I. Origin of the Study
II. Literary Status of Adrienne Rich and Her Works
III. Critical Overview
IV. Research Questions,Guiding Principles and Framework
Chapter One Definition of Gender Poetics and Ferment of Rich’s Gender PoetiCS
I. Definition of Gender Poetics
II. Rich’s Initiation of Gender Poetics
III. Ferment of Rich’s Gender Poetics
Chapter Two Construction of Gender Poetics in Rich’s Prose
I. Redefining Female Sexuality
II. The Personal as Political
III. Renaming the Materiality of Female Experience
IV. Restructuring Feminist Analysis and Criticism
Chapter Three Interplay between Gender Politics and Poetics
I. Poetic Persona and Female Identity Reconstruction
U. Use of Common Language tO Deconstruct Power of Patriarchal Language
III. Re-forming Conventionality of Poetry
Chapter Four Assessment of Lesbian Feminism as Kernel of Rich’s Gender Poetics
I. Radicalism in Rich’s Lesbian Feminist Stance
II. Utopia behind Radicalism
I. Abbreviations of Rich’s Works
II. Other Abbreviations
Works Cited
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources