內容簡介: |
曹晋、文森特·莫斯可、莱斯莉·里根·谢德编 著的《传播与社会的批判研究英文读本》选取了34 篇新媒体最新研究的 英文论文,主题聚焦全球经济一体化语境 中新媒体和商业主义构连的侵蚀、社会运 动倡导、劳工抗争、阶级分化、社会性别 等级化、技术监控等多种权力关系交织的 社会情境如何宰制现代民族国家中的消费 主体,为中国大陆学界提供了全球最新的 批判传播研究成果。
第一章 Class
1. Communication and Social Class
2. Dallas Smythe Today -- The Audience Commodity, the Digital Labour Debate,
Marxist Political Economy and Critical Theory. Prolegomena to a Digital
Labour Theory of Value.
3. Media Clubs.. Social Class and the Shared Interpretations of Media Texts
4. On the Material and the Dialectic: Toward a Class Analysis of Communication
5. Patenting Life: Commodification, the Patent Regime, and the Public Interest
6. Trapped in the Digital Divide: The Distributive Paradigm in Community
第二章 Social Movements
7. Anonymous: From the Lulz to Collective Action
8. Assessing the Radical Democracy of Indymedia: Discursive, Technical,
and Institutional Constructions
9. At the Margins of Internet Governance: Grassroots Tech Groups
and Communication Policy
10. Ecological Ethics and Media Technology
11. Public Interest Media Activism and Advocacy as a Social Movement .. A
Review of the Literature
12. The Emerging Global Movement on Communication Rights:
A New Stakeholder in Global Communication Governance?
Converging at WSIS but Looking Beyond
13. US Environmental Group Websites and the Content of Cultural Production
第三章 Labour
14. Digital Labour, Species-Becoming and the Global Worker
15. Expression and Expropriation: The Dialectics of Autonomy and Control
in Creative Labour
16. Holding Down Half the Sky .. Female Knowledge Workers and
Flexible Employment in China''s Publishing Conglomerates
17. Network Labour and Non-elite Knowledge Workers in China
18. Hollywood Unions and the Fight for Work
19. Immaterial Labor, Precarity, and Recomposition
20. Looking for Labor in Feminist Media Studies
21. Working Knowledge: Why Labour Matters for Information Studies
第四章 Gender
22. Empire and Sweatshop Girlhoods.- The Two Faces of the
Global Culture Industry
23. Engendering Change? Gender Advocacy in Open Source
24. Feminist Issues and the Global Media System
25. Gender, Simulation, and Gaming: Research Review
and Redirections
26. Malia Obama, Girl Photographer
第五章 Social Media
27. Can an Algorithm Be Wrong?
28. Critical Media Studies 2.0 : An Interactive Upgrade
29. Privacy as a Luxury Commodity
30. The Precarious Citizen: Control and Value in the Digital Age
31. Users Like You? Theorizing Agency in User-Generated Content
32. Web 2.0, Prosumption, and Surveillance
33. Why Youth Heart Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked
Publics in Teenage Social Life
34. Surveillance Impediments.. Recognizing Obduracy with the
Deployment of Hospital Information Systems