內容簡介: |
1 Let''s Go Somewhere!
Tooic Trio oreoarations and travel
Vocabularv Tasks before a trip; airline travel
Functions Saying you''ve forgotten something
Lesson A : Listem''ng Speaking Before you go
tlocabulary Link: Tasks before a trip
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Reduced have to and has to
Speaking Com,刀unication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B
Video Course Travel
Global Viewpoints: Travel
City Living: Mexico - here we come!
2 Indoors and Outdoors
Topic Indoor and outdoor environments
Vocabulary Items around the home
Functions - Saying what you want; expressing something is prohibited
Lesson A Liteningand Speaking At home
Vocabuary上加上;Around the house
Listening: Activities l-5
Pronunciation: Plural endings s, z, and/Iz
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Course Places and rules
Global Viewpoints: My dream home Rules
City Living: Imaginary beach
3 Life Is All About Change
Topic Life changes and the future
Vocabulary The stages of life
Functions - Expressing intentions
Lesson A Listening Speaking The times of your life
Vocabulary Link: The stages of life
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Emphasis patterns
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Course In the future
Global Viewpoints: Turning points In the future
City Living: Go with the flow
4 Health
Topic Illness, symptoms, and treatments
Vocabulary Symptoms and remedies
Functions Checking how someone feels
Lesson A Listening and Speaking How do you feell
Vocabulary Link: It gave me indigestion.
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Dropping the H
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Course Getting better
Global Viewpoints: Getting better
City Living: It must be a miracle!
5 Student Life
Topic Student life
Vocabulary Applying to and starting college
Functions Asking about meaning
Lesson A Listeningand Speaking Starting out
Vocabulary Link: Applying to and starting college
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Reduced pronunciation of going to
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
Lesson B Video Course Afcer graduation
Global Viewpoints: After graduation
Five years from now
City Living: The letter
6 Telecommunications
Topic Telephoning and cell phones
Vocabularv TeleDhoninPt
Functions Making a phone call
Lesson A Listening and Speaking Telephoning
Vocabulary Link: A telephone auiz
Listening: Activities 1-5
Pronunciation: Repeating to clarify information
Speaking Communication: Activities 1-2
7 Sports and Hobbies
8 Men and Women
Review: Units l-4 Testing Your Listening Comprehension
Review: Units 5-8 Testing Your Listening Comprehension