On the Value of Fujian Qiaopi from the Perspective of a World Memory世界记忆视野中福建侨批的价值研究
The Project in Comparative Perspeetire比较视角下的侨批工程
Qiaopi:the Collective Memory of Chinese Transnational Emigrants in Modern Times侨批档案:近代中国国际移民的集体记忆
Australian Colonial Mentalities in Emigrant Letters移民书信中的澳大利亚殖民心态
Exploring the Mental Lives of Immigrant Letter Writers:Nostalgia and Adjustment to Changed Circumstances探寻移民书信作者的精神世界:乡愁与对变化环境的调适
Chinese Migration from a Global Perspective:Labor,Producers,Traders and Investors从全球角度看中国移民:劳工、生产者和投资者
The Transformation of Overseas Remittance Operation System in Siyi Qiaoxiang around the Anti Japanese War:an Analysis to a Remittance Dispute抗战前后四邑侨乡侨汇运营体系的转变——对一起侨汇纠纷的分析
Discussions on Qiaopi Overseas Chinese Correspondence and Remittance Documents“侨批”刍议
The Gender of Intimacy:Migrant Communication in the Postal Age亲密的性别:邮政时代的移民通信
Unfolding the Letter Home:Thinking about Migrants and Family Correspondence打开家庭书信:关于移民与家庭通信的思考
What Immigrant Letters Can and Cannot Tell Us:Problems of Interpretation移民书信所能(不能)告诉我们的东西:诠释问题
Cuban Overseas Chinese Correspondence and Remittance to Their Hometown古巴华侨书信与侨汇——祖辈三代古巴华侨家书解读
Homecoming or HomeSeeking:Returning Chinese Student Migrants and Debates on the “Rise of China”in a Virtual Public Space回家或觅家:返回中国学生移民在虚拟公共空间关于“中国崛起”的争论
Using Immigration Letters to Improve ESL Learning in the Pre American Classroom Lessons on Applicability and Effectiveness运用移民书信改进非母语英语教学的应用和效果
Preliminary Research on Qiaopi Overseas Chinese Correspondence and Remittance Documents and Artifacts in Australia澳大利亚的侨批档案与文物初探
The Family Ties and the Migration Networks——Oriented to the Letters of the Yu Clan in the Jidouli Village四邑银信中的乡族纽带与海外移民网络——以广东省台山县三八镇吉都里余氏家族书信为中心的考察
North American Overseas Chinese and the Social Transformation of South China Villages during the Republic of China——A case study of Kaiping Guan Chong yao family letters民国时期北美华侨与华南乡村社会转型——以广东开平关崇瑶家庭书信为中心探讨
Exploring the International Migration Letters and Education in Fujian and Guangdong Qiaoxiang:A Case Study of Qiaopi and Yinxin国际移民书信与闽粤侨乡教育探略——以批信个案为例