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書城自編碼: 2432985
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→文化文化评述
作者: 吴柏祥 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787308130844
出版社: 浙江大学出版社
出版日期: 2014-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 210/363000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 351



** 我創建的書架 **

吴柏祥,1968年生,文学博士,教授。浙江省高职高专英语专业带头人。曾任教育部高等学校高职高专英语教学指导委员会委员2006--2010,现任宁波职业技术学院国际学院院长。作者师从顾力行Steve J Kulich教授,致力于当代中西文化的核心价值及跨文化身份认同研究。曾获得曾宪梓教育基金会“高等师范院校优秀教师奖”、“宁波市教学成果奖”。
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Rationale of the Study
1.1.1 Why study ICI construction?
1.1.2 Why study media hero reports?
1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Methodology and Data
1.3.1 Media database
1.3.2 Coding guide and rating procedures
1.3.3 Methods of analysis
1.4 Organization of the Book
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Research Trends on Identity
2.1.1 Identity study in 1C
2.1.2 Identity research in psychology, sociology and anthropology
2.1.3 Identity theory and social identity theory
2.2 ICI Research as a Response to Globalization
2.2.1 Intercultural personhood
2.2.2 Theories on intercultural identities
2.2.3 TDEM
2.2.4 IIMT
2.3 Media as a Platform for Identity Construction
2.3.1 Media as a platform for IC
2.3.2 Media and national identities
2.4 Research on Heroes
Chapter Three The Identity of National Media Heroes
3.1 GMD Hero Identity Construction
3.1.1 Hero reports of GMD in 2010 and 2011
3.1.2 GMD reported Chinese heroes, villains and opponents
3.1.3 The heroic actions and achievements
3.1.4 Outcomes
3.1.5 Discussion on CH
3.2 NYT Hero Identity Construction
3.2.1 Hero reports of NYT in 2010 and 2011
3.2.2 AH, villains and opponents of NYTin 2010-2011
3.2.3 Heroic actions
3.2.4 Outcomes
3.2.5 Discussion onAH
3.3 The Similarities and Differences between CH and AH
3.3.1 Similarities ofCH andAH
3.3.2 Differences of CH andAH
3.3.3 Summary: hero stereotypes based on GMD and NYT
Chapter Four The Identities of Intercultural Media Heroes
4.1 Media World Hero Identities
4.1.1 Identity of GMD-reported world heroes
4.1.2 Identities of NYT world heroes
4.2 Media Foreign Hero Identities Construction: Three Cases Study
4.2.1 Nelson Mandela: the anti-apartheid icon
4.2.2 Steve Jobs: the legend of innovation
4.2.3 Sim6n Bolivar: the liberator
4.3 A Case Study on Controversial Media Foreign Hero Identities Construction
4.3.1 Ferdinand E. Marcos: the world''s second most corrupt leader
4.4 Discussion on World Hero Identities
Chapter Five Realization of IC Identity Construction
5.1 The Development of CFH
5.1.1 The development in demographic features
5.1.2 Occupation
5.1.3 Mission, achievement and outcome
5.1.4 Rewards
5.1.5 Villains and opponents
5.1.6 Summary on the development of CFH
5.2 The Development of AFH
5.2.1 The development in demographic features
5.2.2 Occupation differences
5.2.3 Mission, achievement and outcome
5.2.4 Rewards
5.2.5 Villains and opponents
5.2.6 Summary on the development of AFH
5.3 ICHI Construction Model
5.3.1 TDEM on ICHI
5.3.2 ICHI construction model
5.4 ICI Construction Model
5.4.1 ICHI as the NSR
5.4.2 ICI construction model
5.5 IIMT and Reasons Behind the Construction oflCHI
5.5.1 The construction and development oflCHI in IIMT framework
5.5.2 Discussion: ICHI development in IIMT framework
5.6 Summary
Chapter Six Discussion and Conclusions
6.1 Major Findings
6.1.1 The national hero construction model
6.1.2 The international hero construction model
6.1.3 The reasons behind the construction of the heroic identities
6.1.4 The construction model oflCHI and 1CI
6.2 Theoretical and Practical Significance of the Study
6.3 Limitations of the Present Study
6.4 Suggestions for Future Research



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