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本教材从国外英语广播和电视节目中选取与医学相关的材料,基于可视材料,设计出各种听力、口语训练题型,通过训练, 提高医学生的医学英语反应能力,为医学生进入医学专业学习打下坚实的医学英语听、说基础。第二册则主要面向进入临床阶段学习、掌握一定临床医学知识的学生。通过第二册的学习,医学生能基本听懂用英语讲授的关于临床医学专业方面的医学课程和英语讲座, 并且能够较准确的表达出自己的观点。
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Unit 1 Respiratory System
Unit 2 Digestive System
Unit 3 Circulatory System
Unit 4 Blood
Unit 5 Immune System
Unit 6 Urinary System
Unit 7 Reproduction
Unit 8 Healthy Lifestyle
Unit 9 First Aid
Unit 10 Mental Health
Introductory Remarks
The respiratory system is a biological system consisting of specific organs and structures used for the process of respiration in an organism. The respiratory system is involved in the intake and exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an organism and the environment.
Human as aerobic organisms must automatically obtain oxygen from their environment and breathe out carbon dioxide in order to survive. Air is breathed in through the nasal passageways, travels through the trachea and bronchi to the lungs. This breathing occurs owing to the respiratory system, which includes the nose, throat, voice box, windpipe and lungs delivering sufficient oxygen to the bloodstream through the capillary walls and removing carbon dioxide that is produced as a waste product in the system.