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書城自編碼: 2464406
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→農業/林業园艺
作者: 杨承栋
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030418401
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2014-09-23
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 348/521000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1512



** 我創建的書架 **

目 录
第一篇山杏生物学特性?不同林分的林木生长 及其与土壤立地条件关系
第-章山杏的生物学特性?生长立地条件与土壤性质变化 5
第一节山杏生物学特性与生长立地条件 5
第二节天然山杏林生长与土壤性质变化 5
第二章山杏人工林不同发育阶段土壤性质变化 8
第一节山杏幼龄林生长与土壤性质变化 8
第二节山杏中龄林生长与土壤性质变化 9
第三节山杏成龄林生长与土壤性质变化 11
变化的影响 13
第五节山杏人工林和天然林土壤中养分含量变化趋势 14
第三章研究的技术路线及试验设计 21
第一节技术路线 21
第二节不同育苗处理样地的试验设计 22
第四章培育与观测不同育苗处理样地的苗木 24
第一节头茬山杏苗?赤峰杨苗及山杏与柠条锦鸡儿混交苗的培育与观测 24
轮茬为山杏苗 44
第三节不同试验处理区设置的列区试验苗木生长的状况 71
第三篇不同育苗处理对土壤化学性质及生物学活性的 影响与调控机理
第五章不同育苗处理对土壤化学性质的影响 137
第一节山杏育苗地的前巷甜菜地土壤化学性质 137
第二节不同育苗处理的头茬育苗对土壤化学性质的影响 139
第三节重茬或轮茬不同育苗处麵土壤化学性质的影响 143
第四节不同育苗处麵土壤化学性质变化影响的趋势 147
第六章不同育苗处理对土壤微生物区系的影响 154
影响 154
根际与非根际土壤微生物区系 159
第四节不同前茬及不同树种育苗处理样地土壤中微生物区系 163
第五节山杏人工林和天然生长的山杏林的土壤微生物区系分析 167
第七章不同育苗处理样地中苗木根系RNA和DNA含量 170
第八章不同育苗处理对土壤中戊糖和己糖含量的影响 173
第一节土壤雌测定的方法与含量 174
第二节不同树种不同茬育苗处麵土壤雌含量的影响 175
趋势 180
第四节不同树种育苗处麵根际和非根际土壤中己糖含量的影响 181
变化 182
第六节不同育苗处理样地中苗木的根际与非根际土壤己糖含量变化趋势187 第七节头茬?重茬山杏苗及头茬?重茬赤峰杨苗的根际和非根际
0.25mm粒径土壤戊糖?己糖含量变化 189
及其影响苗木生长的机理分析 191
生长关系 194
及其与苗木生长量的关系 199
第一节土壤氨基酸分析方法 200
第二节不同树种育苗处理样地中苗木的土壤氨基酸种类变化趋势 201
含量 203
及其与苗木生长量变化的关系 208
第六节不同树种不同茬育苗处理样地土壤中酸氨基酸种类与含量 238 第七节不同树种不同茬育苗处理样地的土壤中氨基酸的种类与含量变化特征
及其影响苗木生长的作用机理 245
种类?含量及其与土壤粒径大小的关系 248
主要种类及其含量变化与影响苗木生长的作用机理探讨 251
变化趋势及其与苗木生长量变化的关系 253
研究意义及其提取与检测 291
测定结果 294
与苗木生长量变化的关系 295
酶活变化与苗木生长的关系 299
第一节试验设计和试验样品的采集 300
第二节根系和叶样品的前处理及酶的提取与相关酶活力测定 300
活力变化及其与苗木生长的关系 302
主要参考文献 328
后iB 330
致谢 331
Introduction Significance of Armeniaca sibirica " Lam. in national economy and
ecological environment construction 1
Part One Biological characteristics of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam. & different stand growths and its relationship with the soil site conditions
Chapters 1 Biological characteristics of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam.,site conditions
for the growth and changes in soil properties 5
Section 1 Biological characteristics of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam. and site
conditions of growth 5
Section 2 Natural forest growth of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam. and changes
in soil properties 5
Chapters 2 Changes in soil properties of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam. plantations
at different developmental stages 8
Section 1 Juvenile forest growth of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam. and
changes in soil properties 8
Section 2 middle-aged plantation growth of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam.
and changes in soil properties 9
Section 3 Mature plantation growth of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam. and
changes in soil properties 11
Section 4 The change trend of nutrients of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam.
plantations at different developmental stages 13
Section 5 The change trend of soil nutrients of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam.
