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《拯救我的托福话题英语. 自然篇》适合中高级英语学习者,特别针对托福考试的考生,也适合其他英语爱好者参考。
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本册核心内容定位在留学生活化口语提升: 【居家】居家DIY,宠物,爱好,园艺,装饰,维修,搬家,租房,家电 【健康】运动,健身,睡眠,个人护理,性,口腔,就医,常见药品,瑜伽,过敏,减肥,精神健康,情感
Topic 1:Classification of Living Organisms生物分类
Topic 2:Photosynthesis光合作用
Topic 3:Trees树木
Topic 4:Rain Forest雨林
Topic 5:Redwood红杉
Topic 6:Fall Colors秋色
Topic 7:Life Cycle of Flowering Plants开花植物的生命周期
Topic 8:Animal Kingdom动物王国
Topic 9:Animal Thermoregulation动物的温度调节
Topic 10:Life Cycle of Frogs青蛙的生命周期
Topic 11:The Ant Colony蚁群
Topic 12:Ants''Life Cycle蚂蚁的生命周期
Topic 13:Life Cycle of Worker Bees工蜂的生命周期
Topic 14:Honey Bee Colony蜂群
Topic 15:Life Cycle of a Butterfly蝴蝶的生命周期
Topic 16:Leafcutter Ants切叶蚁
Topic 17:Life Cycle of Pacific Salmon鲑鱼的生命周期
Topic 18:How Elephants Cope with Heat大象如何消暑
Topic 19:How Penguins Cope with Cold企鹅如何御寒
Topic 20:Animal Migration动物迁徙
Topic 21:Bat and Echolocation蝙蝠回声定位
Topic 22:Honey Bee Dancing蜜蜂舞动
Topic 23:Monarch Butterfly Migration帝王蝶迁徙
Topic 24:Ecosystem生态系统
Topic 25:Carbon Cycle碳循环
Topic 26:Energy Transfer in Ecosystems生态系统能量流动
Topic 27:Coral Reef珊瑚礁
Keyword List生词表
Bank of Expressions表达库
Classifi cation of Living Organisms
With an estimated 10 million to 13 millionspecies on Earth, the diversity of life isimmense.
Since the dawn of civilization, there havebeen many attempts to classify livingorganisms.
Greek philosopher Aristotle grouped lifeforms as either plant or animal.
He was far ahead of his time in separatinginvertebrate animals into differentgroups and was aware that whales anddolphins had mammalian charactersand were not fi sh.
Lacking the microscope, he could notdeal with microscopic organisms.
Usually regarded as the founder ofmodern taxonomy, Carolus Linnaeusis most famous for creating a system ofnaming plants and animals.
Classifi cation of organisms into plants andanimals was easily done and was easy tounderstand, however, a large number oforganisms did not fall into either category.
In 1969, Whittaker proposed a FiveKingdom Classifi cation.
The kingdoms defi ned by him areKingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista,Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Plantae, andKingdom Animalia.
In the Five Kingdom Classifi cation ofWhittaker, there is no mention of someacellular organisms like viruses and viroids.
○ acellular e○○selj○l○r adj. 非细胞构成的
○ Animalia ○n○○me○li○ n. 动物界,多细胞真核生物
○ Aristotelian ○r○st○○ti○li○n adj. 亚里士多德的,亚里士多德哲学的
○ attempt ○○tempt n. 尝试;v. 试图
例证 Do not attempt to repair the equipmentwithout proper tools. 没有合适的工具就别想试图修好这个设备。
○ biological ba○○○l3○d○○kl adj. 生物的
○ civilization s○v○l○○ze○○n n. 社会文明
例证 modern civilization 现代文明
○ class kl○s n. 纲
○ classifi cation kl○s○f○○ke○○n n. 分类
例证 a style of music that defies classification一种难以将其归类的音乐风格
○ classify ○kl○s○fa○ v. 分类,归类
例证 The movie had some funny parts, but Iwouldn’t classify it as comedy. 这部电影虽然有些滑稽的部分,但我不会将它归为喜剧。
○ dawn d○○n n. 黎明,开端,醒悟;v. 开始被领悟
例证 Suddenly, the truth dawns. 突然间真相大白。
○ diversity da○○v○○rs○ti n. 多样性
