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『英文書』This Way, Ruby! (Scholastic Bookshelf) 卢比,这边!ISBN9780545169103

書城自編碼: 2480983
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Jonathan Emmett 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9780545169103
出版社: Scholastic
出版日期: 2010-02-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 32/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 348



** 我創建的書架 **

Ruby''s brothers and sisters are always racing off in search of adventure. "This way, Ruby!" they call, but Ruby, who is still the littlest, likes to take things slowly. She prefers to look at all the grassy banks, the willow trees, and the dragonflies, which is just as well, for when the ducklings get lost in a storm, it''s up to Ruby to find the way back home!
“I was born in Leicestershire in 1965, the son of a rig fitter and a
primary school teacher. I was fascinated with books from an early age.
As a small boy, I reorganised the spare bedroom of our house into a
library for my parents'' books. This might sound like a helpful thing for
a child to do, but instead of ordering the books by subject or author,
they were organised by size and colour, which made more sense to me at
the time.
I can remember visiting our local library as a toddler. The
picture books that we borrowed then, including "Where the Wild Things
Are" by Maurice Sendak, "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss and "Harold
and the Purple Crayon" by Crockett Johnson have had a great influence on
the picture books that I now write. The first children''s novel that I
read on my own was "The Folk of the Faraway Tree" by Enid Blyton. I went
on to read other popular children''s authors like C. S. Lewis, but like
many children of my generation, the author who made the biggest
impression on my early childhood was Roald Dahl.
It wasn''t until I
was about fourteen years old that it occurred to me that I might write
for a living. I tried to make the covers of my school rough books look
like the covers of novels. I produced a whole "Ruf Notes" trilogy as
well as "A Complete Guide to Ruf Notes" each with its own reviews and
biographical details on the inside covers and publisher''s blurb on the
back. Of course, there was nothing inside the books -except the rough
notes that I took during lessons!
In 1984 I came to Nottingham to
study architecture. It was while I was at college that I first started
developing my skills as a writer and illustrator. I was in a band for a
short time - it was a pretty crummy band. We never even played a gig, we
just fooled around pretending to rehearse. But, because I was the only
one that couldn''t play an instrument, I had to sing I am using the word
''sing'' very loosely here and this meant that I also had to write
lyrics. I enjoyed this and kept on writing lyrics and poems long after
the band had become no more than an embarrassing memory. Then, one day, I
decided to try to do an illustration to accompany the lyrics to one of
the songs. I was pleased with the result, so I illustrated some of my
poems, spending more and more time on each picture. Click here to see
some of these early illustrations!
As an architect, I worked on a
wide variety of projects including an art gallery, a theatre and an
airport check-in building. However, I was never very happy in the job
and was always saying that I didn''t want to be doing it in ten years
time. My wife, Rachel, was always telling me - selflessly - that she
would support me if I wanted to give up architecture in order to pursue a
career as a writer illustrator. But it was not an easy decision to
make – I was afraid that I might give up a steady job only to find that I
couldn''t get anything published. However I eventually made the switch
in 1995, a few months before my thirtieth birthday.
three months after leaving architecture I signed up with a good literary
agent and a couple of months after that I sold my first pop-up book
"Scraposaurus Wrecks". Unfortunately, although I completed the book, it
was never published. This was a big disappointment, but the fact that I
had sold the story, and been commissioned to illustrate and
paper-engineer it, gave me the confidence to continue working on
children''s books and I subsequently succeeded in getting into print.
am now a full time author paper-engineer with a growing number of
books in print and I really love my new job. I just wish I''d had the
courage to start doing it earlier!
I live in Nottingham with my wife Rachel, and my children Max and Laura.”



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