內容簡介: |
本书是美国住院医师必读系列书,深受美国医学院校高年资医学生和住院医师的欢迎。从临床病例入手,通过问题解答、病例复习、专题讨论、诊断与治疗、记忆要点、理解问题、推荐阅读等环节,提供住院医师“真正需要” 的知识和场景,培养临床思维,拓展知识面,提高住院医师的岗位胜任力。 为了借鉴美国住院医师培训经验,提高我国的住院医师规范化培训水平,北京大学医学出版社与麦格劳-希尔教育出版公司合作,影印出版了该丛书。该丛书既可作为住院医师规范化培训和PBL教学参考用书,也可作为双语教学和留学生教学用书;同时,其原汁原味的英语和美国医院场景,更是学习医学专业英语的好教材。
I. Introduction
1. Welcome Brian C George, MD, Alden H. Harken, MD, and
Debra A. DaRosa, PhD
2. How to Read this Book Brian C. George, MD,
Alden H. Harken, MD, and Debra A. DaRosa, PhD
3. General Advice Brian C. George, MD and AIden H. Harken, MD
4. A 28-year-old Female Incoming Surgery Resident
Amanda V. Hayman, MD, MPt-I
5. How to Write a Note--Fast! Teresa S. Kim, MD
II. Handling Patients in the [D
6. Admissions Anthony Visioni, MD and
Roy Phitayakom, MD, MHPE IVIEd
7. A 56-year-old Female Status Post Motor Vehicle Accident
Ashley Hardy, MD and Marie Crandall, MD, MPI-I
8. A 40-year-old Female With Abdominal Pain
Aisha Shaheen, MD, MHA and Marie Crandall, MD, MPI-I
9. A 42-year-old Man With Severe Right Upper Quadrant Pain
Brian C. George, MD
10. A 23-year-old Student With Periumbilical Pain That Has Migrated
to Her RLQ Brian C. George, MD and AIden H. Harken, MD
11. A 65-year-old Female in Severe Abdominal Pain
Aisha Shaheen, MD, MHA and Marie Crandall, MD, MPH
12. A Patient in the ER With a Blood Pressure of 60- and a
Heart Rate of 140 Alden H. Harken, MD and Brian C. George, MD
13. A 67-year-old Man With Mental Status Changes and a Suspected
Diverticular Abscess Alexander T. Hawkins, MD, MPH
14. A 57-year-old Man With a Chief Complaint of Nausea and Vomiting
Alexander T. Hawkins, MD, MPH
15. A 65-year-old Man Status Post Surgery With a HCT of 24%
Alden H. Harken, MD and Brian C. George, MD
16. A 70-year-old Man With "Bad Blood" Emily Miraflor, MD,
Louise Y. Yeung, MD, Brian C. George, MD, and Alden H. Harken, MD
17. A 37-year-old Man With a Painful Bulge Over His Left Forearm
Eric N. Feins, MD
18. Three Patients All Present With Issues Related to
Laboratory Tests Abigail K. Tarbox, MD and Mamta Swaroop, MD, FACS
19. A 73-year-old Man With Acute Right Lower Extremity Pain
Joel T. Adler, MD and Virendra L Patel, MD, MPH
20. A 36-year-old Woman Status Post Motor Vehicle Accident While
Intoxicated Shamim H. Nejad, MD and Nadia Ouijije, MD
21. A 50-year-old Man Presenting With Extensive Bums
Jeremy Goverman, MD, FACS and Shawn P. Fagan, MD, FACS
22. A 56-year-old Man 6 Days Status Post Colectomy With New Pelvic
Discomfort Michael F. McGee, MD and Brian C. George, MD
III. Handling Inpatients
23. A 75-year-old Man With Postoperative Pain Ezra N. Teitelbaum, MD
24. A 72-year-old Man With Acute Confusion Postoperatively
Shamim H. Nejad, MD and Justin B. Smith, MD
25. You the Intern Are Asked to Read a Chest X-ray
Alexander T. Hawkins, MD, MPH and Amy Robin Deipolyi, MD, PhD
26. A 6S-year-old Woman in Respiratory Distress
Alden H. Harken, MD and Brian C George, MD
27. A Patient Who Is Postoperative Day 2 With New-onset Chest Pain
Alden H. Harken, MD and Brian C George, MD
28. A 6S-year-old Woman With a New-onset Cardiac Arrhythmia
Alden H. Harken, MD
29. A 60-year-old Man in the PACU With New-onset PVCs
Alden H. Harken, MD