Part Two The seedling cultivation by different treatment to the different kind of the tree nurseries and and the observation of seedling growth
Chapters 3 Technical route and experimental design of different treatments 21
Section 1 Technical route 21
Section 2 Experimental design of different treatments to the different kind
of the tree nurseries 22
different kind of the trees nurseries 24
Section 1 Cultivation and observation of seedlings of first rotation of Armeniaca sibirica8. Lam. Pojndus x''Zuanica cv.
‘ chifengensis’ and Armeniaca sibirica mixed with Caragana
korshinskU 24
Section 2 Cultivation and observation of seedlings of second rotation of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam.,PojuUs xiazhuanica cv.
4 chifengensis^ and Armeniaca Sibirica in site of previous vegetation of Armeniaca Sibirica L. Lam. with Caragana kor shinskU Kom
in different treatments to the different kind of tree nurseries 44
Section 3 Seedling cultivation in subplot of different treatments and the
observation of seedling growth 71
Part Three The impact on soil chemical properties & microflora and biochemical activity by different treatments to the different kind of tree nurseries and its regulation mechanism
Chapters 5 The soil chemical property change by different treatments to the different
kind of tree nurseries 137
Section 1 The soil chemical property change of the plot planned to grow Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam. after the previous rotation of
Beta vulgaris L. 137
Section 2 Soil chemical property change of the first rotation after the end
of the growing season by different treatments to the different kind
of the tree nurseries 139
Section 3 The soil chemical property change of second rotation of seedling
cultivation by different treatments to the different kind of the tree
nurseries 143
Section 4 The change trend of the soil chemical properties by different
treatments to the different kind of trees nurseries 147
Chapters 6 The soil microflora change by different treatments to the different
kind of trees nurseries 154
Section 1 The analysis of soil microflora of first rotation by different
treatments to the different kind of trees nurseries 154
Section 2 The relationship of soil microbial species change with seedling growth at first rotation by different treatments to the different
kind of trees nurseries 157
Section 3 The analysis of soil microflora in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere at different growing times of the second rotation of Armeniaca sibirica8 Lam. ,Populus xiazhuanica cv. ‘Chifengensis,and Armeniaca sibirica in site of previous vegetation of Armeniaca sibirica with Caragana korshinskU Kom in different treatments
to the different kind of tree nurseries 159
Section 4 Different previous vegetation impact on the soil microflora change
by different treatments to the different kind of trees nurseries 163
Section 5 The soil microflora of Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam. plantations
and natural forest 167
Chapters 7 The contents of roots RNA and DNA of nursery stock change by
different treatments to the different kind of trees nurseries 170
Chapters 8 The contents change of pentose and hexose in rhizosphere and non- rhizosphere soil by different treatments to the different kind of tree
nurseries 173
Section 1 Method for determination of the amount of soil pentose 174
Section 2 The content change of the pentose in soil rhizosphere and non-
rhizosphere at different growing times of the first rotation and the second rotation by different treatments to the different kind of
tree nurseries 175
Section 3 The change trend of the content of the soil pentose in rhizosphere
and non-rhizosphere at different growing times of the first rotation and the second rotation by different treatments to the different kind of trees nurseries and its relationship with the growth of
seedlings 180
Section 4 Method for determination of the amount of soil hexose 181
Section 5 The content change of the soil hexose in rhizosphere and non-
rhizosphere by different treatments to the different kind of tree
nurseries 182
Section 6 The change tendency for the content of the soil hexose in
rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere by different treatments to the different kind of tree nurseries and its relationship with the
growth of seedlings 187
