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書城自編碼: 2541684
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→社會科學語言文字
作者: 杨新亮,王亚可
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030434296
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2015-03-20
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 176/250000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 598



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丛书序 i
前言 v
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 英汉学术语篇的模块结构 1
1.3 英汉学术语篇的专业知识背景 7
1.4 英汉学术语篇的词句特征 11
1.5 英汉学术语篇的文化特征 17
1.6 英汉学术语篇的思维特征 24
1.7 英汉学术语篇翻译与写作中的双语意识 28
第2章 英汉学术语篇中词的特征 31
2.1 引言 31
2.2 英汉词义对比 34
2.3 英汉学术语篇中概念词的特征 42
2.4 英汉学术语篇中词的学科性与专业性 44
2.5 英汉学术语篇中词的复合与拓展 49
2.6 英汉学术语篇中词的功能集群性 54
2.7 英汉学术语篇中的模糊语 60
2.8 英汉学术语篇中名词的功能 62
2.9 英汉学术语篇中的摘要 66
第3章 英汉学术语篇中句的特征 70
3.1 引言 70
3.2 英汉学术语篇的句子比较 70
3.3 英汉学术语篇中句子的趋同性 77
3.4 英汉学术语篇中的长句结构 79
3.5 英汉学术语篇中句的功能类型 85
3.6 英汉学术语篇句子中的被动与主动 101
3.7 汉语学术语篇中句子的翻译 102
3.8 英汉学术语篇中的引言 104
第4章 英汉学术语篇的思维 109
4.1 引言 109
4.2 中西方思维与英汉学术语篇结构 109
4.3 英汉学术语篇的衔接和连贯 113
4.4 英汉学术语篇段的结构 123
4.5 英汉学术语篇中的文献综述 127
第5章 英汉学术语篇中的方法、结果与讨论和结语 132
5.1 引言 132
5.2 英汉学术语篇中的方法 132
5.3 英汉学术语篇中的结果与讨论 135
5.4 英汉学术语篇中的结语 153
参考文献 157
第1章 绪 论
1.1 引 言
1.2 英汉学术语篇的模块结构
当今,日益频繁的国际学术交流促进了中西学术写作的相互学习与借鉴,由此产生的学术语篇结构也日益趋同。从宏观上看,题目title、摘要或内容提要abstract、引言或绪论introduction、文献综述literature review或background theory and research、方法method或methodology、结果results与讨论discussion或general discussion,以及结语、结束语或结论conclusion或concluding remarks等构成了英汉学术语篇的重要组成部分。从微观上看,论题背景、引题、观点陈述、定义、阐释、例证、对比、推理、分类、评论等要点信息贯穿整个语篇,构成语篇的重要行文特征和要素。把握英汉学术语篇的这种共性的框架结构和信息要点有利于实现两种语篇的语言模块对应,从而更好地把握翻译与写作的宏观与微观结构规律和表意需要。
The remarkable progress in computational and communication technologies in recent years has made it possible for scientific and technical data and information to be produced and reused at an ever-accelerating rate. This has started to have a transformational impact on research activities in science Emmott, 2006. These novel fields of scientific research increasingly depend on the collection, transmission, and utilization of a vast amount of information and knowledge. Electronic infrastructure established for this function has come to be referred to as “Cyber-infrastructure” in the US, “e-Science” in Europe, and “e-Infrastructure” in Japan David et al., 2003. As the data intensity of research activities in scientific fields has increased significantly, the sharing of information and knowledge is expected to provide a critical foundation for accelerating scientific and technological development.
These developments in scientific research has enabled the rapid creation of information and knowledge and easy access to their sources, which are essential components of innovation Foray, 2004. Especially in fields where scientific progress is rapidly developing and the sources of information and knowledge are widely distributed, no single individual or organization has all of the necessary skills to stay on top of all areas of progress Powell and Grodal, 2005. Previous research confirms the important role of external sources of scientific information in bringing forth significant breakthroughs Freeman, 1991. Dense ties between partners in collaboration networks contribute to fostering information diffusion and knowledge exchange, enhancing the scientific performance and collaborating opportunities of the partners Uzzi, 1997; Stuart, 1998; Ahuja, 2000; Yarime, 2009; Baba et al., 2009.
Recently, we have observed new scientific fields which transcend traditional boundaries of academic disciplines, that is, inter-disciplinary or trans-disciplinary science Haberli and Klein, 2001. Among the emerging fields of inter-disciplinary science are bio-informatics Matsuda et al., 2006, material informatics Chikyo, 2006, complexity science, and sustainability science. Sustainability science, in particular, aimed at understanding the fundamental character of interactions between natural, human, and social systems, covers a wide range of academic disciplines Kates et al., 2001; Clark and Dickson, 2003; Komiyama and Takeuchi, 2006. Since the challenge of sustainability is the reconciliation of society’s development goals with the planet’s environmental limits over the long term Clark and Dickson, 2003, it is of critical importance to make appropriate use of knowledge and information on diverse aspects, ranging from the natural environment and artifacts to economy and culture.
Sustainability science, thus, needs to be based on a firm understanding of the fundamental characters of complex interactions and interdependencies between natural, human, and social systems at the global scale. This will require an integration of various academic disciplines, from natural sciences and engineering to social sciences and humanities. A recent study shows empirically that the academic landscape of sustainability science actually consists of clusters of different disciplines Kajikawa et al., 2007. It will be crucial that scientific information and knowledge are created and communicated effectively as well as efficiently, transcending disciplinary and geographical boundaries in the field of sustainability science. When tackling cross-cutting problems, as particularly expected in sustainability science, assembling appropriate expertise could be one of the prime reasons for scientific collaboration Shrum et al., 2007.
In reality, however, scientific knowledge and information are not necessarily shared or integrated effectively beyond established organizational or institutional boundaries Maurer, 2006. This has particularly serious implications in the case of sustainability science, which deals with diverse types of disciplines and expertise. There are technical, economic, policy, and legalinstitutional barriers an



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