30. A 65-year-old Man With Bradycardia Alden H. Harken, MD and
Brian C George, MD
31. A 6S-year-old Man With a Pacemaker Who Needs Surgery
Alden H. Harken, MD and Brian C George, MD
32. A Patient With Pulseless Electrical Activity
Alden H. Harken, MD and Brian C George, MD
33. A 55-year-old Man Who May Require Perioperative 13-blockade
Alden H. Harken, MD and Brian C George, MD
34. A 65-year-old Man Who Is in Respiratory
Distress 3 Days Postoperatively Jahan Mohebali, MD
35. A 68-year-old Man With Postoperative Hypotension
Allan B. Peetz, MD and Marie Crandall, MD, MPI-I
36. A 57-year-old Man Who Is Postoperative With a
Blood Pressure of 21095 Eric N. Feins, MD
37. A 65-year-old Female Who Is 4 Days Postoperative With
Nausea, Vomiting, and a Distended Abdomen
Ashley Hardy, MD and Marie Crandall, MD, MPH
38. A 30-year-old Woman With Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Abigail K. Tarbox, MD and Mamta Swaroop, MD, FACS
39. A 79-year-old Man, Postoperative Day 3,
Who has Not had a Bowel Movement in 4 Days
Anne-Marie Boiler, MD and Joel M. Stembach, MD, MBA
40. A 70-year-old Postoperative Colectomy Patient Who Is Not Putting
Out Much Urine Brian C. George, MD and AIden H. Harken, MD
41. A 55-year-old Male With Postoperative Urinary Retention
Selma Marie Siddiqui, MD and Marie Crandall, MD, MPt-I
42. A 52-year-old Female Who Is Dehydrated Postoperative Day #1
Aisha Shaheen, MD, MHA and Marie Crandall, MD, MPH
43. A 68-year-old Woman With Electrolyte Abnormalities
Molly A. Wasserman, MD and Mamta Swaroop, MD, FACS
44. A 58-year-old Man With a Postoperative Fever Jahan Mohebali, MD
45. A 42-year-old Woman 4 Hours Postoperative With a Fever and
Extreme Pain Michael W. Wandling, MD and
Mamta Swaroop, MD, FACS
46. A 35-year-old Man With Crohn Disease
Who Needs Postoperative Orders Roy Phitayakom, MD, MHPE MEd
47. A 65-year-old Man With Diabetes Needing
Postoperative Orders Roy Phitayakorn, MD, MHPE IVIEd
48. A 65-year-old Female Presenting for Preoperative Evaluation
Uahan Mohebali, MD
49. A 33-year-old Woman Who Needs Postoperative Orders for DVT
Prophylaxis Brian C. George, MD and AIden H. Harken, MD
50. A 78-year-old Woman and a 62-year-old Man With Drains
Michael F. McGee, MD and Brian C. George, MD
51. A 58-year-old Woman Who had a Drain Pulled by the Resident in Error
Peter Angelos, MD, PhD, FACS and Debra A. DaRosa, PhD
52. A Resident Who Is Unsure About How to Remove a Chest Tube
Peter Angelos, MD, PhD, FACS and Debra A. DaRosa, PhD
53. A Surgical Intern in a Moral Dilemma
Peter Angelos, MD, PhD, FACS and Debra A. DaRosa, PhD
54. A 35-year-old Man Who Is Disruptive on the Floor
Xavier Jimenez, MD and Shamim H. Nejad, MD
IV. Handling Patients in Clinic
55. Ambulatory Care and the Surgery Intern John Maa, MD, FACS
56. A 55-year-old Man Who Was Struck by a Beer Truck and Needs a
CT Scan Haytham M.A. Kaafarani, MD, MPH, Brian C George, MD,
and Hasan B. Alam, MD
57. A 60-year-old Man With Postoperative Wound Complications
Michael W. Wandling, MD and Mamta Swaroop, MD, FACS
58. A 35-year-old Woman Who Needs a Lipoma Removed in Clinic
Roy Phitayakorn, MD, MHPE MEd
59. A 52-year-old Woman With a Suspected Congenital Coagulopathy
Jahan Mohebali, MD