Section 7 The content change of soil pentose and hexose in rhizosphere and
non-rhizosphere for the trees of Armeniaca sibirica and Populus xiazhuania cv. 4Chifengensis,of first rotation and second rotation 189
Section 8 The content change of soil pentose and hexose in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere with the different kind of trees with the different
treatments to the different kind of tree nurseries and the analysis
of the mechanism of its impact on the growth of seedlings 191
Chapters 9 The content change of proteins of leaves and roots by different treatments to the different kind of tree nurseries and its
relationship with the growth of seedlings 194
Chapters 10 The content change of soil amino acids in different treatments of the
different kind of tree nurseries 199
Section 1 The method for determination of the soil amino acids 200
Section 2 The change trend for species of the various amino acids by different treatments in soil to the different kind of the tree
nurseries 201
Section 3 The contents of the various free amino acids in soil by different
treatments to the different kind of tree nurseries 203
Section 4 The characteristics of the content change of various free amino acids in soil by different treatments to the different kind of tree
nurseries 207
Section 5 The change trend for the content of the various soil free amino
acids by different treatments to the different kind of tree nurseries
and its relationship with the growth of seedlings 208
Section 6 The species and content of the various acidolysis amino acids by
the different treatments to the different kind of tree nurseries 238
Section 7 The characteristics of the content change of the various acidolysis amino acids in soil by different treatments to different
nurseries 245
Section 8 The content and species of various acidolysis amino acids in soil
and their relationship with the size of soil grains 248
Section 9 The content change of the main acidolysis amino acids in the soil
and its mechanisms for the impact on the growth of seedlings 251
Section 10 The change trend for the contents of the various acidolysis amino acids with the different treatments to various kind trees and its
relationship with the growth of seedlings 253
Section 11 Investigation of the role of the soil tryptophan,its extraction and
determination in the different treatment nurseries 291
Section 12 The determined results of the soil tryptophan content in the
different treatment nurseries 294
Section 13 The change trend for the content of the soil tryptophan by
different treatments to the different kind of trees nurseries and
its relationship with the seedling growth 295
to the different tree nurseries and iSs relationship with seedling
growth 299
Section 1 Experimental design and the collection of the test samples 300
Section 2 The pre-treatment and extraction and determination of the enzyme
solution of the root and leaf samples 300
Section 3 The enzyme activity change of leaves and roots by different treatments to the different tree nurseries and its relationship with seedling growth 302
References 328
Postscript 330
Acknowledgement 331
绪 论
山杏[Armeniaca sibiricai! Lam]是我国北方干旱?半干旱地区主要造林落叶亚乔 木树种,也是我国北方干旱区域?丘陵地区特有的资源经济林树种,具有“铁杆鎌”和“摇 钱树”之称?分布在我国青海?内蒙古?黑龙江?辽宁?河北?山西?陕西?甘肃等地,是内蒙 古?西北?华北山区及河套地区主要造林树种,我国“三北”地区山杏资源近200万hm2? 俄罗斯?蒙古国也有分布?该树种喜光’耐干旱瘠薄?耐寒性能强’并具有一定程度的耐盐 碱等生物学特性,还具有可观的经济效益?按中等立地条件的土壤来衡量,每亩①山杏每 年出售杏仁可获经济效益200元?在我国干旱?半干旱地区,因受气候条件限制,年降水 量较少,与此同时,土壤不同程度盐碱化的区域分布面积较广,这使得这些地区可以选择 的造林树种受到一定的限制,黯经济效益的适生树种就更难选择?山杏的生物学特性, 使得该树种在我国“三北”地区生态环境建设之中,在绿化荒山荒地?改造退化地?退耕还 林以及在丘陵山地植树造林工程中,起着举足轻重的作用,我国中西部地区每年需要培育 大量山杏苗木供春季造林季节栽植,仅内蒙古赤峰市敖汉旗,每年需要的山杏苗就达到 60万"80万株?然而目前摆在林业工作者面前一个十分棘手的问题是山杏重茬育苗不 能成活’也许是由于山杏特有的生物学特性对土壤性质产生了特有的影响’致使那些凡是 已经培育过山杏苗的苗圃地,第二年不能再用来重茬培育山杏苗,如果重茬育苗,当重茬 山杏苗木生长达到高15"30cm时,幼苗叶色发黄?根发黑,逐渐成片死亡,死亡率达到 95%以上,即使是幸存下来的少数苗,长势也较差,远达不到正常苗木质量等级标准?更 为麻烦的是,已经培育过山杏苗的土地,不仅仅是第二年不能再用来培育山杏苗,第三年? 第四年乃至十年之后’仍然不能再用来重新培育山杏苗?著者在内蒙古赤峰市翁牛特旗 调查研究中发现,经过12年的轮茬,再育山杏苗,苗木仍然不能成活?著者在赤峰市敖汉 旗新惠林场调查时,得知该林场拥有20多万亩林地,其中相当大的面积属于荒山?荒地或 采伐迹地,有待造林更新,每年需要大量的山杏幼苗,然而该林场现有的几百亩苗圃地,已 经不能再用来培育山杏苗了,原因是该林场苗圃地,均已育过山杏苗,如此情况’迫使林场 不得不从农民那里租地育苗’这不仅给林场在经营管理方面带来不便’也给林场的经济效 益带来损失?不仅如此,轮茬其他作物,生长量也明显低于相似立地条件和未育过山杏苗 土壤上的生长量?目雌得林业科技工作者?特别是森林土壤工作者深思的问题是*为什 么重茬培育山杏苗有别于其他树种育苗,其他造林树种虽然存在重茬育苗长势较差现象, 但不存在不能成活的问题,况且通过施肥或轮茬,长势差的问题就能得到解决,唯独山杏, 重茬育苗时’即使是通过施肥或换茬,重茬育苗还是死亡’更为严重的是’问题不仅是重茬 育苗不能成活,即便是重茬更新,即连栽山杏也不能成活,就连在山杏林冠下栽山杏也不 能成活?如此严重影响“三北”地区林业生产的实际问题,至今报道的论著甚少?
