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書城自編碼: 2483579
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英语学术著作
作者: 张文霞,刘梅华
國際書號(ISBN): 9787301248683
出版社: 北京大学出版社
出版日期: 2014-11-20
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 144/270000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 342



** 我創建的書架 **

Chapter One The Learning Variables in Language Learning:A Brief Review
 1.1 Anxiety and foreignsecond language learning
 1.2 Language class risk-taking and sociability
 1.3 Language learning motivation
1.4 Language learning strategy
1.5 Self-esteem
1.6 Summary
Chapter Two Research Design
 2.1 Context of the study
2.1.1 Tsinghua University
2.1.2 Beijing Union University
2.1.3 Hefei University of Technology
 2.2 The study
2.2.1 Participants
2.2.2 Instruments
2.2.3 Procedure
2.2.4 Data analysis
Chapter Three Changes and Differences in the Learning Variables
 3.1 Profile of, changes and differences in foreign language classroom anxiety
3.1.1 Factor analysis of the FLCAS
3.1.2 The general tendency of and changes in the FLCAS and its subscales
3.1.3 Gender difference and change in foreign language anxiety
3.1.4 Differences and changes in anxiety among students in different learning contexts
 3.2 Profile of, changes and differences in language class risk-taking and sociability
3.2.1 The general tendency of and changes in the LCR and the LCS
3.2.2 Gender difference and changes in language class risk-taking and sociability
3.2.3 Differences and changes in language class risk-taking and sociability among students in different learning contexts
 3.3 Profile of, changes and differences in English learning motivation
3.3.1 Factor analysis of the ELMS
3.3.2 The general tendency of and changes in the ELMS
3.3.3 Gender difference and change in English learning motivation
3.3.4 Differences and changes in English learning motivation among students in different learning contexts
 3.4 Profile of, changes and differences in cognitive and metacognitive strategy use
3.4.1 Factor analysis of the cognitive and metacognitive strategy use questionnaires
3.4.2 The general tendency of and changes in cognitive and metacognitive strategy use
3.4.3 Gender difference and changes in cognitive and metacognitive strategy use
3.4.4 Differences and changes in cognitive and metacognitive strategy use among students in different learning contexts
 3.5 Profile of, changes and differences in self-esteem
3.5.1 Factor analysis of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
3.5.2 The general tendency of and changes in self-esteem
3.5.3 Gender difference and changes in self-esteem
3.5.4 Differences and changes in self-esteem among students in different learning contexts
Chapter Four Interrelations of the Learning Variables and Their Impact on English Performance
 4.1 Interrelations of the learning variables
 4.2 Impact of the measured variables on English performance
4.2.1 Correlation between the measured variables and English performance
4.2.2 The regression model
Chapter Five Discussions and Conclusions
 5.1 Responses to research questions and the path model
 5.2 Conclusions
Chapter Six Implications and Suggestions for Future Research
 6.1 Pedagogical implications
 6.2 Suggestions {or future research



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