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書城自編碼: 2466799
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: 何之遥,胡燕娟
國際書號(ISBN): 9787550008649
出版社: 百花洲文艺出版社
出版日期: 2014-11-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 331/120000
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 241



** 我創建的書架 **

○ 内容经典、主题分明:强大的作家阵容、精辟的名篇佳作,主题划分清晰明了、章节叙述丝丝入扣。
○ 类型全面、学习性强:精选关于学业、情感、青春、选择、成长、梦想等美文故事和实用指导,在经典美文中记英文单词、诵智慧佳句、读文化背景。
○ 形式新颖、享受阅读:左右开双语对照、双色阅读;每一篇美文,都是一次精彩的成长;每一句名言,都是一次梦想的绽放。
Chapter 1 Growing in Memories
松树下的生命轮回/ 002
母亲之盒/ 008
父亲不可替代/ 014
难忘的出租车之旅/ 022
心中有爱,眼里才有爱/ 028
永远的玫瑰之约/ 034
永不忘却的纪念/ 040
我们不都需要帮助吗/ 050
少一些评价,多一些关爱/ 054
逝水流年/ 062
Chapter 2 Finding Inner Peace
收费员的美好生活/ 066
生活中最重要的东西/ 070
我在异乡的日子/ 076
通过感恩找到内心的和平/ 082
杂货铺老师/ 088
为生活所困/ 096
时隔二十五年的平静/ 100
把自己放在第一位/ 106
Chapter 3 Never Stop Dreaming
茫然无依之时/ 114
梦想的力量:世界上最矮的消防员/ 118
请求,请求,再请求/ 126
意志的魔力:将荒地变为绿林/ 132
展开梦想的翅膀/ 138
成为你想成为的人/ 144
我能做到/ 148
斯巴克:一个失败者的故事/ 152
口吃/ 156
梦想永不灭/ 162
Chapter 4 Managing Your Life
减压,从现在开始/ 172
别让你的愤怒左右你/ 176
情绪对人类行为和决定的影响/ 186
如何平衡学业和社交/ 194
你应该忘记的七条人生经验/ 198
七步让你更自信/ 204
一辈子的工作/ 208
公开演讲的艺术/ 212
Chapter 5 Awaking in Heart
铜币与人生/ 218
弯曲,但不折断/ 220
那些年学校没教给我们的事/ 224
中年冲浪第一课/ 228
内心平静,活在当下/ 232
给史蒂夫的小小心意/ 242
你在追求什么/ 252
如何不再愤怒/ 260
阅读带你进入更好的世界/ 270
做一个坚强的人/ 276
重生/ 280
Chapter 6 Choosing Better Future
现在就选择幸福/ 286
为什么大象不会逃走/ 290
如何对付“恶霸”/ 296
解决你没有注意到的问题/ 300
艰难时刻对自己说的话/ 306
常见的误解/ 308
致十年后的自己的一封信(一)/ 316
致十年后的自己的一封信(二)/ 320
致十年后的自己的一封信(三)/ 326
A Time for Memories
Sharon Wright
The memory of my mother and her teachings were, after all, the only capital I had to start life with, and on that capital I have made my way. ~Andrew Jackson
One balmy① summer afternoon, I sat on an old blanket under a pine tree chatting with my mother. For years, we had been coming to this park for family picnics and gatherings, and my mother and I often sat in this same spot.
In recent years, we usually just talked about life, but sometimes we recalled events from my childhood. Like the time I was thirteen and had my first date, when Mother brought me to this spot under the tree and told me about the facts of life. Or the time a few years later, when my hair turned out pink for my senior prom and she’d held me while I cried. But the most special event that occurred next to this tree was when I told Mother I was getting married. Tears filled her eyes and this time I held her while she cried. She told me she was sad to lose her little girl but happy to see that I had turned into a beautiful young woman.
Over the years, we’d watched the pine trees in this park grow tall and straight until their needles seemed to touch the clouds. Each year of their growth seemed to match our increasingly close relationship and the deepening love we had for each other.
On this particular sunny afternoon, Mother and I sat quietly breathing in the scent of freshly mown grass. She was unusually solemn and took me by surprise when she asked me, “Who will you bring here after I’m gone?”
I gave her one of my arched-eyebrow inquiries, then smiled. After a few moments, when she didn’t return my smile, I began to wonder what made her ask such a disturbing② question. Mother picked up a blade of grass and began to shred it with her fingernail. I’d become well acquainted with my mother’s habits, and this particular one indicated she had something serious on her mind.
For several minutes, we sat in silence gathering our thoughts. A couple of blue jays squawked③ nearby and an airplane flew overhead, but they didn’t ease the awkward moment between us. Finally, I reached over and took my mother’s hand in mine. “There’s nothing you can’t tell me, Mother,” I said. “We will handle this together, like we always have.”
She looked into my face, and her eyes filled with tears that spilt down her cheeks that were alarmingly④ pale. Even before she said it, I knew what was coming. Mother was dying.
I held her tightly while she told me that her heart condition was worsening and couldn’t be repaired. I think I had known for quite a while but had not been willing to admit it to myself. She’d had several heart attacks and, a few years ago, even open-heart surgery. What I didn’t know, and what she had kept from me, was that her condition wasn’t improving. We talked about her options, which were few; we cried, held each other and wished for more time together.
That was many years ago now. Mother died soon after that day, before my sons had a chance to know her. I still come to the park, but now I bring my boys. I still sit under that same sturdy pine tree on an old blanket and talk to my sons of family picnics, gatherings and the grandmother they never knew. Just as my mother did with me, I tell my children about their youthful antics and praise them for their accomplishments as young adults. We come to this special place to create our own memories that I know would make my mother smile with pride.
Not long ago my oldest son wanted to come to the park and talk, so we came and sat under our tree. He hemmed and hawed for a few minutes, then he finally told me he was getting married. I cried tears of joy as my son hugged me—his hug a rare and special treat. I told him how proud I was of the man he had become.
As I sat there that cool April afternoon soaking up the sun and the smell of freshly mown grass, I felt I had come full circle under this giant pine tree. Holding my son in my arms, I was happy for him, just the way I knew my mother had been happy for me all those years ago when I told her I was getting married.
Looking over my son’s shoulder, I saw that several young pine saplings had been planted recently. As these trees grow straight and tall, I thought, will the lives of my family continue to grow with them? I wanted to share this spot with my grandchildren, too.
The branches above were swaying in the breeze and in them I heard a whispering voice: Who will you bring here when I’m gone? It was my mother’s voice, and I tightened my arms around my son.
①balmy [''bɑ:mi] a. 芳香的,温和的
②disturbing [di''st:bi] a. 烦扰的,担心的,令人不安的
③squawk [skw:k] v. 呱呱地叫鸣,喋喋不休地发牢骚
④alarmingly [''lɑ:mili] ad. 让人担忧地



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