当今世界范围内为了满足人口不断增长,工业迅速发展对木材需求量日益增加的需 要,人工林面积在逐渐扩大,我国是世界上人工林面积最大的国家’占世界上人工林面积 的三分之一以上,由于人类不合理的利用土壤资源’地力衰退现象颇为严重’林木生长量 大幅度下降,然而截至目前,尚未发现像山杏这样的树种,重茬育苗不能成活,尤为奇怪的 是,即使通过轮茬’也不能再用来培育山杏苗了,如此情况,不仅在国内属于罕见,在国际 上也未见到类似的报道,为了揭示重茬山杏育苗不能成活?土壤性质发生恶化的原因,解 决我国“三北”地区林业生产中的舰问题和实际问题,著者有幸获得国家自然科学基金 资助,开展了这方面的固定样地定位酿和临时样地调查酿?
著者据多年来从事我国杉木?按树?赤峰杨xiazmanioi W. Y. Hsuet Liang cv. ‘Chifengensis,?马尾松?落叶松等树种人工林土壤质量退化研究工作经验杨 承栋等,2009,认为重茬山杏育苗不能成活的关键问题,很可能在山杏根系-根际土壤-土 壤微生物-土壤生物化学活性物质之间发生了特有的相互作用’使根际土壤性质发生了变 化,微生物属?种发生了变化杨承栋和焦如珍,1.9.,导致山杏根系代谢活动中关键性生 物化学活性物质种类和含量发生变化’致使根系正常代谢活动受阻’进一步影响到山杏苗 的正常生长,最终导致重茬培育山杏苗不能成活杨承栋等,2009;杨承栋等,1996;俞新 妥,1989;张宪武,1980?
著者历时三年,通过对不同茬?不同发育时期山杏幼苗根际土壤性质研究,其中包括 土壤pH变化?土壤中大量元素和微量元素含量变化?土壤中微生物属种及数量变化研 究;山杏代谢活动中关键性生物化学活性物质种类和含量变化研究,其中包括蛋白质含量 变化?DNA和RNA含量变化?转移酶活性变化?氧化还原酶活性变化和水解酶活性变 化?土壤中多种糖类物质含量变化?土壤中氨基酸种类和含量变化研究,较系统地揭示了 重茬育苗土壤性质恶化影响山杏幼苗正常生长的原因机理,找出重茬山杏育苗难以成活 可能与土壤中三大类微生物数量变化?微生物属种变化有关;与土壤中微量元素含量大 幅度下降有关;与山杏苗根际土壤中戊糖含量不足?进而影响到山擁物体内的非常重要 的生命物质核酸的代谢与合成有关;与山杏根系土壤中己糖含量不足?进而要影响到山杏 植物体内糖代谢?进一步影响到三羧麵环的正常进行有关;与土壤中氨基酸种类减少? 含量下降密切相关;与山杏根系和叶片中蛋白质含量较低有关;与山杏根系中转移酶类? 水解酶类和氧化还原酶类活性较低等密切相关?
