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『簡體書』常春藤英语 五级·上(常春藤英语系列)

書城自編碼: 2448833
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→中小學教輔九年级/初三
作者: 聂成军
國際書號(ISBN): 9787300196503
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
出版日期: 2014-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: /234 千字
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 297



** 我創建的書架 **

本书是按照《义务教育英语课程标准》五级要求编写的,适合初三学生阅读。本册作者精心收录了你在习得中文时就耳熟能详的寓言故事,如:以诗歌的形式呈现的The Blind Man and the Elephant,The Lost Camel。本册书还收录了英美初中生必读的篇目,如:The Emperor and the Major,The Make-Believe Indian 等等,这些故事要么揭示做人的真谛,要么激发你的斗志为你的梦想奋斗。另外,作者为了帮助读者能更轻松地阅读喜爱的篇章,对重点词汇进行了文后释义,并针对主要情节、事实用阅读理解题的方式使读者有一份读后的成功感。而且,在每篇文章的最后作者通过问题的形式激发读者的思考,搭建了一个书面表达自己思想和见解的平台。
1. Stories of Tigers
2. The Fox and the Stork
3. Red and Black
4. The Blind Man and the Elephant
5. Health of the Body — Cleanliness
6. The Travellers and the Bear
7. Houses Made of Snow
8. The Daw in Borrowed Feathers
9. The Trunk of the Elephant
10. Tit for Tat
11. The Sailor and the Monkeys
12. Half the Profit
13. The Praise That Changed the Life
14. The Stone in the Road
15. The Lost Camel
16. A Faithful Dog
17. The English Girl and Her Ayah
18. Whale Hunting
19. Birds in Summer
20. The Wonderful Pudding
21. Happiness Doesn’t Need a List
22. The Story of the Morning-glory Seed
23. Weather Prophet Plants
24. Health of the Body — Clothing
25. The Saint Bernard Dog
26. We All Can Become Angels
27. Grandfather’s Bear
28. The Duke and the Cow-boy
29. Little Dick and the Giant
30. The Law of Life Grandma Taught Me
31. No One But Yourself Can Defeat You
32. King for a Meal
33. Catching Wild Elephants in Ceylon
34. The Lion
35. Heart-shaped Pillow
36. Health of the Body — Exercise and Rest
37. Feathers in the Wind
38. Rlaeigh’s Two Plants
39. The Parrot
40. The Emperor and the Major
41. The Make-believe Indian
42. The Ostrich
43. The Giraffe
44. The Farmer and the Fox
45. Wes Lematta and His Helicopters
46. The Old Eagle Tree
47. Christmas with Doctor Grenfell
48. The Elephant
49. A Beaver Town
50. Coffee
51. Boomerang
52. The Noblest Revenge
53. Ace of Aces
SOME years ago, a number of English officers in India went out to hunt. On their way home after their day’s sport, they found in the jungle a little tiger kitten, not more than a fortnight old.
They took it with them; and when they reached their tent, the little tiger was provided with a tiny dog-collar and chain, and tied to the tent-pole, round which it played and frisked to the delight of all who saw it.
Just as it was growing dark, however, about two hours after the capture, the people in the tent were checked, in the midst of their mirth, by a sound that caused the bravest heart among them to quail.
It was the roar of a tiger! In an instant the little kitten became every inch a tiger, and strained at its chain with all its baby strength, while it replied with a loud wail to the terrible voice outside. The company in the tent were panic-struck. There was something so sudden and so wild in the roar.
Suddenly there leaped into the centre of the tent a huge tigress! Without noticing a single man there, she caught her kitten by the neck. She snapped, by one jerk, the chain which bound it; and, turning to the tent door, dashed off at full speed. One cannot be sorry that not a gun was levelled at the brave mother as she bore her young one off in triumph.



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