实验一 单隔室模型模拟实验
Experiment 1:One—compartment simulation experiment
实验二 大鼠在体小肠吸收实验
Experiment 2:In situ intestinal absorption experiment in rats
实验三 外翻肠囊法测定磺胺嘧啶肠吸收
Experiment 3:Everted intestinal sacs as in vitro model for assessing absorption of sulfadiazineSD
实验四 水杨酸的经皮渗透试验
Experiment 4:Percutaneous permeation of salicylic acid
实验五 磺胺嘧啶表观油水分配系数测定
Experiment 5:Determination of n—octanol water partition coerceients for sulfadiazine
实验六 平衡透析法测定药物的血浆蛋白结合率
Experiment 6:Studies of drug binding to plasma protein using equilibrium dialysis
实验七 睾酮大鼠肝微粒体中的体外非线性代谢研究
Experiment 7:A non—michaelian behavior of the in vitro metabolism of testosterone by employing rat liver microsomes
实验八 尿药法测定核黄素片剂消除速度常数
Experiment 8:Determination of the elimination rate constant 0f riboflavin from urinarv excretion data
实验九 对乙酰氨基酚在家兔体内药物动力学研究
Experiment 9:In vivo pharmaeokinetic study of acetaminophen in rabbits