与此同时,通过试验,发现培育山杏与与条锦鸡儿Caragana korshinskii Kom混交 苗,可解决山杏重茬育苗难以成活这个困扰山杏栽培和经营中的难题,并阐明其作用机 理?该研究结果为持续地培育符合苗木质量标准的山杏苗,维护土壤功能,实现可持续经 营,提供了可靠的科学数据?科学依据和有价值的经营技术措施?
本著作的发表,对我国北方地区?特别是干旱和半干旱地区山杏育苗和山杏经营,均 具有重要的舰价值和应用价值,对研究其他造林树种人工林土壤质量退化过程及其防 治技术途径与原因机理,也同样黯重要的舰价值和应用价值,著者将在本书的各章节 中,分别论述?
山杏生物学特性?不同林分的林木生长 及其与土壤立地条件关系
山杏属于亚乔木?产于黑龙江?辽宁?内蒙古?山西?河北,生长于海拔200?1500m 的荒山丘陵?草原?灌丛中?俄罗斯?蒙古国也有分布郑万钧,1985?
山杏喜光,大多生于阳坡?根株萌芽性强?用种子繁殖,直播造林?也可先种子育 苗,再用实生苗造林?为内蒙古?西北?华北山地?丘陵及荒漠化地区造麵种?
山杏木材深黄褐色?纹理直,结构细?坚硬,相对密度0. 64?0. 66?果肉薄,宜作杏 脯?种仁苦,供药用郑万钧,1985?
山杏根系发达?在土中长得很深,吸收土壤深层次中水分,根系在土壤中主要集中分 布在0?50cm范围内,耐干旱瘠薄?耐雜强,并黯一定程度的耐盐?碱性能,著者在内 蒙古赤峰市翁牛特旗巴嘎他拉苏木的调查研究中发现,山杏耐盐碱性能强,在pH为 10. 30?含盐量为0. 55%?0. 88%的土壤环境中,营造山杏也可以成活?山杏分布的主要 土壤类型为褐土和山地褐土?
山杏[Armeniaca sibirica L. Lam]是我国北方干旱?半干旱地区主要造林树种?落 叶亚乔木,也是我国北方干旱丘陵?山地特有资源经济树种,具有“铁杆庄稼”和“摇钱树” 之称?分布在我国青海?内蒙古?河北?山西?陕西?甘肃,是内蒙古?西北?华北山区及河套 地区的主要造麵种,我国“三北”地区山杏资源近200万hm2?在我国干旱?半干旱地 区’因受气候条件限制,年降水量较少,与此同时,土壤不同程度盐碱化’可选择的造林树 种很少’而山杏由于其特有的生物学特性,抗逆性强,因此成为这些不良立地条件地区首 选的造麵种?
鉴于山杏育苗过程中存在着重茬育苗难以成活,为揭示山杏重茬育苗过程中苗木难 以成活的原因机理’找出防治山杏重茬育苗难以成活的技术途径?并阐明机理,本书将首 先对相似立地条件天然山杏林和人工山杏林的生长状况,及其与土壤的微生物区系和土 壤化学性质变化的关系作研究’具体酿内容在本章第二节和第二章中作分别论述?
为了合理保护?开发和利用天然山杏林,本书首次通过设置调查研究样地,对天然山 杏林进行了林木生长量调查,并对其土壤性质进行了调查酿,在三个立地条件基本相似 的天然山杏林中,分别设置调查研究样地,样地面积400m2,在样地内做林分生长状况调 查,在根系集中分布区,挖土壤剖面,采集0?50cm 土壤样品,分析土壤的微生物区系和 土壤化学性质?
林分麵及林木生长:天然林?平均冠幅:东西冠幅为2. 8m,南北冠幅为2. 9m?平 均树高:2. 7m?根系分布深度主要集中在0?50cm 土壤之中?
土壤剖面位置:坡位为中下坡,坡向为东南坡坡 坡度:5°
林分麵及林木生长:山杏天然林?平均冠幅:东西冠幅为2. 9m,南北冠幅为3. 2m? 平均树高:2. 4m?根系分布嫌主要集中在0?50cm 土壤之中?
林分麵及林木生长:天然林?平均冠幅:东西冠幅为1. 8m,南北冠幅为1. 6m?平 均树高:2. 1m?根系分布深度主要集中在0?50cm 土壤之中?



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