內容簡介: |
此外,《女性的胜利——劳伦斯〈虹〉中女性形象研究》还研究了劳伦斯对小说中男性人物汤姆、威尔、安东和厄秀拉舅舅汤姆矛盾的态度。 一方面,劳伦斯对这些男子的不足之处、弱点进行了批评;另一方面,他对他们寄予了同情。《女性的胜利——劳伦斯〈虹〉中女性形象研究》揭示了隐藏在小说中人物对新生活的追寻,在追寻、探索的过程中,他们不同程度地从各方面实现了梦想,获得了满足,这也显示了劳伦斯对父权社会及工业化隐性批评的复杂心理。
Chapter 1Lawrences Perception of Women23
1.1Feminist Movements Impact25
1.2Love Experiences Impact29
Chapter 2The Triumph over Men in Sexuality31
2.1Lydias Triumph over Tom33
2.2Annas Triumph over Will34
2.3Ursulas Triumph over Skrebensky37
Chapter 3The Triumph of Women in Domestic Power43
3.1Unnamed Brangwen Womens Triumph over Men
3.2Lydias Triumph over Tom45
3.3Annas Triumph over Will47
Chapter 4Women as Victors in Character59
4.1Lydias Unconventional Character59
4.2Annas Powerful Character60
4.3Ursulas Unyielding Character63
Chapter 5Womens Outlook Far beyond Men69
5.1Anonymous Brangwen Womens Aspiration69
5.2Lydias Wider Outlook71
5.3Annas Further Outlook72
5.4Ursulas Profound Outlook73
Chapter 6Lawrences Ambivalent Attitude towards Men97
6.1Ambivalent Attitude towards Tom98
6.2Ambivalent Attitude towards Will106
6.3Ambivalent Attitude towards Skrebensky111
6.4Ambivalent Attitude towards Uncle Tom113