按不同的学科分类?
【派】classificationn. 分类,分类法;级别
clumsy [''kl8mzi] a. 笨拙的,愚笨的
【例】The early mobile phones were very heavy and clumsy to use, but now they are much easier to handle. 早期的手机非常重并且很难使用,而现在的手机更容易操作?
code [k4ud] n. 密码;代码,代号,编码
【例】If the machine does not operate correctly, then an error code will appear. 如果机器运转不正常,就会出现错误代码?
【搭】ZIP Code 邮政编码
cognizant [''k3gniz4nt] a. 认知的
【同】aware; conscious; sensible; alive; awake; mindful
colloquial [k4''l4ukwi4l] a. 口语的;通俗语的
【例】Ross’s English was fluent but not colloquial, so it’s a little bit difficult for me to communicate with him. 罗斯的英语很流利,但不够口语化,所以我和他交流有点困难?
component [k4m''p4un4nt] n. 成分 a. 组成的,构成的
【例】A computer consists of thousands of components. 电脑由成千上万个部件组成?
【派】componentiala. 成分的
【同】ingredient; element; constituent
comprehensible [Wk3mpri''hens4bl] a. 可理解的,易于了解的
【例】The rules should be clear and comprehensible to all students and teachers. 规则应该写清楚,并且让所有学生和老师都容易理解?
compulsory [k4m''p8ls4ri] a. 强制的,义务的,必修的
【例】English is a compulsory subject in middle school and high school now. 现在,在中学和高中英语是必修科目?
【搭】compulsory education 义务教育
【同】mandatory; enforced
conjecture [k4n''d9ekt54] v. 推测,猜想
【派】conjecturala. 推测的
conundrum [k4''n8ndr4m] n. 答案有双关意义的谜语;难题
convey [k4n''vei] v. 运送,搬运;传达,表达
【例】The library lends an abundance of science books devoid of technical jargon: the straightforward descriptions in such books help convey new knowledge about scientific



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