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『英文書』Hey Diddle Diddle & Other Mother Goose Rhymes鹅妈妈的其他童谣(Tomie dePaola绘本)ISBN9780698116405

書城自編碼: 2518671
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Tomie dePaola 著,Tomie dePaola
國際書號(ISBN): 9780698116405
出版社: Penguin
出版日期: 1998-05-01

書度/開本: 24开

售價:NT$ 348



** 我創建的書架 **

Tomie dePaola’s whimsical and winning illustrations
bring to life an enchanting selection of 48 Mother Goose songs and rhymes. An
illustrated selection of the traditional rhymes.
Tomie dePaola Best known for his award-winning picture
book Strega Nona and for the 26 Fairmount Avenue series of chapter books, Tomie
dePaola is one of the most prolific -- and beloved -- authorillustrators in the
field of children''s literature. Biography Born in 1934 into a large extended
IrishItalian family, Tomie dePaola received his art education at Brooklyn''s
Pratt Institute and the California College of Arts Crafts. Although he
always wanted to create children''s books, he spent several years applying his
talents to the fields of education, theater, and graphic design. In the
mid-1960s, he received his first commission to illustrate a children''s science
book. A year later, he published his first original picture book, The Wonderful
Dragon of Timlin. Today, he is one of the most prolific -- and beloved --
authorillustrators in children''s literature. In addition to illustrating
stories by other writers, DePaola has created artwork for collections of poetry,
nursery rhymes, holiday traditions, and folk and religious tales. But, he is
most famous for books of his own creation, especially Strega Nona "Grandma
Witch", the beloved story of an old woman who uses her magical powers to help
the people of her small Italian village. Written in 1975, this Caldecott Honor
winner is still delighting children today. DePaola admits that there are strong
autobiographical elements in many of his books Nana Upstairs Nana
Downstairs, The Art Lesson, Stagestruck, but nowhere is this more evident than
in 26 Fairmount Avenue, a series of charming chapter books based on his
Connecticut childhood. Taking its name from the address of his family home, the
series captures the experiences and emotions of a young boy growing up in the
late 1930s and early ''40s in the shadow of World War II. The first book in the
series received a 1999 Newbery Honor Award. DePaola and his work have been
recognized with many honors, including the Smithsonian Medal, the Kerlan Award
for "singular attainment in children''s literature," the Catholic Library
Association''s Regina Medal, and several awards from the Society of Children''s
Book Writers and Illustrators. In 1999, the New Hampshire State Council on the
Arts bestowed on dePaola the Lotte Jacobi Living Treasure Award for the body of
his work. Good To Know Tomie dePaola''s name is pronounced Tommy de POW-la.
Between college and graduate school, dePaola spent a short time in a Benedictine
monastery before determining that religious life was not for him. Using a
combination of watercolor, tempera, and acrylic, dePaola''s artistic style is
best described as folk-traditional. DePaola''s favorite painters and strongest
artistic influences are Matisse, Giotto, and Ben Shahn. Hometown: Connecticut
and New Hampshire Date of Birth: 九月 15, 1935 Place of Birth: Meriden, CT
Website: http:www.tomie.commain.html



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