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NEW FOR MCAT 2015 Get everything you need to ace the Organic Chemistry material on the new MCAT exam.
The MCAT is being entirely overhauled in 2015--and students planning on taking the test after January 2015 will need to prepare for a longer, tougher exam. The Princeton Review''s MCAT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY REVIEW""is designed specifically for those test-takers. It features:
"Everything You Need to Know For a High Score: "
- In-depth coverage of the challenging organic chemistry topics on this important test
- Bulleted chapter summaries for quick review
- Full-color illustrations, diagrams, and tables
- An extensive glossary for handy reference
- Strategic guidance and effective test-taking techniques
"More Practice Than Ever: "
- 3 full-length practice tests online
- End-of-chapter practice questions
- MCAT-style practice passages
- Detailed answer explanations for every practice question
In MCAT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY REVIEW, you''ll gain mastery of topics like:
- MCAT 2015 Basics
- Structures and Bonding
- Substitution and Elimination Reactions
- Electrophilic Addition Reactions
- Lab Techniques and Spectroscopy
- Biologically Important Organic Chemistry
And more