例证 The area has a great diversity of birds. 这个地方有各种各样的鸟。
○ dolphin ○d3○lf○n n. 海豚
○ domain do○○me○n n. 域,总界同义 territory
例证 The forest is part of the king’s domain. 这片森林是国王的领地。
○ estimate ○est○m○t n. 估计,评价
例证 He has a high estimate of his own abilities.他高估了自己的能力。
○ explorer ○k○spl○○r○r n. 探险家,勘探者
○ family ○f○m○li n. 科
○ fungi ○f○nd○a○, -ɡa○ n. 真菌(fungus 的复数形式)解释 与植物、动物和细菌最大的不同之处在于,真菌的细胞有含以甲壳素为主要成分的细胞壁。
○ genus ○d○i○n○s n. 属用法 复数形式 genera ○d○en○r○
○ hierarchy ○ha○○r3○rki n. 等级制度
例证 a rigid hierarchy of power in that country那个国家森严的权力等级制度
○ immense ○○mens adj. 巨大的,无边无际的
例证 an immense amount of work 大量的工作
○ invertebrate ○n○v○○rt○br○t n. 无脊椎动物
○ kingdom ○k○○d○m n. 界
例证 in the music kingdom 在音乐界
○ mammalian m○○me○li○n adj. 哺乳动物的
○ microscope ○ma○kr○sko○p n. 显微镜
○ microscopic ma○kr○○sk3○p○k adj. 微小的
例证 microscopic handwriting 微小的字迹
○ Monera m○○n○○r○ n. 原核生物界
解释 指一类典型的单细胞生物,一般没有细胞内膜、没有核膜包裹的成型细胞核,细胞内无染色体,脱氧核糖核酸链未螺旋化,是地球上最早期的生命形式。
○ naturalist ○n○t○r○l○st n. 自然主义者
○ order ○○○rd○r n. 目
○ organism ○○○rɡ○n○z○m n. 有机体,微生物
○ phylum ○fa○l○m n. 门
○ Plantae ○pl○nti n. 植物界
解释 包含了如乔木、灌木、藤类、青草、蕨类及绿藻等熟悉的生物。
○ Protista pro○○t○st○ n. 真核原生生物界
解释 指其细胞具有细胞核的单细胞生物,或者是没有复杂组织的多细胞生物。它们简单的结构也使得它们与其他真核生物如真菌、动物或植物相区分。
○ species ○spi○○i○z n. 种
○ taxonomic t○ks○○n3○m○k adj. 分类学的
○ taxonomy t○k○s3○n○mi n. 分类学
○ viroid ○va○r○○d n. 类病毒
解释 一种传染性微粒,与病毒相像,但比病毒小,由核糖核酸单链构成,能在植物中引起疾病。
○ virus ○va○r○s n. 病毒
例证 the AIDS virus 艾滋病病毒
a computer virus 一种电脑病毒
○ whale we○l n. 鲸鱼,巨大的事物
例证 The blue whale is the largest living thing onthe planet. 蓝鲸是地球上体型最大的生物。I had a whale of a time in New York. 我在纽约度过了一段非常快乐的时光。
either category 大量的生物不属于任何一类
○ acellular organisms 非细胞生物
○ classify living organisms 分类生物
○ create a system of naming plants and animals创造了命名植物和动物的系统
○ dawn of civilization 文明伊始
○ eight major taxonomic ranks 八个主要的分类等级
○ far ahead of his time 远远领先于他的时代
○ Five Kingdom Classifi cation 生物五界分类
○ founder of modern taxonomy 现代生物分类学之父
○ frame principles for defi ning natural genera andspecies of organisms 构建定义生物种属的原则
○ Greek philosopher Aristotle 古希腊哲学家亚里士多德
○ hierarchy of biological classifi cation 生物等级分类
○ invertebrate animals 无脊椎动物
○ Kingdom Animalia 动物界
○ Kingdom Fungi 真菌生物界
○ Kingdom Monera 原核生物界
○ Kingdom Plantae 植物界
○ Kingdom Protista 真核原生生物界
○ mammalian character 哺乳动物的特点
○ microscopic organism 微生物
○ Swedish naturalist and explorer 瑞典博物学家和勘探者
○ The diversity of life is immense. 生命形式的多样性令人叹为观止。
○ there is no mention of 没有提到
Topic No. 2
Photosynthesis occurs in green plants,seaweeds, algae, and certain bacteriawhich are like sugar factories.
They use the energy of light to convertcarbon dioxide and water into theglucose and oxygen.
Animals must rely ultimately on theglucose produced by plants as anenergy source.
It would be impossible to overestimatethe importance of photosynthesis in themaintenance of life on Earth.
Fossil fuels, including natural gas, coal,and petroleum, are composed of acomplex mix of hydrocarbons, theremains of organisms that relied onphotosynthesis millions of years ago.
Chemical called chlorophyll in the leavesabsorbs some of the light’s energy anduses it to start the re