? 科学严谨——语法细化拆分暗线贯穿,语音、汉字小步推进,逐级铺垫
? 实用有效——表达内容真实实用,培养有效学习策略
? 场景丰富——短课文、多场景,降低学习难度,增加语言接触面
? 自然幽默——复现幽默真题句,语言、配图与考试风格全面接轨
Combination of Testing and Teaching—The series covers 100% of the HSK Syllabus and is 100% consistent with the HSK test.
Scientific and Well-arranged—The grammar points are carefully divided and implicitly connected, and pronunciation and characters are taught in a step-by-step progressive manner.
Practical and Effective—The books pro