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書城自編碼: 2481944
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: 刘杰
國際書號(ISBN): 9787508528793
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
出版日期: 2014-09-01

頁數/字數: 427/300000
書度/開本: 16开

售價:NT$ 1692



** 我創建的書架 **

刘杰所著的《人权--中国道路英文版》试图从 一个具有国家情怀的人权研究者的角度理解中国的人 权状况和人权进步的内在逻辑。作者认为,人权保障 在理念上是所有人都无条件赞成和支持的,但在人权 保障的方式和路径的选择上则不应该也不可能是一成 不变的。对于13亿中国人而言,只有他们自己才有资 格决定自己应该如何保障人权,如何走出一条适合自 己的人权道路。
Chapter I China''s Road to Human Rights- Connotations, Value and Internal Logic
I. Re-discrimination of the basic concept
II. Value characteristics of China''s road to human rights
III. Support for legitimacy
IV. Internal logic of China''s road to human rights
Chapter II Historical Veins of Change and Derivation of China''s Road to Human Rights
I. Dilemma of the autocratic government and the failed attempt
to protect human rights in the late Qing Dynasty
II. Twists and turns in human rights development in the
Revolution of 1911 and the Republic of China period
III. Emergence of the new road: human rights development
in the revolutionary base period
IV. Early period of new China: exploration of a new road
of human rights protection
V. After the beginning of reform and opening up: gradual
formation of the road to human rights with Chinese
Chapter III Theoretical Innovation. Ideological Foundation for China''s Road to Human Rights
I. "Eastward transmission of western sciences" and the
introduction of idea of human rights
II. Marxist idea of human rights: laying the foundation
for building China''s view on human rights
III. Mao Zedong''s idea of human rights: preliminary
exploration to the human right theory with Chinese
IV. Deng Xiaoping''s human right thought "putting
people first"
Chapter IV Chinese Democracy and China''s Road to
Human Rights
I. Chinese democracy: the core value and institutional
bedrock of road to human rights
II. Chinese democracy and western democracy: different
concepts of democracy determine different choices of roads
to human rights
III. Development orientation of Chinese democracy:
providing new target steering for road to human rights
IV. Chinese democracy demonstrates the institutional
advantages of road to human rights
Chapter V Protect Human Rights on a Institutionalized
and Legalized Track
I. The institutionalizing and legalizing process of
protection of human rights
II. The institutional and legalized protection of
human rights
III. Upgrade the human right protection in an
institutionalized and legalized way
Chapter VI Embedded Human Right Protection System:
the Organizational Forms and Operation Mechanisms
of China''s Road to Human Rights
I. The leading position of the Communist Party of China
in human right protection system
II. Responsibilities of the government in the human right
protection system
III. Function embedment: principal composition in the
human right protection system of China
IV. Inclusion of principal resources for human right
V. Operation mechanism for human right protection
Chapter VII China''s Road to Human Rights Viewed from a
Comparative Perspective: Diversified Choices for
Human Rights Development in the World
I. The spread of the concept of human rights in the world
II. Diverse roads to human rights chosen by different
III. The diversity of civilizations determines different
roads to human rights
IV. Humanitarian intervention: a challenge to the right
to choose the road to human rights independently
Chapter VIII The Universal Moral of China''s Road to
Human Rights: Developing Human Rights in
Opening-up and Cooperation
I. China is an active participator in the world human right
II. China-US human right dialogue: seeking common views
in differences
III. Providing diversified selections for human right
development: the universal significance of the China''s
road to human rights
Chapter IX Road to Human Rights in Development:
New Situation and New Orientation in
Human Right Development
I. Empirical achievements of China''s road to human rights
II. Human rights development ecology in transition
III. Double restrictions and dilemmas in transition and
human right development in China
IV. Pushing the construction and growth of the country
with human right development
Main References



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