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書城自編碼: 2464696
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→自然科學數學
作者: [美]康奈尔 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787510070174
出版社: 世界图书出版公司
出版日期: 2014-03-01

頁數/字數: 582/
書度/開本: 24开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 801



** 我創建的書架 **

康奈尔编著的《模形式与费马大定理》内容介绍 :This volume is the record of an instructional conference on number theory and arithmetic geometry held from August 9 through 18, 1995 at Boston University. It contains expanded versions of all of the major lectures given during the conference. We want to thank all of the speakers, all of the writers whose contributions make up this volume, and all of the "behind-the-scenes" folks whose assistance was indispensable in running the con-ference. We would especially like to express our appreciation to Patricia Pacelli, who coordinated most of the details of the conference while in the midst of writing her PhD thesis, to Jaap Top and Jerry Tunnell, who stepped into the breach on short notice when two of the invited speakers were unavoidably unable to attend, and to Stephen Gelbart, whose courage and enthusiasm in the face of adversity has been an inspiration to us.
schedule of lectures
chapter Ⅰ
 an overview of the proof of fermat''s last theorem
glenn stevens
 1. a remarkable elliptic curve
 2. galois representations
 3. a remarkable galois representation
 4. modular galois representations
 5. the modularity conjecture and wiles''s theorem
 6. the proof of fermat''s last theorem
 7. the proof of wiles''s theorem
chapter Ⅱ
 a survey of the arithmetic theory of elliptic curves
 joseph h. silverman
 1. basic definitions
 2. the group law
 3. singular cubics
 4. isogenies
 5. the endomorphism ring
 6. torsion points
 7. galois representations attached to e
 8. the well pairing
 9. elliptic curves over finite fields
 10. elliptic curves over c and elliptic functions
 11. the formal group of an elliptic curve
 12. elliptic curves over local fields
 13. the selmer and shafarevich-tate groups
 14. discriminants, conductors, and l-series
 15. duality theory
 16. rational torsion and the image of galois
 17. tate curves
 18. heights and descent
 19. the conjecture of birch and swinnerton-dyer
 20. complex multiplication
 21. integral points
chapter Ⅲ
 modular curves, hecke correspondences, and l-functions
 david e. rohrlich
chapter Ⅳ
 galois cohomology
 lawrence c. washington
chapter Ⅴ
 finite flat group schemes
 john tate
chapter Ⅵ
 three lectures on the modularity of pr,3 and the langlands reciprocity conjecture
 stephen gelhart
chapter Ⅶ
 serre''s conjectures
 bas edixhoven
chapter Ⅷ
 an introduction to the deformation theory of galois representations
 barry mazur
chapter Ⅸ
 explicit construction of universal deformation rings
 bart de smit and hendrik w. lenstra, jr.
chapter Ⅹ
 hecke algebras and the gorenstein property
 acques tilouine
chapter Ⅺ
 criteria for complete intersections
 bart de smit, karl rubin, and rene schoof
chapter Ⅻ
 l-adic modular deformations and wiles''s "main conjecture"
 fred diamond and kenneth a. ribet
chapter ⅫⅠ
 the flat deformation functor
 brian conrad
chapter ⅩⅣ
 hecke rings and universal deformation rings
 ehud de shalit
chapter ⅩⅤ
 explicit families of elliptic curves
 with prescribed mod n representations
 alice silverberg
chapter ⅩⅥ
 modularity of mod 5 representations
 karl rubin
chapter ⅩⅦ
 an extension of wiles'' results
 fred diamond
 appendix to chapter ⅩⅦ
 classification of ρe,l by the j invariant of e
 fred diamond and kenneth kramer
chapter ⅩⅧ
 class field theory and the first case of fermat''s last theorem
 hendrik w. lenstra, jr. and peter stevenhagen
chapter ⅪⅩ
 remarks on the history of fermat''s last theorem 1844 to 1984
 michael rosen
 appendix a: kummer congruence and hilbert''s theorem



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