編輯推薦: |
?1. 作者通过Fe1-xO催化剂的发明及其理论体系的研究过程,从理论与实践相结合的视角,较系统、全面地论述了氨合成催化剂研究、开发和工业应用的基本理论和方法;
?2. 从催化剂的化学组成、物理性质、制备理论和方法、催化反应机理以及催化反应器、反应工程与工艺及其应用技术和实验技术等工程技术进行深入分析,阐述了化学组成与结构、制造、还原、性能评价、表征以及反应机理及其动力学等的有关基本概念和基本理论;
?3. 从工业应用出发,根据催化剂性能选择工业应用条件及其对催化过程经济效益的影响;
?4. 阐述了近年来氨合成催化剂领域的光催化、电催化、生物催化等新技术,以及氨的新用途等方面的新成果、新进展;
?5. 作者是Fe1-xO催化剂的发明者,从事氨合成催化剂及其工程技术工作50余年。
內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
刘化章,现任浙江工业大学教授、博士生导师、工业催化研究所所长;工业催化博士点和博士后科研流动站首席科学家、浙江省多相催化重点实验室主任、浙江省工业催化重点学科带头人;美国科学发展协会AAAS会员。兼任中国化工学会理事兼化肥专业委员会名誉主任委员、中国化学会催化专业委员会委员、《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》、《石油化工设备》、《工业催化》等杂志编委。
Chapter 1.Historical Evolution of Catalysts for Ammonia Synthesis
1.1 Introduction of Catalysts for Ammonia Synthesis
1.1.1 Co-Mo hydrogenation catalysts
1.1.2 Zinc oxide desulfurizer
1.1.3 Hydrocarbon steam reforming catalysts
1.1.4 CO high-temperature shift catalysts
1.1.5 CO low-temperature shift catalysts
1.1.6 Methanation catalysts
1.1.7 Refine catalysts
1.2 Historical Retrospect of Catalysts for Ammonia Synthesis
1.2.1 Basic studies on physical chemistry of ammonia synthesis reaction
1.2.2 Realization of ammonia synthesis under high pressure
1.2.3 Development of fused iron catalysts for ammonia synthesis
1.2.4 Development of ammonia synthesis catalysts in China
1.2.5 Development trend of ammonia synthesis catalysts
1.3 Development of Magnetite Fe304 Based Fused Iron Catalysts
1.3.1 Magnetite Fe304 based fused iron catalysts
1.3.2 Development of Fe304 based catalysts containing cobalt
1.4 Discovery of Wiistite Based Fused Iron Catalysts
1.4.1 Search for new breakthrough of the technique
1.4.2 Activity of wiistite Fe1-xO based catalysts
1.4.3 Reduction of Fe1-xO based catalysts
1.4.4 Technical characteristics of wiistite-based catalysts
1.4.5 Significance of the Fe1-xO-based catalysts in theory
1.4.6 Industrial application
1.5 Discovery of Ruthenium Based Catalysts
1.5.1 Properties of the elements in the activation of dinitrogen
1.5.2 Properties of the elements in ammonia synthesis
1.5.3 Alloying effect
1.5.4 Activated carbon supported ruthenium catalysts for ammonia synthesis
Chapter 2.Catalytic Reaction Mechanisms of Ammonia Synthesis
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 The development of catalysis theory
2.1.2 The chemical essences of catalysis
2.1.3 The methodology of catalytic investigation
2.2 Adsorption and Heterogeneous Catalysis
2.2.1 Adsorption and heterogeneous catalysis
2.2.2 Non-uniformity of the surface of heterogeneous catalysts
2.2.3 Isotherms of chemisorptions
2.2.4 Rate of adsorption: Elovich equation
2.2.5 Chemisorption state Chemisorption states of hydrogen Adsorption states of nitrogen Infrared spectroscopy study of nitrogen adsorption The study of electronic energy spectroscopy for nitrogen adsorption The study of adsorption of N2 on non-iron metals
2.3 Mechanism of Catalytic Ammonia Synthesis Reaction
2.3.1 Elementary reactions
2.3.2 Catalytic reaction mechanisms for ammonia synthesis The mechanisms of ammonia synthesis reaction The mechanisms of ammonia decomposition Isotope exchanges of N2 Distinguishing reaction mechanisms
2.3.3 Analysis of microreaction intrinsic kinetics of ammonia synthesis Analysis of reactor The conclusion of microkinetic analysis
2.4 Kinetics of Overall Reactions for Ammonia Synthesis
2.4.1 General relation between overall reaction and elementary steps
2.4.2 Two-step sequences
2.4.3 Fundamental hypothesis of Temkin theory
2.4.4 The reaction rate equation of Temkin-Pyzhev for ammonia synthesis
Chapter 3.Chemical Composition and Structure of FusedIron Catalysts
Chapter 4.Preparation of Fused Iron Catalysts
Chapter 5.Reduction of Fused Iron Catalysts
Chapter 6.Ruthenium Based Ammonia Synthesis Catalysts
Chapter 7.Performance Evaluation and Characterization of Catalysts
Chapter 8.Performance and Application of Catalysts
Chapter 9.Effect of Catalyst Performance on the Economic Benefits of Catalytic Process
Chapter 10.Innovation and Speculation