內容簡介: |
第1章 信号与系统概述
(Introduction of Signals and Systems)
1.1 信息、信号和系统(Information,Signal and System)
1.2 信号的分类(Classification of Signals)
1.3 基本的连续时间信号(Basic Continuous time Signals)
1.4 基本的离散时间信号(Basic Discrete time Signals——sequence)
1.5 连续时间信号的基本变换(Basic Transformation of Continuous time Signals)
1.6 系统的描述及分类(The Description and Classification of Systems)
1.7 典型信号的MATLAB实现(MATLAB Realization of Typical Signals)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
第2章 连续时间系统的时域分析
(Analysis of Continuous time System in Time Domain)
2.1 系统的时域模型(Time domain Models of System)
2.2 经典时域解法(The Classical Solution in Time Domain)
2.3 LTI连续时间系统的响应(The Response of LTI Continuous time System)
2.4 卷积积分(The Convolution Integral)
2.5 利用MATLAB 进行连续时间系统的时域分析(Analysis of Continuous time Systems in Time Domain Based on MATLAB)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
第3章 连续时间信号与系统的频域分析
(Analysis of Continuous time Signals and Systems in Frequency Domain)
3.1 周期信号的频域分析(Analysis of Periodic Signals in Frequency Domain)
3.2 非周期信号的傅里叶变换(Fourier Transform of Aperiodic Signals)
3.3 傅里叶变换的性质(Properties of Fourier Transform)
3.4 周期信号的傅里叶变换(Fourier Transform of Periodic Signals)
3.5 连续信号的抽样定理(The Sampling Theorem for Continuous Signal)
3.6 LTI系统的频域分析(Fourier Analysis of Continuous time LTI Systems)
3.7 无失真传输系统(Distortionless Transmission System)
3.8 理想低通滤波器(Ideal Lowpass Filter)
3.9 利用MATLAB进行连续时间信号与系统的频域分析(Fourier Analysis of Continuous time Signals and Systems Using MATLAB)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
第4章 连续时间信号与系统的复频域分析
(Analysis of Continuous time Signals and Systems in Complex Frequency Domain)
4.1 拉普拉斯变换(The Laplace Transform)
4.2 常用信号的拉普拉斯变换(Some Laplace Transform Pairs)
4.3 拉普拉斯变换的性质(Properties of the Laplace Transform)
4.4 拉普拉斯反变换(The Inverse Laplace Transform)
4.5 连续LTI系统的复频域分析(Analysis of LTI Continuous time System in Complex Frequency Domain)
4.6 系统函数与系统特性(System Function and System Characteristic
4.7 LTI连续时间系统的模拟(Imitation of LTI Continuoustime Systems)
4.8 利用MATLAB进行连续时间系统的复频域分析MATLAB Analysis of Continuous time System in Complex Frequency Domain
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
第5章 离散时间系统的时域分析
(Analysis of the Discretetime Systems in Time Domain)
5.1 离散时间系统的描述——差分方程(Description of the Discrete time Systems——Difference Equation)
5.2 离散时间系统的经典解法(Classical Solution of Discrete time Systems)
5.3 离散时间系统的响应(The Response of the Discrete time System)
5.4 卷积和(The Convolution Sum)
5.5 利用MATLAB进行离散时间系统的时域分析(Using MATLAB to Analyse Discrete time Systems in Time Domain)
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)
第6章 离散时间信号与系统的z域分析
Analysis of Discrete time Signals and Systems in z Domain
6.1 z变换的定义及其收敛域Definition and the Region of Convergence of z transform
6.2 常用序列的z变换(The z transform of Basic Sequence)
6.3 z变换的性质(Properties of the z transform)
6.4 z反变换(The Inversion z transform)
6.5 利用z变换求解差分方程(Solving Difference Equation by Using z transform)
6.6 离散时间系统的系统函数与频率响应System Function and Frequency Response of Discrete time System
6.7 利用MATLAB进行离散系统的复频域分析Analysis of Discrete time Systems in Z Domain Based on MATLAB
关键词(Key Words and Phrases)