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《当代中国系列丛书》包括8个分册,以鲜明的中国价值理念为理论基础,涵盖中共十八大报告中“五位一体”总体战略布局中的经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设、生态文明建设等五个方面,全面介绍当代中国主要方面的基本情况和中国特色社会主义发展道路,塑造良好的国家形象。 武力、荣文丽所著的《当代中国经济》为丛书之一,重点阐述新世纪以来中国经济的发展变化,展示中国经济取得的成就,探讨中国经济发展道路。
內容簡介: |
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Natural Conditions and Economic System for Development
of Chinese Economy
Foundation and Natural Conditions for the Development
of Chinese Economy
Basic Economic System and Policies of China
Rapid Development and Level of Chinese Economy
Continual Reform Achieved Rapid Development
of Chinese Economy
Economic Development Achievements
in China in the New Century
Changes of China''s Economic Position in the World
The Industrial Structure of China
Industrial Structure of China and Its Changes
Development of the Primary Industry
Development of the Secondary Industry
Development of the Tertiary Industry
Opening of Chinese Economy to the Outside World
China''s Policy of Opening to the Outside World and Joining
International Economic Organizations
The Foreign Trade of China
Attracting Foreign Capital and Investment Abroad
of China
Employment of Residents, Urbanization
and Social Security
Population and Smployment: Steady Growth
and Change in Structure
Changes in Income Growth and Distribution Pattern
of Residents
Urbanization and Urban-rural Integration
Social Security: the Coverage Has Kept on Expanding
Goals and Countermeasures for the Development
of Chinese Economy
The Doubling Plan and Prospective Goal for the Economic
Development in China
Change of Development Pattern Faced
by Chinese Economy
Dual Task Unaccomplished: Government Transformation
and Market Development
New Start in Reform: New Deployment in 2013
Opportunities and Favorable Conditions for the Development
of Chinese Economy